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 W E L C O M E  


Almost Utopian, the only TFL listed fanlisting for the amazing Mr. Vikas Khanna! Not sure what a fanlisting is? Check out the about section for more information. Vikas is not only an amazing chef, but an amazing person. He actually wants to do great things to take food to a different level. Never afraid to tackle subjects most chefs wouldn't, Vikas thrives on being different. He loves stepping out of line and bringing the World together through his compassion and food. You can just tell, hiss works are a legacy to the world. He's a legend in the making. If you are a fan of him then please join!


We have a total member count of 211 members, and 0 members pending approval.

 D I S C L A I M E R 


"Almost Utopian" is a non-profit fanlisting, it is not affiliated with Vikas Khanna, his agent or his Foundations. This site uses scripts from Indiscripts, Codegrrl and New Place.


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