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Let me introduce you to my best friend. His name is Jesus. I know what you're thinking, OK, here's another one of those weird Christian things, but it's not. Let me tell you, He's real. Don't believe me? Well, I'll tell you why I believe He lives in a bit. For now, just keep reading. I want to tell you a true story. There was a man that lived over 2000 years ago. His name is Jesus. Now, Jesus was very unusual, or at least, He was born under unusual circumstances. Believe it or not, His mother was a virgin. Yes, folks, a virgin. Please pick up your jaws and read on. I'm not trying to kid you. As if this isn't hard enough to swallow, guess what, there's more. See, far away in a field, there were some sheep keepers. They were kickin' back, lookin at the stars and watching for lions, when a bright, heavenly light, shone all down on them. Yup, that's where I got the name for this page. But, back to the sheep. The sheep keepers looked around thinking, "What on earth?" That's when they found out that it wasn't from Earth. All of a sudden, the most beautiful creature any of these men had ever seen stood before them, shining from the inside out. I mean literaly. This creature was so beautiful that it made the men afraid! But it said "Don't be afraid. I bring you good news. Today, in the city of your King David, the Savior of the World was born!" Then, the whole sky was filled with more of the beings. They were angels! Angels, people! They had come to sing about the birth of Jesus! The sheep keepers jumped off their butts and ran, straight to where baby Jesus was lying. Now, you would expect a little baby like that to be lying in a soft bed indoors, right? Wrong. See, just before Jesus was born, the Roman ceaser had ordered a census to be taken of all the people in the country. Every man was to take his family to the city he was born in. Bethlehem was so crowded by the time Mary and Joseph (Jesus' parents) had reached it, that there was no room for them in any inn. Still, one kind innkeeper, seeing that Mary was very preagnent, let the couple stay in the stable. The stable! Jesus was born in a stable! When the sheep keepers found them, baby Jesus was sleeping, in a cattle trough. Can you believe it? But He was. Oh, but there's more. See, before long, three kings waltzed up. They had come from far, far away lands to bring valueable gifts to this little baby. Know how they got there? They followed a star. Not just any star, mind you, but a brand new one. It shone exactly over the place where baby Jesus was lying! Is that not amazeing?! But, I forgot to mention one thing. Actually, it's the most important thing in this entire story. Jesus, the little Baby, is the Son of God! For real! This little Baby was and is the Beloved Son of the Creator of the universe! How awesome is that!? But, I'm gonna let you think about this story for a while. When you get ready, and when I can get it up, come back for the next installment in the Life of Christ. Believe me, there are many amazeing true stories to come!