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Zeus is god of the heavens and all other gods. Please excuse the spelling and gramar errors, my notepad I used to create this site didn't have spell check and it get annoying siting infront of a computer for 10 hours stright so give me a little slack. PLEASE LET THE BACKGROUND LOAD!!!!!! Click one of the links to visit Zeus's rein. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! This site was created By Brad Ellman for Mrs. Safras 11th grade Greek Mithology report on the Odyssesy. © Copyright 2003 BradEllman WebSites. The title" The Zeus Project"® is a registered trademark of Brad Ellman WebSites. Please no copys without printed permission ( all the registered junk is fake I dont care if you copy this site I just did that to make it look professional. hope I succeded)

Where Zeus resides
Why Zeus is famous
Zeus's first apperance
Zeus's relationship to other characters
Physical characteristics
Work Cited
