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voici l aplace ou on mais les poeme que tout le monde m'envoi leur poeme par couriel si vous voulez  m'envoyer vos poeme a mon couriel   et je serai ravi de recevoir vos poeme pour mettre sur mon cyte web!!!


Dreams Of Love

Touching you in my dreams

Feeling your heat
       Love words whispered to me
 My soul set free
        I feel your breath caress my face
        Opening my eyes
       I cry
           For no more am i in your warm embrace

i feel the tears
What do i fear
        Was you real or just in my dream
      Reaching out in the night
Emptied handed,i am scared
 More than my sad heart can be bare

Closeing my eyes
 Smiling for i know in my dreams you will be there
Feeling your sweet love
With me you only share
Afraid of the daybreak
      You seem to always fade away
Know this i will never stop till you are home
    Here with me ,not at night in my thoughts
     Never will i stop searching till i find you
          Not in my dreams but real in my life never to be apart