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Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Disclaimer: I don’t own Buffy. I just borrowed some of the characters.
Rated: NC-17
Willow's long divider
Ulterior Motives
Chapter 17

Xander woke up at the gentle nudge.

“Wake up, pet. Glorious night. Got ta hunt. Found me a rapist.” Spike bounced on his toes, grinning fit to split his face. “An’ I learned some at’ else. I can do that ‘little drink’ thing. The Old Master was always sayin’ that it was impossible, but the bastard lied. I got a nibble offa a pimp and another offa some git that passed out in an alley.”

Xander frowned for a second, then lit up. “You didn’t kill? I mean you could but didn’t? That’s great. If you learn to do that thing that Dru does. That confuse/ snooze ... whatever. Then you don’t have to hide bodies. And I don’t have to feel bad about not trying to stop you from killing ... and ... never mind.”

“‘zactly. I have my stables an’ I’m keepin’ them. I don’t have time to go runnin’ all over hells mouth tryin’ ta keep body and ... well, whatever, together. An’ it really ain’t dignified. Consider me cured.”

Xander raised an eyebrow. “Really? And why, exactly? Enquiring minds want to know.”

“The smell is awful. I don’t remember them smelling quite so bad. Even in Vickie’s day.”

“Oh, well, maybe you were just more used to it? Or maybe it’s the drugs.” Xander nodded wisely. “Well, come on. I’ll run you a tub so you can have a nice soak. And I’ll tell Timmins to bring you some tea. Ok?”

Spike sighed, stretched and nodded. “Yeah, sounds good.”

It didn’t take long for Spike to shed his dirty clothing. He dumped it in the closet in the hamper and got to the bathroom just in time to get a wonderful look at Xander bending over to test the water.

“If you don’t straighten up right now, I’m not gonna be responsible for my actions.”

Xander just looked over his shoulder, without straightening up. “Oh? We’ll get around to that sooner or later. Why not now?”

“Because I’m tired, wound up and not in the mood to be careful. So we don’t. I won’t hurt you. I don’t want you scared of me. That’s not in the plans. Now, finish an’ straighten up before I smack that pert ass of yours.”

Xander straightened. “Pert? Me?”

“Got an ass like an apple. All round an’ sweet and so damn biteable. Where’s me tay?”

“Not red?”

Spike gave Xander a mock aggravated look. “Will be in a mo’, if ya don’t get a wiggle on.”

Xander walked to the door, stopped in it and wiggled his ass at Spike who yelped ‘oi!’ in an indignant tone of voice. He laughed. The deep chuckle sending goose bumps up Spike’s back, and left, shutting the door to keep the steam in.

He returned soon with a tray laden with a pot, cup, saucer, sugar bowl and spoon. He set it on the tub tray and poured tea. “There, Mr. Cranky Vamp. Drink your tea and I’ll tell you all the latest.”

“Latest what, pet?”

“Stuff. Buffy called again just after you left. She was all ‘I’m so sorry, Xander, but could you tell Spike ...”

“Tell me what?”

“No idea. I told her that if she called to talk to me, great; if she was wanting me to be some messenger boy, you’ve got a secretary for that. Then I hung up. I’m not going there again. I’m not the donut boy anymore, nor the Zeppo. She wants you to do something, she can ask you herself.”

Spike nearly did a spit take with his tea. “Good for you, pet. That’ll take the starch out of her knickers.”

Xander shrugged. “I’m not going to be ignored or trivialized anymore. I’m sick of it. Now, out of the tub when you feel like it and into bed. I’ll give you a massage for once.”

Spike smiled into his cup, things were looking up.


Xander gave Spike a massage that made him groan in pleasure. After his massage Spike settled in to sleep with Xander curled up beside him. He decided that now was time to get one or two questions answered.

“You said that Red had the ... what did you call ‘ems for that chip? Spill.”

Xander snuggled deeper into the covers and sighed. “She gave me her old computer when she got a new one. I managed to keep it hidden from pop by not using it much. So when I had time to really explore, I found a file she’d downloaded with all the schematics and specifications on that chip. I can’t believe that she lied when I asked her if she’d found anything. So anyway, I used them to figure out how to deactivate that chip. Ok?”

Spike nodded against Xander’s shoulder. “Yeah, I get it. It’s still in there, but you gutted it, right?”

“Yup. Killed it dead.”

“Thanks, pet. I’ll reward you, you’ll see.”

Xander shrugged irritably. “Didn’t do it for a reward. Just don’t make me regret it.”

“Ok, next question. Zombies blowin’ up the high school? What was that about?”

Xander snorted. “You remember Jack O’Toole by any chance?”

Spike thought for a moment. “No. Can’t say as I do? Who’s he when he’s at home?”

“No one much. He was ... is? A bully. Made my life miserable for a while. Then he got himself zombified. Don’t remember why or how. Just he and his crew wanted to blow up the school. I sort of talked him out of it.”

“By usin’ your sparklin’ wit and charm, I’m sure.” Spikes sarcasm made Xander chuckle.

“No by explaining to him that there are different sorts of dead. The walking around and talking, not breathing kind and the really, real dead, six feet under kind. He smarted off and asked me why I wasn’t scared. I told him I’d kinda like the quiet. He disarmed the bomb, Oz ate him and that was that.”

Spike felt his stomach fall. “You faced down a zombie with a death wish? I ought to whale the tar outta ya.”

Xander sighed. “That’s why I didn’t tell anyone. No one would believe me. Not even you.”

“Oh, I believe you, pet. Smell it when ya lie. Ya bloody pillock, what if he’d blown you up.”

Xander shrugged, shaking the bed. “Then I’d be in a quiet place. No one would have cared a bit. You know that.”

Spike sighed and ran his fingers through Xander’s hair. “You’re right and it sucks. Go to sleep.”

Xander snugged against Spike and obeyed him.


The next morning Spike got up and slipped into the kitchen, as he did every morning. Although it wasn’t really morning, more like 11:30.

He nicked his thumb and let the blood drip into Xander’s orange juice. Xander knew what he was doing, but he still didn’t want him to see for fear of squicking him out.

Xander ambled in and caught him.

“Hey, morning.”

Spike started to lick his thumb healed but Xander caught it carefully. “Easy there, you’ll waste it. Let me.” Xander took Spike’s thumb into his mouth and carefully sucked on it until it quit bleeding. Then he licked it a long slow lick that made Spike swallow convulsively. He took the digit back between his lips and sucked gently as he stroked the small cut with the tip of his tongue. He gave Spike a scintillating look from under his eyelashes. Spike licked his lips, his mouth surprisingly dry.

Xander straightened up from the slight bend he’d been in to reach Spike’s hand. Timmins took the opportunity to slip out of the kitchen, leaving the juice on the table.

Xander nudged Spike’s nose with his, making him turn his head and tip it slightly. “Perfect”

Xander licked at Spike’s lips and when he opened them to gasp in surprise Xander pressed his advantage. Spike let Xander have his way just to see what he’d do. Xander slipped his tongue into Spike’s mouth and caresses his tongue. Spike sighed softly. This was nice. Xander ran his tongue across the top of Spike’s. The smooth bottom of Xander’s tongue slid across the rough top of Spikes in a caress that left Spike feeling weak in the knees. Xander ran his tongue around Spike’s top to bottom, bottom to top. The alternating smooth then rough feeling exciting both of them. He sucked gently on Spike’s tongue then more aggressively as Spike didn’t resist.

Xander tangled his fingers with Spike’s and leaned into him a bit, Spike settled against the counter top and relaxed. Xander pressed his advantage and pinned Spike’s hands to the counter on either side of him and sucked harder. Spike managed a soft whimper and leaned back more. Xander groaned and thrust his tongue into Spike’s mouth. He pressed it against Spike’s fang and let Spike taste. He had to press his thighs against Spikes to keep him from crumpling.


Spike sighed. “Bloody hell, pet. Where did you learn to kiss like that?”

“Just followed Cordelia’s advice and did what I like. You ok?”

“No ... I’m dead. Dead dead. Killed by a kiss. Your blood is ... fantastic.”

Xander leaned in for another toe curling kiss and waited until Spike got his breath back, figuratively speaking, before letting go of him. He stood back and watched in some amusement as Spike gathered his wits. He picked up his juice and swallowed it down.

“Good stuff. How much longer are you going to do this?”

“Give you blood?” Xander just nodded. “Forever, it makes you smell like me. Keeps the minions and fledges from doing something ... irretrievable. I don’t think you’d like the other way.”

“No. Having you come all over me, then rub it in? Ick!” Xander set the juice glass on the table again and stretched. His shirt rode up showing his abs. Spike admired the flat plains of his body and smirked.

“Stick your eyes back in your head. The blueprints for the garage are here.”

Spike raised an eye brow, making Xander feel a bit hotter than normal. “Are they now?”

“Yeah, came last night. I just put them in your office. The messenger apologized and said that they came all the way from Holland.”

“They did. I consulted an expert on renovations there. He sent a list of reliable demons to take care of the hoist, I hope.”

“Didn’t open them. I decided to wait until you could be with me. Come on. I’ve been patient long enough.”

Spike grinned and started to follow Xander. Timmins stepped into the room and stopped Xander. “We’re out of popsicles. Do you want me to get more?”

Xander grinned at Timmins. “Don’t think so. I think you and they have done their jobs.”

Spike thought about that for all of a second. “Oi! It’s not that cold!”

Xander laughed and ran for the office, with Spike in hot pursuit.


After reviewing and approving the plans, they settled to finish their respective work. Spike to order the materials for the renovation and Xander to finish up that ‘damn, idiotic bastard Latin farce of a spell’ Xander grumbled all the way to his office.

He settled in his chair and pulled open the drawer. The parchment lay there like a lump, waiting for him to tackle it again. He knew he was going to have a headache in about thirty minutes. But Spike had promised the personage that he would translate this, so he would.

He struggled for a while then put it aside to work on some details for his orchidarium, he would return to the translation once his head quit hurting. He rubbed at his eyes and grumbled, “stupid master ... what was his name? Blac something with too many consonants and not enough vowels. Shit!”

Spike looked up as Master Bruce came into his office. “May I have a moment, Master?”

“Sure. What’s up? Boy doin’ well?”

“That’s what I wanted to speak to you about. He’s doing very well. I’m impressed. But he’s stronger than he should be. I need to know what spell he’s using. It might be dangerous and I’m concerned.”

“I’m feedin’ him my blood. Just a little. Don’t worry about it.” Spike smiled at Bruce, he was obviously worried about Xander.

“Ah! Master’s blood. That explains everything. I was worried. Now that that is cleared up, I need to ask you if you want him to continue on to the next level. It’s a hard route but he’s capable of making it. If he is dedicated enough. I’d really like to see him continue. His self-confidence is rising and I’m sure he’s capable of the Ryu Sui Sen. And several other high level attacks that I haven’t wanted to teach a student in more than two hundred years.”

Spike blinked for a moment. “Boy’s that good?” Master Bruce just nodded. “Well, well. Teach him anything he’s able to learn. Just, if you’re going to keep him for several days, I want to know about it at least a week in advance. Need to make arrangements so I can watch. I won’t interfere but I do enjoy watchin’ my boy do well. All sweaty and ... never mind.” Spike had the grace to look a bit shamefaced.

“Don’t worry. I’m glad to see that you prize him so. He’s worth it.”

“I’d like to get him something. He’s working so hard and doing so well. What should I get him? Got any suggestions?”

Master Bruce folded his arms and thought. “Well, he really needs a decent gladius, the one he’s using now is going to break any moment.” Spike’s head shot up. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll make sure that he doesn’t get hurt when it does. It’ll be good for him. But he needs a reliable one. I could check the markets?”

Spike shook his head. “No, I’ll do it. I want to be able to say I picked it out myself. Ok, anything else?”

Master Bruce stood and bowed. “No, master. Thank you for your kind attention.” He turned to go but stopped. Returning to stand in front of Spike’s desk he said, “I hear you’re going to do something special at court tomorrow. I hope it’s not to the Young Master’s detriment.”

Spike started to get pissed then decided that if Bruce had nerve enough to try to protect Xander from him, he was magnanimous enough to ease his mind. “Boy and I are puttin’ the screws to his so-called friends. He’s gettin’ his evens. He knows what’s up. Ok?”

“Yes, master. I’m sorry, master.”

“Don’t be. Glad to see you want to take care of Xander. Now git.” Master Bruce got.


Xander nibbled at his lip and sighed. This translation was turning out to be a farce. It was nothing but a really elaborate hair growing spell. Combined with a stinky herb salve recipe it was guaranteed to grow hair. In other words, it was nothing but snake oil. He sighed again, finished up the translation and stuck a sticky note to the file telling Sylvia to type it up and send it.

He decided that he’d had enough and was going to bite the bullet and find out what Spike had in store for him. He’d delighted in putting off all Xander’s questions about his new harness. This was enough. Xander was going to find out now, or else. Or else what, he wasn’t sure.


“Spike? You busy?”

Spike took off his glasses and smiled at Xander. “No. All done. And I can tell you’re flonchin’ at the bit to find out about your harness.”

“Yeah. Kinda nervous about this. Will it hurt?”

“Better not. If it does I’ll have that urusha demons guts for garters.”

“Ick. Spike, what woman would wear garters made out of guts. And don’t answer that. I really don’t want to know.”

Spike just laughed. “It’s only an expression. Guts aren’t elastic enough to make garters. Now, come on. I’ll show you the harness, we’ll have a dry run so that everything’s right for your performance. Ok?”

Xander bounced on the balls of his feet. “Yeah, great. I just hope it works the way I want it to.”

“Me to, pet. But here we are.” He opened the door and yelled for Timmins. The vampire stuck his head out of the walk in closet. “Bring out the new harness. Oh, and that old stuff. The first stuff we used.”

Xander eyed the new harness with a slightly bemused expression. “Um ... those chains are a bit much, don’t you think?”

Spike just smirked. “Bring the old harness here Timmins and help me get it on him.”

“I thought we weren’t going to use it anymore.” Timmins worked at untangling the discarded harness.

“Not, just wanna prove somethin’”

Xander stood patiently while they fastened the harness over his clothing. He refrained from comment for now. If Spike had something to prove, he wanted to see it.

“Ok, pet. Just walk across the floor.”

Xander started to walk, shuffling awkwardly. Spike snapped, “Age tsuki!”

Xander fell into the required stance for the rising punch and felt the chains snap to their limits, and then some.

“What the hell? Spike?”

Spike reached over and unbuckled the cuffs from Xander’s wrists while Timmins knelt to remove the one’s around Xander’s ankles. Spike examined the chain then turned to Timmins. “See? It’s workin’ just like I said.”

Timmins smiled. “Indeed. My apologies.” Timmins bowed to Spike who snorted and said rather fondly. “Stupid git.”

Xander had waited as patiently as he could but now he demanded. “What the hell was that all about? And why are you two smiling like a couple of idiots.”

Spike just handed Xander the chain that had led from one ankle to the other. It was stretched, the links warped out of shape and nearly parted in several places.

“Um. Oh. Um. I did that? Ok?”

Xander’s obvious confusion endeared him to Spike even more. Timmins just whispered for Spike’s ears alone. ‘I told you’.

Spike laughed. “Yeah, pet. You did that. Master’s blood is a powerful thing. Although I will have to say that yours is really good. What little of it I got. Now. . . we’re goin’ ta try that new set on. So strip.”

Xander couldn’t help but grin. “You just want to get me naked.”

“Always, pet.”


Xander sighed. This was not going to be fun. Even though it was. He wasn’t looking forward to seeing his so-called friends again. He was happy with Spike, happier than he’d expected by a long shot. Spike treated him with respect and expected him to do well at what he tried. If he had problems, he knew that he could go to Spike for help without being laughed at. It felt good. Why the Scoobies couldn’t have done the same escaped him completely. So now he was almighty pissed, in the American way, and intended to get his back.

He wanted to be calm for the court appearance so he settled to meditate for a while. He meditated longer than he’d thought he would and so was late getting back to his rooms to get harnessed up.

Timmins was waiting for him with a small smile on his face. “You’re a bit late. We better hurry. But, did you enjoy it?”

Xander didn’t play ignorant, this was the first time he and Timmins had been alone since the kiss. “Yeah, I did. I never thought I’d like kissing a guy. Very freak making.”

Timmins snorted. “Why? I never did see the problem. Vampires will mostly screw anything willing and things not so willing. Some humans seem the same without the excuse of not having a soul. I believe the best explanation is you’re bi.”

“I’m bi? Ok, enlighten me. Oh, educated one.”

Timmins smacked Xander in the back of the head. Very gently, to be sure, but it was definitely a smack. “Stop that. I have the time to do the research, you don’t. Now listen. You’re just big hearted. You see the person, before you see the gender. You fall in love with the person you see. I’ve heard about Cordelia Chase from some of the others. You saw something there that no one else did. So you fell in love with her.”

Xander snorted. “More like lust but go on.”

“Love, lust. At your age there’s not much difference. So, if you like someone, you like them. Having sex, making love, doin’ the horizontal mambo. However you want to describe it. Has very little to do with matching or meshing parts and more to do with mutual respect and affection. Do you understand?”

Xander grinned at Timmins. “I do. And thanks for that bit of moral support and ego stroking. I really need it. I’m so nervous I could puke.”

Timmins cleared his throat. “Would you like something? The healer left some medicine for you when you were sick before. It’s very mild, just enough to allow you to relax.”

“I don’t think so. Spike will have a fit and I really need all my wits. If I show up half scrambled, he’ll clobber both of us. I’ll manage.”

“Very well. But I’ll tuck one in my pocket, shall I? That way if you need it, I’ll have it. Now. This goes here. And ....”

Xander stood still while Timmins buckled, snapped and fussed. Xander settled himself and squatted slightly so that Timmins could put on his cloak and pull up the hood. Spike had made all the plans and insisted on this, declaring it, ‘Quite the thing. Dramatic, but not over board.’


Spike settled on his throne and grumbled under his breath, “Soddin’ minions and their bloody ritual fixation.” He crossed his legs at the ankles and motioned for the guards to open the doors.

The doors swung back with a resounding boom and the court traipsed in, in a ragged stream. Vampires, demons, humans and Scoobies all trying not to get in each others way. Spike smirked slightly, the Scoobies all clustered in a tiny group. Like baby quail before wolves. Although these quail had stakes and swords and the two witches were obviously ready to cast at least one spell.

Spike stood up. “Silence. Thank you. First business.”

He settled back to listen to minor complaints from minions and fledges. He didn’t bring Xander in until he started with major complaints and greeting visiting ‘royalty’. He didn’t see any reason for Xander to have to kneel for hours on end. Nor did he see any reason to subject him to the lascivious leers and heated glares of people beneath him.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed that Buffy started to say something but Giles silenced her. Tara and Willow just stood and watched everything with interested eyes.

Spike took care of the minor business easily. He knew that Giles was getting an ear full. Buffy couldn’t have understood half what was going on if she tried but Red and Glenda were both smiling by the time he got through.

He dismissed the last of the minor cases and called to Timmins. “Where’s my pet? Bring him.”

Timmins led Xander forward by his leash. The entire court quieted, they always did. This was one of the high points of the session. Xander was now a real beauty, tall, straight, broad shouldered and muscular.

He moved forward confidently. He wasn’t worried about appearing in court anymore. Especially since Timmins of all people had ripped the arm off an impertinent demon and literally beaten him over the head with it.

Xander walked to the base of the small platform that Spike’s throne was on. He stepped up onto the dais easily, Spike had made sure that while the chains were dramatic, he could still move fairly easily.

He turned and faced the court, chain rattling. He waited a moment to gain his bearings then gazed out from under his hood. He checked out the regulars first. They were all nearly salivating in anxiety, waiting to see the new harness. The few visitors were mostly looking curious, having heard about the new tradition of allowing Master William’s pet/thrall into court. But Buffy looked like she wanted to either scream or cry and Willow and Tara were both just crying. Giles, however was another matter, he really looked like he wanted to kill someone, or something.

Xander gave a tiny nod and Timmins pulled the cape off his shoulders.

The concerted gasp that rose from the entire court was everything Spike and Xander could have wanted.

Xander stood proudly and gazed out over the court with a bland expression on his face. The collar around his neck was heavy brown latigo leather, padded with creamy chamois which covered the foam core. His arms were bound around the biceps with straps that were equally heavy and padded. The straps were connected with a glittering chain across his back. His wrists were enclosed in a set of cuffs that matched the collar and straps. The chain that connected them at his belly was only eight inches long and each cuff was also fastened to the belt around his waist with more glittering diamond cut chains. A chain depended from the collar to the belt and supported nipple clamps with small tassels of chains on them. He was decently covered as Spike announced that his ‘bits’ weren’t on display to a bunch of commoners. The shorts were tight enough that Xander’s tight buttocks were clearly outlined. A chain dropped from the belt to just above his knees where his legs were circled by more straps with glittering chains between them. The chain fell on down to his ankles also bound with straps connected by more glittering chains. He was also draped with chains whose only use was to emphasize his muscles. The straps were all embossed with rows of crossed rail road spikes.

Xander lifted his chin and turned to face Spike, he bowed and then knelt at his feet in the up kneel position. He carefully kept his eyes down and the smirk off his lips.


Buffy stared at Xander and nearly had a melt down. He didn’t look like he was hurting or upset. In fact he looked a bit self satisfied. Not what she’d expected at all. She’d expected him to be dragged in kicking and screaming or to be huddled in a terrified and abused heap at Spike’s feet.

Willow nearly fainted, Tara had to hold her up. This was not her Xander. This self contained confident man wasn’t what she’d expected at all. Tara just nodded to herself. Xander looked good to her eyes, sleek and strong.

Giles took one look at the harness and nearly had a fit right there. The bondage didn’t bother him as much as the thought of what Spike might have done to make Xander so accepting. Except that he didn’t look particularly abused, all in all they were a very confused group.

Xander settled back against Spike’s leg when he pulled gently on his collar. He had to kneel in kizu because of the bands around his ankles. Carefully keeping his eyes lowered, he leaned against Spike and waited.

“Well, people, we have some visitors today that I’m sure all of you would like to greet. Please welcome. Buffy Summers, the slayer. Rupert Giles, the Watcher. And Willow Rosenberg and her friend Tara Maclay. They’re witches.”

There was some muttering but most of the demons and vampires gave a pattering of applause. Giles glared around then pinned Spike with a murderous look.

“What did you do to him?”

Xander bit his tongue to keep from snarling, now he got all protective.

Spike just shook his head. “Not your turn yet. Got some other business ta take care of.”

Buffy snarled but Giles grabbed her arm and shook his head. He pulled off his glasses and polished them so hard he punched out a lens. It fell to the floor with a sharp ‘tink’.

Timmins picked it up and held out his hand. “If you’ll allow me, sir? I can fix it.” He examined the lens carefully. “The lens isn’t chipped or scratched.”

Giles glanced at Timmins without paying much real attention, all his attention was pinned on Xander and Spike. Timmins popped the lens back in the frame and tightened the tiny screw that held it in using a screwdriver he produced from somewhere.

He handed them back to Giles and when Giles did a double take smiled at him kindly. “You’ll find that you’re definitely in Young Master Xander’s black books. And will be for quite some time. Get used to it.” He bowed just enough to be what he considered barely polite and went back to his position in the shadows behind the dais. Spike just raised an eye brow at Giles and continued his business.

He greeted the new head of some demon clan, Xander stopped listening when he realized that he didn’t understand the language. Instead he covertly studied his erstwhile friends. Buffy looked pissed and bored, like she’d rather be in math class than here. She bounced on her toes, shifted restlessly, glared around and generally was impolite. He decided that she was a self centered, irritation, slayer or not; or maybe that was exactly what was wrong with her. She thought too much about slaying, to the point of obsession, and not enough about the people who surrounded her. He decided that he just wasn’t capable of judging her fairly. Dropping that line of thought, he went on to study Willow and Tara.

Willow was clutching Tara’s hand and looking like all she wanted to do was run. Tara was surprisingly calm. She looked around her with interest and a polite nod when she met a being’s eyes. Xander was impressed with her and annoyed with Willow, she was muttering under her breath in a way that could only mean she was cooking up some sort of spell.
“Oi, Red. You do a spell and I’ll have yur head. Not nice, that. Got a shaman of my own to do that when I need it.”

Willow eeped and clutched at Tara. Tara patted her hands and hissed, ‘Told you he’d know. Stop it.’ She raised her head to look Spike in the eyes. “I’m sorry. She’s just very upset. She does foolish things then.”

Spike smiled at Tara. “That’s all right, Glenda. Red’s gonna learn not to do mojo on the unwilling one way or another. Just you see that you’re not in the way when the shit hits the fan. Ok?”

Tara sighed and nodded.

Giles refrained from all comment and pinned his attention on Xander, to the exclusion of almost everything else.

Spike turned his attention to the next matter of business and had to suppress a snarl.

“Master, we have a real problem. There is one fledge, of another order but in your court, that is making ... things ... difficult. He won’t hide the bodies, drink from the public supply, or obey any orders. He says that he’s the fledge of Angelus and doesn’t have to. Will you intervene?”

Spike blinked once. “A fledge of Angelus? I doubt that. Bring him forth.”

Xander snorted. Spike squeezed his shoulder. “Quiet. Sounds good. I’ll deal with him quickly an’ we’ll get on with the fun.”

“ ‘K.” Xander eyed the Scoobies as they shifted restlessly. Giles had a particularly sour expression.


The vampire that was hauled in and dumped unceremoniously at Spike’s feet was big and hard. He’d been a boxer while he was alive and it showed. But he was no match for a strong master vampire. Spike jerked him to his feet and shook him like a rat.

“What have I told you all about messin’ in the nest?”

Since the vampire couldn’t draw enough breath to talk, the question was more rhetorical than not.

Xander watched with interest, this had happened before and Spike was considered a lenient master as he usually just dusted the offender then gave a lecture about not leaving bodies and body parts within six blocks of their dwelling place. He called it ‘messin’ in the nest’.

Spike shook the vampire again. “I’m waitin’.”

“Might let up a bit. He needs air to talk, you know.”

Spike took Xander’s advice and loosened his hold a bit. “Well?”

The vampire choked and coughed. “I was made by Angelus himself. I don’t have to put up with this. You watch out unless you want to get dusted by him.”

Spike dropped the fool and gave him a kick for good measure. “Last childe that was sired by Angelus himself was Penn, git. I should know. So don’t be givin’ me that. Who sired ya?”

The vampire snarled. “I am Drake, childe of Moxa, childe of Angelus. That makes Angelus my sire.”

Willow couldn’t contain herself any longer. “Does not! And Moxa isn’t a childe of Angelus. Moxa is a childe of Antitum. Big faker.”

Giles started to say something but Spike held up his hand. “ ‘S ok, Watcher. Thank you, Red. Now stuff yourself.” He turned back to Drake. “So, you see, even a human knows who’s who. Got anything else to say?”

“Yeah. If you’re so much, who’s your sire?”

Spike sighed. “Don’t you idiots listen to anything? Well, never mind that. Timmins, give my line. I’m sick of repeating it.”

“Yes, master.” Timmins stepped forward, cleared his throat and announced. “Master’s linage . . . excuse me, master, how far back do you want to go?”

Spike considered. “Start with Heinrich. He was how old?”

Timmins shrugged, “He was a direct childe of Kato, who was a childe of Aurelius himself. So from master to childe. From Aurelius to Kato to The Master known also as Heinrich to Darla to Angelus to Drusilla to William. Our master, also know as William the Bloody, Bloody Bill and Spike.” Spike licked his lips and grinned.

“Now you know. I’m a direct decedent of one of the oldest lines around. You’re the decedent of a wannabe. Defy me, will ya?”

Spike grabbed Drake by the neck again and shook him hard, his teeth could be heard clicking all over the room. After giving Drake a good shake Spike dropped him on the floor, where he just sprawled glowering.

Giles knew what was coming, but not exactly how it was going to be accomplished. Buffy knew too and was hoping to be the one called. Willow just nudged Tara behind her and eased them both behind Buffy and Giles. No matter who did the deed, it wasn’t going to be pretty.

Xander had stood in his place on the dais all this time, patiently waiting for this to be over so he could continue to aggravate his so-called friends. He was especially mad at Giles, as he was supposed to be older and wiser and Xander felt that the watcher had let him down the most. Willow he could understand, she was not only young but too smart for her own good. Spike had explained that smart didn’t mean she had any common sense, only brains. Buffy was just self-centered enough that she would never really understand and besides, she was a slayer not a magic user. Her apology had kind of rubbed his nose in that fact. He had to wonder if she’d have done something if she knew how.

He glanced over the court and missed what Spike was saying, a sharp jerk in his dangling leash brought his attention back to the business at hand.

“Oi! Day dreamin’ again? Pay attention or I’ll blister ya.”

Giles flinched, the three girls all gasped.

Xander bowed his head, flicking a look at Spike from under his lashes. Spike looked bored and just a touch annoyed, but he winked at Xander as soon as his back was turned to the court.

“I’m sorry, master. I was just wondering if he’s worth your trouble. Maybe you should let Timmins stake him instead.”

“He’s not even worth Timmins getting dust on his kit. You’re gonna do it.”

Xander just blinked at him. “Oh.”

The uproar from the Scoobie section was immediate and annoying, to both Spike and Xander. Spike turned his head and snarled, “Shut it. I’ll do what I please with what’s mine. You don’t like it? You should have seen to him yourselves long ago.” Spike stepped off the dais and got in Giles’s face. “Especially you, watcher. Boy needed trainin’. Did you do anything?” Spike shook his head in mock sadness. “Not that I could tell.”

He returned to Xander, turned and faced the court. “Send for Master Bruce.”

The Sensei stepped out of the shadows to the side of the dais where he had been standing with Timmins. “I’m here, master. What do you desire?”

“He up to it?”

Master Bruce nodded immediately. “Yes. More than.”

So Spike snapped his fingers at Timmins who came to him at once. “Turn him loose.”
Timmins unsnapped the quick snaps that held Xander’s arms in place then knelt to do the same for his ankles. Xander just stood and waited. Timmins unfastened the ankle cuffs from the drop chain and fastened the drop chain to Xander’s belt. He took the cuffs away with him.

When his limbs were free of their bonds, Xander turned to Spike. “May I have a bokken?”

“Can have anything ya want, pet. Just don’t get dust in your eyes.”

“Ok. Um ... maybe you should do something with him for now? Looks like he’s trying to ... um ... sneak out? Maybe.”

Spike turned to watch Drake as he tried to ease into the mob of courtiers. It wasn’t working very well as they kept easing away from him. Spike snarled, “Should a’ kept a hand on ‘im. Sorry sack a’ shit that he is. Well, get ready, pet.”

Giles had started when he saw Master Bruce and now he was practically foaming at the mouth. Spike not only let Bruce Chen near Xander. He actually let him train him. Buffy had to pinch him to keep him from doing exactly what he’d cautioned her against.

The Scoobies watched helplessly as Spike crossed his arms over his chest, nodding to Xander to step forward. Xander accepted the bokken from Master Bruce and set himself.

Spike addressed his court. “Ok, here’s the deal. My boy needs the practice. Just keep Duck here from leavin’ the arena. No one interferes except me. Keep the watcher and his crew from gettin’ in the way.”

Xander just stepped down from the dais, loose chains rattling, and took his stance. He’d let Drake make the first move. The vampire was big, although not that much bigger than he was, which meant that he might be slow. Xander wasn’t going to take any chances, though, he didn’t want his ass blistered.

“Ok, Duck. Ya got one chance ta save you’re rotten unlife. Ya get past my pet, ya go free. Ya fuck up an’ you’re dust.”

Xander wasn’t going to argue ethics at a time like this, in fact, he didn’t care about them much at all. He was going to do what Spike asked because he was well aware that Drake was very close to attracting the kind of attention that none of them wanted. Even Sunnydale cops wouldn’t ignore half a dozen corpses dumped in the same neighborhood within a couple of months. They were lucky that the other fledges and minions had been cleaning up after him. Spike was really pissed and that wasn’t good for anyone.

Xander set himself and waited for the vampire to do something. All the idiot did was flex and beat his chest, figuratively speaking. Xander sneered at him. “What? Afraid of a thrall? You’re not so much. Master Spike was right. Duck. Or is it Duck and Cover. Chicken.”

A few minions started clucking at Drake who swelled up like a toad and snarled, “Master Spike is going to be disappointed when I rip you limb from limb.”

Xander snorted. “I’m so scared. Do something, anything. Come on.”

Drake charged Xander who just stepped out of his way and pivoted to stay facing him. When Drake managed to get stopped and turn to charge again, Xander hopped backward and resumed his stance. “That all you’ve got? Man, and I was worried.” Giles winced at this, taunting a vampire was Buffy’s forte, not Xander’s. But Xander was still goading Drake, and it was working. Drake was losing his temper.

Another two attacks saw Drake completely out of control. He stumbled and then tried to run into the crowd, but wound up pushed back into the makeshift arena.

Xander met him right in the middle, sword at point guard and took two quick steps forward. Drake tried to dodge but Xander poked him in the chest. The resulting cloud of dust was most satisfying. Xander turned to Spike and bowed.

“Thank you for the practice, master.”

“Welcome, did good. Excellent form. See Master Bruce after for a critique.”

“As you wish.”

Spike motioned to Timmins, who stepped forward, rechained Xander and faded into the woodwork again. Xander stepped back onto the dais and the Scoobies all realized that he hadn’t even broken a sweat. Giles especially gave this considerable thought. He wasn’t sure he liked his conclusions but didn’t see that he could do much about it now.

Xander continued to lean against Spike’s leg as he concluded his business and dismissed the court. He turned to Xander and said softly, “Ya wanna really rub their noses in it or are you satisfied.”

“I don’t think I can be satisfied. They don’t seem to really care. They’re just standing around. Why are they really here? Just to introduce themselves to the Master of the Hellmouth? Or what?”

“Introduction mostly. And I think the Wanker wants to check up on you. Buffy? She’s just a null. Self-centered enough that she really doesn’t realize the problem. The two witches are ... not null, but not competent to judge the situation. Giles ... he’s supposed to not piss me off. So, up to you.”

“Whatever you decide is good by me. I’m still pissed as hell at Giles and Willow. Not at Tara though, she didn’t do anything. And Buffy just ... I don’t care. She didn’t do anything except do nothing. I’m just ... I don’t know.”

“Try conflicted, pet. I don’t blame you for bein’ mad. Glenda’s a good kid, she would have done something, I think, if she’d realized that Willow an’ the watcher weren’t. Buffy? How’s she supposed ta do somethin’? She’s a slayer, not a witch. Think about it while I sort this.”

“ ‘K.”

Xander stood and waited as Spike dismissed the court. He sent the minions and fledges out, told the visiting dignitaries that there were refreshments provided and if they still needed to talk to him, he’d be available in a while. Then he turned to the Scoobies. “As for you lot. Follow Master Bruce to the small hall. I’ll be there in a bit. Go on, no argy bargy, won’t have it.”

Master Bruce just took off for the hall without looking to see if anyone was following him. He really didn’t care. He was contemplating Xander’s fight, analyzing it, looking for mistakes. He wasn’t finding any.

Giles reached out to touch Master Chen on the arm and found himself grasped by the wrist. Master Chen was in full vamp face and snarled, “Do not touch me.” Giles gasped softly, Buffy heard it and had her stake ready. She tried to stake the master and found herself blocked by a forearm defense. Giles barked, “Buffy! No!” and stepped between her and Bruce.

Master Bruce just gazed at Buffy, holding her arm and that of Giles in unbreakable holds. Tara pulled Willow out of the way and held her hands to keep her from making the situation worse by casting a spell. Giles apologized softly, “I’m sorry. I just ... wanted to speak to you about Xander.”

Master Bruce let go of Giles, but kept his grip on Buffy. She stared at him for a moment then flinched as Tara poked her in the back. “What?”

“Apologize.” Tara’s voice was soft but Master Bruce heard her and nodded.

Buffy bit her lip but did as she was told. Master Bruce let go of her too.

“Come with me. High Master William will not be pleased if he has to wait for us.”

Giles nodded and motioned to the three girls to precede him. He then bowed slightly to Master Bruce, keeping his eyes on him. The master bowed back, dropping his eyes slightly. Giles gritted his teeth.


Xander followed Spike into the large room behind the dais and started laughing. “Did you see? Did you? That guy ... was he a fledge or minion? Never mind. He was so toast. I dusted him. I did.” Xander suddenly gave Spike a funny look. “Is it bad of me to be so happy? He’s dead now. Really dead.”

“No, pet. It’s not bad. He was a danger to all of us and to anyone wandering by. An’ remember, Xander, he was already dead. Just an animated corpse. He disobeyed me an’ insulted my court. You were just the ‘instrument of execution’ so to speak. Don’t fratch yourself over it. Come kiss me.”

Xander smiled, obediently coming to kiss Spike. Spike kissed Xander, exploring his mouth with his tongue. Xander sighed, he liked kissing Spike a lot. “Off! We better go see the gang or they’ll be all ‘Spike’s keeping Xander from us just for spite. And stuff.’

Spike sighed. “Yeah, pet. You’re right. So. Off with that kit and into this.”

Xander had to grin, ‘this’ was a pair of well-tailored trousers and a silk button down shirt. He pulled on the silk boxers Spike handed him and stepped into the trousers. As he buttoned the shirt, Spike grinned at him. The shirt was a French cuff and Spike knew very well that Xander couldn’t for the life of him fasten French cuffs. The links just defeated him. Spike loved to fasten the links for him. Timmins stood by with Xander’s coat in his hand. The coat matched the trousers and shirt. Timmins offered a tie which Xander refused. He hated ties and wouldn’t wear one if he could get out of it. Spike grinned at him.

“No tie, Pet?”

“No, no tie. And don’t you pet me. At least not like that. And why the brown? I do like this bronzy shirt, how does it turn green? But ...” Xander took a deep breath. “I’m babbling, aren’t I?”

“Yeah, pet. Just a bit, though. Nervous?”

Xander slipped his arms into the coat and let Timmins adjust it. “No, not really.” Spike smirked at him, Xander usually wouldn’t let Timmins fuss with him this much. “Ok, ok. I’m nervous. But not for why you think. I’m still pissed. What if I say something irretrievable? Something nasty that I can’t call back, that I really don’t mean?”

Spike just shook his head. “Don’t say anything at all, unless I ask you a direct question or tell you to answer one. That’ll keep you from sticking your foot in your mouth, piss off the lot of ‘em and be good practice, yeah?”

Xander sighed and nodded. “Ok. Let’s go.”

Timmins had to hide a smile. He’d heard the muttering the slayer had been doing and she wasn’t happy. The two other girls, whose names he had forgotten hadn’t looked happy either. And, he was happy to see, the watcher was positively livid. At least they’d all had better sense than to cause a scene in court.

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Last updated 1/15/2006