Dreams That Won't Come True





That Won’t Come

At night I lie in bed, and dream…

Happy Images of you...

That God has given you back to me…

Something I thought would never be true…

He kissed you on the cheek and said,

“Back to your mommy and daddy you go”

Quickly I snatched you up…

While, my tears did surely flow…

You smiled at me that beautiful smile…

And Crawled up on my lap…

I held you tightly in my arms,

As, we settled in for a nap…

I held you closely to my heart,

You were mine again, to keep…

Kissing your head so gently,

As we drifted off to sleep…

But, suddenly I woke once more...

To find you were not there…

I cried as my heart did break,

How could life be so unfair?

Sadly you were gone again...

And the pain was back and new…

How I hate to sleep at night...

Just to wake to dreams

that won’t...



Brandy Cain

September 22, 2002


All Rights Reserved







Painting is ©Tom Sierak and used with
his permission by Moon And Back Graphics
to construct this set.

The name of Mr. Sierak's painting is
You may view Mr. Sierak's original
painting by Clicking Here.

Mikayla was accidently strangulated
at home by her curtain cord.

To Visit Mikayla's Memorial Site
Please click on her picture.
Thank you.

The Font Used On This Poem
is Harrington. You may acquire
this Font by Clicking Here

Midi "Every Night" is used with permission
and is copyright © 2000 Bruce Deboer
In addition, Bruce DeBoer's CD's
are available at

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