These two poems were written together about the same person. The original I LIVE WITH SONNET was lost (much to my dismay, but that was before I'd written THOUGHTS OF YOU FOLLOW ME, WHEREEVER I GO, shown second on this page.) Directly below is the rewrite of I LIVE WITH SONNET. There was another rewrite I did but it was bad enough that I'm not going to bother making a real page for it (not yet at any rate). If you want you can read it here.


I wake with Sonnet next to me
I brush with Sonnet in the mirror
I eat with Sonnet at the table
I drive with Sonnet at the window
I walk with Sonnet walking with me
I'm wed to Sonnet whence in class
I talk with Sonnet once school ends
I miss my Sonnet on evening's fall
I sleep with Sonnet (she's in my dreams)
And my day with Sonnet rebegins.

Copyright ©2002 Ashi Shadow (4/2/02)

The wed in class is daydreaming.. actually, I guess in some sense, it all is, heh. Well, except for the actually talking to her, that's not just a daydream:) And below is the poem that was written with I LIVE WITH SONNET as a precursor.


Have I ever told you how thoughts of you follow me, whereever I go?
Have I ever told you how the wind whispers your name, behind my ear.
Have I ever told you how the grass rustles; "Sonnet, Sonnet,"
Have I ever told you how the stars reflect you- sitting by me.
Have I ever told you how the moon stares at me, smiling- at the two of us kissing.
Have I ever told you how the rain cries to me, for every time that we're apart.
Have I ever told you how the old leaves crinkle to me- to take you before it's too late.
Have I ever told you how the darkness embraces me- with your arms.
Have I ever told you how thoughts of you follow me, whereever I go?

Copyright ©2002 Ashi Shadow (4/2/02)

The wed in class is daydreaming.. actually, I guess in some sense, it all is, heh. Well, except for the actually talking to her, that's not just a daydream:)

Here was another attempt at a rewrite, but it really just... ah... fades to dribble.
Though it does have SOME literary merit. I intentionally started with the insubstantial and then concreted it. And the "I dessert with Sonnet beside / I eat of Sonnet's icecream sauce" is an allusion to eating icecream on the couch with her (after dinner, hence at night and... quite frankly, watching Scooby Doo even if that's not mentioned:) Scooby rules! And I tend to smoosh and let my icecream melt a lot of the way first because I like it more when it's little icecream particles in an icecream sauce so to speak, heh. Regular icecream hurts my teeth and is too cold to taste anyway:)

I live with Sonnet

I wake with Sonnet by my side
I brush with Sonnet's reflection.
I eat with Sonnet's spectre
and walk with Sonnet's projection.

I part with Sonnet's inexistence
I stare at Sonnet's face unseen
I talk with Sonnet's apparition
and marry the Sonnet bride to be.

I talk with Sonnets astern to others
I glance at Sonnet's schedule
I rush to Sonnet's home in time
for Sonnet's face incredulous

I sup with Sonnet from across,
I dessert with Sonnet beside
I eat of Sonnet's icecream sauce
and retire at Sonnet's bedside.