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Television Production

Mass Media/TV Production
School year 2006 -2007

Welcome to Mass Media/Television Production,

The Mass Media/TV Production Curriculum encompasses all the various aspects of producing a daily television show as well as journalistic skills used in broadcasting. Students will be expected to write, film, edit, perform and finalize various entry level video projects.

  Understanding Mass Media, fifth edition.William Jawitz, National Textbook Co.1996
  Television Production Handbook, fifth edition. Herbert Zettl, Wadsworth Pub. Co. 1992
Instructional Materials:
  Teacher’s hand-outs
Television broadcasts (news programs)
County related materials

Objectives of this Course:  
  The student will:
1. Learn and perform in all of the positions in the studio and control booth (Including camera operator, teleprompter, lighting, reporter/anchor, costumes, editing, transitions and sound board.)
2. Write broadcast scripts, and create storyboards in a journalistic style.
3. Learn to operate a camcorder and shoot video features, commercials, music videos and special projects. The students are expected to meet their deadlines.
4. Operate an IMAC Computer using the imovie program to edit, add titles and sound to their videos.
5. Learn to report on air in a proper journalistic fashion.

The mass media/TV Production student will occasionally receive homework during the week and/or sometimes on the weekends. The homework is due on the assigned date. The student will receive a “0” for failure to complete the homework assignment. If a student is absent on the day the assignment is due, the assignment is due the day he/she returns to class.

 Grades: The County policy is as follows:

A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89 %
C = 70 - 79 %
D = 60 - 69 %
F = 59% and below

The student’s grades are based on points. Tests, writing assignments, homework assignments, video projects, oral presentations and class participation will count as grades. The student has many ways to achieve success in this English class. The student’s total points are divided by the number of points possible in each grading period.

Classroom Rules:
  The student should:

1. be in their seat when the bell rings (not tardy)
2. show respect to their fellow classmates and teacher
3. have a positive attitude about learning
4. be prepared for class with paper, pen/pencil, folder and books
5. participate daily in class activities
6. unless invited, do not touch any equipment in the classroom
7. communicate with the teacher if a personal problem exists
8. May not have food or drink in class (unless it is a plastic bottle with a screw on cap to prevent spills.)


Make-up Work: A calendar will be kept on the bulletin board in the front on the classroom with the daily assignments and materials covered. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the make-up work and complete it in a timely manner as stated in the Students Code of Conduct.

During the course of the six weeks each student will be responsible for writing, creating, filming, transferring and getting on air various video projects. Commercials and music videos are worth 100 points. Features are worth 200 points. These videos must be turned in on time.

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I have read Mr. Winship’s course outline and understand the expectations of this course. I also understand that my son /daughter need(s) this course to graduate from high school.

_____________________________________   _________________________________
Signature of student   Print name
_____________________________________   __________________________________
Signature of parent   print name

Comments (Phone Number, Special Needs etc.):




Assignments will go here

Assignments will go here

Assignments will go here

Assignments will go here

Assignments will go here

Assignments will go here

©2006 Mr. Winship