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bek andoloro
ann marie bouet
greg braquet
janet buck
richard denner
richard fein
robin hillard
valerie polichar
jessy randall
sandy steinman

Feature Artist
m. morgan

Junket in the Spring
  Clay Bass
bass small

Sweet Then Sour
We drank White Russians in a bar. Spiked foam was just a creamy toy to tinker with....

Cosmo's Sonnet
Saturdays under a bridge in Brooklyn through summers that melted Coney Island Sundays...
Through Glass
Here you want to put your fist through glass; want pieces of bone in traction deeper than wounds....

Not A Butterfly Dreaming
for I have only a whimsy of flight, and if I were to alight on a blossom the pollen would make me sneeze. Besides, I've seen my true dreamer....

Books in Bed
Loving you and reading a book in bed -- I can't do both! The book is so voluptuous, its pages like 354 breasts beckoning....

Kolomoki Park
Sunlight hits the water like stars cast down to shatter into daylight...
Judy Beats the Blues
Early that morning she uncovers mirrors, Shiva's over, grieving should end. Judy's opera-loving dearest Uncle Ben now dead...
bird and flower

Titty Bar
Indigenous to the lair, feeding off smoke and a famished stare, she levitates, constricts....
Was It Rabbie Burns
Was it Rabbie Burns who said the devil came to a witches feast shaped like a big black dog?
Que Petite Sirah, Sirah
I hear what the guests say/ Big, dense, robust and rambling/ Where is his modesty?

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