Curbstone Lives | Tom Lawson
Curbstone Lives

I can compare my journey through life,
to 30 curb stones layed out infront of you,
in a
line.You spend all your time walking back and forth,
wasting your time
all the time, your feet are centimetres away from
slipping out from under you, and you come crashing

The wind blows, something is pushing you,
to go faster and achieve more steps than you want
you get hurried, you make mistakes and you begin to
have trouble keeping to the track layed out infront
of you.
One foot steps wrong, and you slip... down, down....



And you hit rock bottom, and it hurts, there's
no one around to pick you up. You've spent all your
walking your 30 curbs as many times as you can,
forgotten about everyone else,
and theres no one else left, because when they
you were to goddamn stubborn to step of your course,
and pick them up.

No, now you're ALONE, and you're on the floor,
where it's dirty. And all around you becomes a safe
a heaven, a paradise on earth, sun's shining,
the sound of childrens laughter rings
in your ears,
you crawl and crawl and crawl to try to get to this

However, wherever you go, you are followed by
your own bubble, the bubble you've lived in since
you were born. You make it to a flower bed,
Beautiful daffodils blowing in the wind, as you
crawl towards them, they enter your bubble, wither
away, die, and rot down, it starts to rain, and
thunder and lightening fill your bubble, for years
you torment yourself. You think,'if only i had
stayed on my curb, neatly balanced'. You're wrong,
everyone out there in the 'heaven', the 'paradise
on earth' stepped off their curb, and picked
someone else up.

You chose your curb.

Life is more than a straight line.
Help yourself, at the next curb in your line of 30,
take a left, or a right...
