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Buffy's Loves

You would think that school is boring right? NOT FOR ME!!!! In my favorite class with my favorite teacher we get to make a site for what we want. Here it is folks, my Buffy Website! Welcome and enjoy!!! Don't worry all of her friends don't bite, for now!!!*Wicked Evil Laugh*

Buffy Ann Summers had many loves in her time at Sunnydale. Including Angel, Riley, and even Spike.


Angel thought he was going to live out a normal life as an Irish layabout who spent his time avoiding work, getting drunk, and fighting with his family,amoung many others. One night when coming out of a tavern, Angel was confronted by Darla. Very drunk and intrigued Angel was easily taken by the woman who soon became his sire.

After becoming a vampire, Angel's life became much more active then it was before his meeting with Darla. His first act as a vampire was to kill the family he had long hated, taking extra pleasure in ending his father's life. A hundred years went on with Angelus becoming the most feared of all vampires.

Then one night Angel drank from a gypsy girl his sire gave him. Unknowingly Angel was ending his reign as the worst vampire ever. The gypsy girl had been the favorite daughter of the tribe. With grife in thier hearts, for the lost loved one, the gypsies placed a curse on Angel... the worst thing that could be brought upon a vampire... the return of his soul.

Angel spent another hundred years trying to deal with the pain of what he had done. Until a chance meeting happened. Angle meet a demon named Whistler who put purpose back into Angel's life. He saw the young, shallow Buffy dicovering her destiny as the Slayer of all evil and decided that in due time he would help her. A year later, the Slayer arrived in Sunnydale and was confronted by this "mysterious stranger". He soon grew to be a regular, nightly member of the scooby gang and, in time, fell in love with Buffy.

And on the night of Buffy's 17th birthday they consummated their relationship.

This, of course, turned into an awful tragedy. The curse that had been placed on Angel many years ago granted him his soul, but when he experienced a moment of true happiness the soul would be gone, and the demon Angelus would return. The evil Angelus returned and set his heart on torturing Buffy in any way he knew possible.He even resorted to killing her watcher's girlfriend.He had become the turely evil monster that he had been those hundreds of years ago. His wish was only to do the greatest thing that a monster like him could do and attempt to destroy the worl. In the end, Buffy had to kill her beloved and send him to Hell. Sadly, just before he was dammed to hell forever, Angel's soul returned, and they shared a final kiss as Buffy was forced to kill him.

By some odd twist of fate, Angel was returned to earth, soul and all, to "fulfil his destiny". After a year of fighting the love bettween each other, Angel decidesd to leave Sunnydale and cause Buffy no further pain.

Being orphaned as a little boy didn't leave Riley Finn many choices for his life. He had always wanted to grow up to be a hero and when the U.S. Army offered him a job in a special oganization, The Initiative, he saw his oppertunity.As he became one of the head soldiers in this company he caught the eye of Maggie Walsh, who soon became a mother figure to Riley. After being trained he moved to Sunnydale the center of the Initiative's plan where by day he was Professor Walsh's assitant and by night he was another soldier of the Army.

After moving to Sunnydale he met Buffy in the local univeristy. He fell in love at first sight, but was not sure that he would be able to be close to her because of his big "secret identity". All the while, Buffy was living her double life, as the Slayer and a freshman college girl.Soon Riley realized that Buffy was the infoamous vampire slayer. Although they both knew each others secrets they still had a hard time getting over their fears of starting a real relationship. Finally, after a couple of months, they began a romatic relationship.

Although their relationship had been going well, after a while Riley began to feel a little insecure about how Buffy was stronger, tougher, and more indepentdent. To add to their troubles, Angel had heard of the trouble with some of the monsters that Buffy was fighting and had returned to help. This began to make Riley feel as if Buffy was still intrested in her previous lover.

After incountering problems in the Initiative. Riley began to work with the Scooby Gang. At almost the same exact time it was found out that Maggie Walsh was using the Initiative for her own personal use.

She had created her own little Frankenstien. A creature, hybrid demon and human, who was simple called Adam. The problem was she gave him a mind of his own and free will to control it. He soon, after killing Prof. Walsh, began to cause a riot in the town becoming not only a danger to the scooby gang but also a danger to society.

After a while the gang was finally able to defeat Adam and soon after the Initiative was disbanded. The Army was convinced that there was no longer a need for the Initiative but that they still needed the soilders they had trained to work there. Riley was told that his position in the U.S. Army would hold and that they would like him to leave Sunnydale with the rest of his group.

Riley left this desicion to Buffy. She wasn't very good at expressing her feelings and before she could make up her mind Riley was leaving. When she finally did decided what she wanted she ran to find that the plane carring Riley had just left.

Riley later returned to ask Buffy's help in a mission and when the subject of their previous relationship was brought up Riley told Buffy that he had married a women that worked in the same commando group as he did. Torn apart Buffy lefted hoping to never see Riley again.


William was a poet and a proper English gentlemen.Being a very akward and quite man didn't make life easy for him either.

He rarely every showed his feelings to a woman even if he was sure she had the same feelings for him. One night at a literature reading, that he commonly attended, he finally got the guts to tell a young women named Cecily of his feelings. Sadly, she did not return his feelings and sent william into a great depression. He ran out into the streets of London with tears streaming down his face. He soon, unfortunatly, ran into Drusilla.

This encounter would of course change his life in ways he didn't even dream possibly, in an abandoned alley way in London, Dru bite the poor depressed William and turned him into the Spike we have come to know and love today. Although his features were not changed at first.

Spike was accepted by Dru's group of vampires and ran with them all through Europe. Spike had finally become the man he had alwalys wanted to be. He changed his personality as soon as he became a vampire,from apperance,dialogue,and his name.

In 1880, Angelus,then a vampire without his soul and at that time the leader of the group, told him tha if he did not settle down a little his method of killing his victims would eventually kill him. Oh, and that if his methods didn't not kill him the slayer would.

After hearing about the slayers Spike became obsessed with the slayers and his goal to kill them. His first victory over a slayer was during the Box Rebellion in China. This Spike felt was the final change from William the bloody poet to Spike the truely evil vampire that he had wished so hard to be. After killing his first Slayer Spike gained the respect of many of the other vampires in his "group", including Angelus. Spike and Drusilla soon broke away from the vampire group and roamed the earth for the next century or so.

Spike And Drusilla

Spikes ego soon began to deflate. That was until 1977 when he killed the latest slayer in New York City. He took one thing to remember this victory, the leather coat that has become a trademark of Spike.

Somewhere bettween 1977 and 1997 Drusilla and Spike were involved in a mob in Parque,Spain. During this mob Drusilla was severly injured and had convinced Spike to take her to the hellmouth in hopes that it would restore her to her former health. Spike, who of course bent at her every command, did as he was told and took Dru to Sunnydale. Upon thier arrival Spike decided he would kill the Slayer that was now living in Sunnydale. Although what he didn't know was this slayer was very different. Buffy at this time was involved with Angelus, Spikes former leader, and he didn't plan on letting Spike just kill her.

On Spikes first attempt to kill Buffy, Spike failed to kill her but killed the leader of the local vampire clan and took control of all vampires in Sunnydale. Although Spike continued in his attempts to kill Buffy, they always seemed to fail. After a few months Spike was finally able to restore Drusilla's health but sadly was severly injured in the process(mainly, by Buffy kicking butt)and his injuries left him confined to a wheelchair. During this time Angelus had, once again, lost his soul and was slowly moving in to win Dru's heart(wait, vamps don't have hearts, make that her love) Of course, being confined to a wheelchair didn't give Spike a real good advantage so he had to sit helplessly and watch. He finally decided that he would stopp worrying and formed a plan, he would help the slayer kill Angelus if the slayer would spare Dru's life.

His plan worked and he successfully won back Drusillas love. They left Sunnydale and lived in South Africa for about six months.

In 1998, Spike was once again hit hard by the loss of a loved one. Once again Dru was out to brake his heart. She had been cheating on Spike for quite some time with a vengence demon. The end wasn't an easy break either they fought, at lenght, about, who else, Buffy. Drusilla claimed "You're all covered with her. I look at you... all I see is the Slayer." This only proved one thing, even on another continent, Spike couldn't get away from Buffy.

Being the crazy vampire that he is Spike returned to Sunnydale and kidnapped Xander and Willow. His intentions in this plot was to have Willow cast a spell upon Drusilla to make her love him again. But soon after getting the crude beat out of him, he returned to Dru to try and win her love back.

About a year later Spike returned to Sunnydale once again without Drusilla but this time he wasn't alone. He had began to see a newly turned vamp named Harmony. Spike hadn't come back to Sunnydale for sightseeing either, he was after the Gem of Amara. It would give him immortality from everthing, including the sun. He, with the help of his still loyal vamp legions, soon finds the Gem, but then Buffy ends up fighting him and he loses it again.

Obviously not happy with the loss, Spike finds that Buffy has given the Gem to Angel, a.k.a. Angelus for those that have gotten the names a little confused, who is now living in Los Angeles. Spike soon followed the Gem and kidnapped and tortured Angel until his friends gave him the Gem. Sadly, the Gem is stolen by another vampire and is then destroyed by Angel.

When he returned to Sunnydale he was captured by the initiative and, although he escaped quickly, he found that a chip had been implanted in his brain. This chip would not let Spike feed on any human, it also stopped him from even hitting Buffy.

After breaking up with Harmony ,and learning that he had no way to hunt, he teamed up with Buffy and started to work for the side of good. After a week or so a distraut and angry Willow made a wish that put many things haywire. This wish, or spell, made, among many other things, Buffy and Spike fall in love. THEY EVEN BEGAN TO PLAN THEIR WEDDING!!!

So after the spell was corrected Spike and Buffy went back to hating each other. Spike also found that he could kill deamons and others vampires so he went back out on his own although he still did some odd jobs for the Scooby Gang.

In 2000, Spike remaind in Sunnydale determined to get the "evil little chip" out of his head. Not being able to kill really put a cramp in his style as one of the most notorious vamps around and he saw his way out of this when he meet Adam. Adam was the newest nemesis and he had offered a great reward to Spike if he helps tear the Slayerettes apart. Being his normal jurk self he used his time with Buffy and her friends to sperate Willow, Xander, and Buffy. But he soon failed and Adam turned on him. He eventually apologizes to the Gang and helps them defeat Adam.

Spike finally found the chance to get the chip out of his head when a doctor came to fix Riley's heart condition. After, spike and harmony kidnapped the doctor and the operation was through Spike went to kill Buffy but after only hitting her once he found that the doctor had not removed the chip and he was still unable to hurt her.

Soon after their little rumble Spike has a revelation through a dream... he's in love with Buffy. He find out that he doesn't want her dead but he wants her to love him. After this dream Spike trys hard to be the "good" vamp, but only for his own reasons at first. As he works Spike watches Buffy from afar hoping that Buffy does not suspect anything. As Spike watches over her house one night, Spike catches Riley sneaking off to a vampire house to be bit by one of the vampires. Spike, not truly wanting to hurt Buffy, informs her of what Riley has been doing and then watches as there relationship falls into shambles.

A couple months later Buffy finds out that spike is in love with her. (How, you ask, her kid sister, Dawn, told her.)

This doesn't exactly make her jump up and down for joy. She, in fact, turned Spike away completely not even talking to him anymore. A sad Spike returns to the crypt, that he has called home for some time now, and finds Drusilla waiting. Dru had plans of rekindling their love and going on killing spree, altough Spike had other plans. Taking Drusilla up on her original offer guides her to where Buffy is. He eventually ends up holding them both against a wall telling Buffy that he would prove his love to her by staking Drusilla. Buffy would not admit to his love and Spike was almost ready to let Dru go on Buffy but then he finally kills her and falls into his lonesome retreat again. After this fiasko Buffy de-invites Spike from her home and turns him away once again.

About to fall to peices Spike hires someone to build him an exact robot replica of Buffy. He finally is able to enjoy 'having' Buffy. The gang eventually finds out when Spike is captured and tortured by Glory, the Hellgod looking for the key. She mistakenly thinks that Spike is the key, while all the while it was Buffy's sister Dawn.

Spike, still holding onto his love for Buffy, does not tell Glory the true identity of the Key. Buffy finds this out and is very thankful that he did not tell. Finally, Buffy gives Spike some credit, something he worked very hard to get.

After Buffy found out everything that had been happening she asked for Spikes help on a mission that would result in the end of the world if they failed. Buffy had to go on the road to get away from Glory, who now knew that Dawn was the Key. Spike accepted the challenge but soon he had to fight to help get Dawn back. Buffy finally showed Spike the real respect he wished for when she invited him into her home again and asked him to watch over Dawn. Spike, being hopelessly in love, said he would take care of Dawn "until the end of time".

The Scooby Gang was able to keep Dawn alive but at a severe price. Buffy gave her life in the process. For the first time ever Spike showed his true feelings for Buffy. As the gang stood in disbelef over Buffy's broken body, he openly sobbed over the lose of the one he loved.

Although Buffy was dead Spike wasn't going to let her down by not keeping his promise. Within the nest few months Spike continued to protect Dawn by helping the Scooby Gang hunt vampires and deamons. He also took care of Dawn when the others needed him to. The slayerettes had a plan to bring Buffy back to life and they had not fillied Spike or Dawn in on this. When Spike first saw her he was not intrested because he believed she was the BuffyBot.

Spike felt happy and sad to see Buffy back, after he found out that she wasn't the bot. He was somewhat disturbed by the fact that Buffy had been brought back by magical means and he didn't have the courage to face Buffy and tell her that he hadn't protected Dawn well enough. Spike wasn't sure how but Buffy had changed somehow. She had began using Spike as her confidant and with this came the responsiblity to know that Buffy had not been brought back from Hell but from Heaven.

Spikes life began to change more than he had expected. He was now a part of the Scooby Gang, no officialy, but he was accepted. Spike had also been the only one Buffy talked to about her experiances in heaven and he felt this to be an even greater sign of her confidence in him. Spike felt as though he was finally getting through to her. Spike and Buffy soon became more then just friends. Thier realtionship was a little unortidox i'll admit but who can resist these two together, and when has Buffy ever had a normal realtionship with a guy?

Eventually Buffy decided that she could not continue a realtionship with Spike. Broken hearted and totally alone Spike went off to find the one thing that would change her mind.

While in africa Spike meet a deamon that said he could hepl give Spike what he was looking for if Spike passed the test. After a long mission, three trials... one a day, Spike was given his reward by the Deamon. His Prize? The return of his Soul.

Spike's Song To Buffy:

I died, too many years ago

You can make me feel,

like it isn't so.

Why you come to be with me,

I think I finally know...

You're scared, ashamed of what you feel

You can't tell the ones you love

You know they couldn't deal.

Whisper in a dead man's ear

Doesn't make it real....

That's great, but I don't wanna play

Being with you touches me more than I can say.

Since I'm only dead to you,

I'm saying stay away,

And let me rest in peace.

Let me rest in peace,

Let me get some sleep.

Let me take my love and bury it

In a hole 6 foot deep

I can lay my body down

but I can't find my sweet release...

So let me rest in peace.

You know I'm your willing slave.

And you just love to play the part

And you might misbehave.

But till you do, I'm telling you

Stop visiting my grave,

And let me rest in peace.

I know I should go,

But I follow you like a man possessed.

There's a traitor here beneath my breast

And it hurts me more than you've ever guessed.

If my heart could beat it would break my chest...

But I can see you're unimpressed,

So leave me be.

Let me rest in peace

let me get some sleep

Let me take my love and bury it

In a hole 6 foot deep.

I lay my body down

But I can't find my sweet release...

Let me rest in peace.

Why won't you let me rest in peace?

Although the lyrics of the song sound a little harsh. Spike truly meant love through it.

The Scoobie Gang


Known as the Sunnydale high computer genius and the best study partner that you can have, Willow wasn't one of the most popular kids in Sunnydale. She first meet Buffy through her infinate knowledge of the things everyone was studing. Although they had their moments, Willow and Buffy became best friends.

Always being the shy girl in school didn't help Willow to get alot of attention at school but soon after meeting Buffy she began to get alot of attention from the deamon type. Her role as sidekick was easily fulfilled with her expetise at hacking. Which came in handy when trying to find the plans for the city seware system or when looking for a distraction at the high school.

Although she was not that outgoing with guys she still hit it off with a few. Xander, long time best friend, was one of the first to flop hard. Although Willow had always harbored a crush on him the flame just didn't last. Then another man entered Willows life, Oz the big bad guitar playing werewolf. Willow fell hard for the punk rocker and he fell hard for her.They spent a long time together until a problem began to arise. Oz was having a hard time controling his wolfisness around her. Leaving Willow heartbroken, he left Sunnydale to find his center and to try and learn to control his abilites.

She soon after began her life in the halls of Sunnydale University where she became friends with, fellow wiccan, Tara. After they spent awhile together doing spells and helping with problems of the scooby gang they soon developed a physical relationship. Even after the return of her long lost love, Oz, Willow choose to stay with Tara.

Sadly thier relationship started falling apart when Willow developed an addiction to magick. Tara left Willow and sent her even furthur into the dark arts looking for a way to make it better.

It wasn't until Willow, with Dawn, got into a car wreak that she understood how messed up she had really become. Willow made the desicion to quite...cold turkey, and eventually Tara returned to her. There reunion was cut short when Warren, head hancho of the evil Trio, murdered Tara.

Enraged with the lose of her best friends and lover, Willow returned to the black arts. Looking for any possible way for revenge. After murdering Warren in cold blood, Willow fought Buffy and decided to destroy the World. Luckily, the one thing that could turn her back to the light was near by. The love and friendship of Xander, her best friend since birth, brought her to her senses in the nick of time.


Xander, the wiseass of the scooby gang, has oddly been one of the weirdest of the group. Being born and raised in sunnydale gave Xander the advatanage of knowing about some of the creepy things going on in the town.

Xander was never really one of the "good" students at Sunnydale high so instead of continuing on into Sunnydale University, with the others, he took up odd jobs ranging from washing dishes in a strip joint to bartending to working in construction. Although he seems to lack the ability to hold his attention on one thing for longer then ten minuets, Xander has beome a vital part of the Scooby Gang.

Willow, his best friend since most likely birth, worked hard to keep Xander from getting hurt or hurting other women. Although his crush never truely went away, Xander keep his distance as was asked by Buffy. His taste for women was nearly spoiled when he fell in love with the Incan mummy, the she-mantis teacher, and his "normal" high school girlfriend Cordelia. Although his taste was obviously bad, that didn't mean that it wasn't intresting. Xander even once had a quickie with the unstable Slayer Faith.

Finally his luck with women changed when he meet, the former vengence deamon, Anya. They fell in love, although their age differance was about a thousand years apart. Trying to get past his fear of commitement Xander proposed and Anya accepted immediately. Sadly, Xander relized that he could not commite to her and left her standing at the alter. Soon after Anya, with the broken peices of her heart in her hand, returned to her demonic ways.

A very disappointed Buffy didn't speak to Xander for a while but they soon reafirmed their friendship and continued on in thier normal everyday lives.


Born in the legacy of Watchers, Rupert Giles, began teaching Buffy of her job as the slayer. After graduating from Oxford, Giles dreamed of becoming a fighter pilot or a grocer, two extreams that are rather extream. Naturally, he was forced by the council to continue his training as a watcher. After being told this, he decided to become rebelious... soon transforming into Jack the Ripper.

He eventually worked through that stage of his life and contiued on with his inevitable responsibilities as a watcher. Giles began his life in Sunnydale as the Librarian of the local high school.Although this job did take up very little of his time he spent most working with Buffy, guiding and training, herOver time Buffy and Giles became close, especially sence Buffy didn't real have another father figure in her life, this provided much needed emotional support during the slayers training sessions.

Sadly, the Watchers Council fired Giles when he told her that he would revoke her powers temporarialy so she could participate in her 18th birthday "ritual". The Council sent Wesley Price to take over the duties that Giles had been caring for many years. Although the new watcher tryed to take charge the Scooby Gang continued to go to Giles with there problems and evetually Buffy quit working for the council. Weasley soon left Sunnydale to help Angel in his search for goodness.

Although Giles spent most of his time helping the scoobies and working for the school, he did have a moment or two for a love life. Giles, although rather shy, ended up with two ladies in Sunnydale...the high schools loved but lost computer teacher Jenny Calender and a former girl from England, Olivia.

Quote of the Day


I dream of Nicky

XaNDeR! click here!

disclaimer: all buffy and angle affiliated things are owned by the wb and others. None of the pictures are mine there are borrowed from friends, that I know, around the world.

Buffy Sites

Vampires Kiss
Sinister Attraction
Smashed Fanlisting
Buffy and Angel Love Pics
Buffy base Site(non official)
Buffy -Slayer
Buffy photo Album
Spike Info

What am i going to add?
