Rhyme or Reasons



Welcome to Rhyme or Reasons Shadowboxes. Each Shadow box is handcrafted
and decorated by myself, Jack Roberts, and many contain my poetry.
Would you like to have your favorite work showcased like this?
Custom work can be arranged. Inquire by emailing me at:


New!! Banner Born of Freedom shadowbox

"Banner Born of Freedom" Shadowbox
$25.00 + shipping
Dimentions 10 1/2" x 8 1/2" x 2 1/4"

Banner Born of Freedom

I could hear her popping in the wind
As overhead she flew
This banner born of freedom
The proud Red White and Blue

As I stood and watched her waving
From the flagpole high above
It reminded me of those who died
To make free, this land we love

Lets us not forget the price was paid
To bring freedom to this land
For this flag’s no more than fabric
Set apart from which it stands

So here’s to you Old Glory
May you up there always be
May your Stars and Stripes forever wave
Above this land so proud and free.

Jack Roberts – April 1, 2003


2003 Mother's Day Shadowbox

"2003 Mothers Day shadowbox"
In two colors
$25.00 + shipping
Dimentions 10 1/2" x 8 1/2" x 2 1/4"
"A Mother's Love"

There is a special kind of love
Between a mother and her child
A love designed to last forever
Unchanged, by time or miles

A Mothers love is such
That none other can compare
God gave it to her special
For her and her child to share

It’s been passed down through the ages
Throughout time this love extends
Each generation is a link
In a chain of love that never ends

Thank you Mom for all the times
That you’ve been there for me
And for showing me the blessing
That a Mothers love can be

Jack Roberts – March 23, 2003

