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An aerial view of the three pyramids of Giza, showing the same shape as the stars of Orion's belt.

One of the great pyramids.

The constellation, Orion.

Edgar Cayce.

The Sphinx.

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The Pyramids of Giza

People have speculated for years over the mysteries of the Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx.  Theories of aliens and Atlanteans have dominated the arguments against mere ancient Egyptians having the capability to construct such spectacular creations.

One belief, that the ancient Egyptians were actually descendents of the lost civilization of Atlantis, while interesting, doesn't quite hold up under closer scrutinization.  According to most historians, the Sphinx is dated to 2500 B.C.  Many, like the notable John Anthony West, believes the structure to be much older.

He claimed the damage to the Sphinx was water erosion from a great flood, the same that drowned Atlantis.  Robert Schoch, an American geologist, agreed to research it, in an attempt to prove the hypothesis.  The results of Schoch's studies agreed with the idea that it was caused by water -- but rainwater, not a flood.  If Schoch is correct, then the Sphinx resided there during the last substantial rainfall, between 7000 and 5000 B.C, a minimum of at least another 2500 years before the commonly recognized date of construction.  Most say that more years of water erosion would have been necessary for the amount of damage to the structure.

Edgar Cayce, widely accepted as a modern-time soothsayer in the 1930's, supported the theory of Atlantis with one of his many guided glimpses into the past.  He also said that both the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid were built by Atlantis survivors, and that it was done in 10,500 B.C.  He predicted that they'd sealed their knowledge and wisdom into a "Hall of Records" in the pyramid and that this jackpot of information would be discovered in 1998.  Guess what?  It came and went.

However, as an interesting twist to this idea, consider SRI International, the world's largest private scientific research institute, backed by the American military, the Pentagon and the CIA.  During the 1970's, they sent many expeditions with high-tech equipment to seek out hidden chambers.  In 1979, they quit looking, presumably finding nothing of interest.

Conspiracy buffs jumped on the bandwagon, claiming they had found something and kept it secret from the world.  The proof?  A belief that the year 1998 was a numerology mistake by Edward Cayce since in the year 1979, the 19 + 79 equals '98.  And the secret they're keeping -- anything from technology to the belief of some sort of galactic countdown, which they would hide to diffuse panic, since some global transformation was to take place after the discovery.

The 'countdown' idea is held by others to some degree, as well.  According to one source, it's called the Great Solar Cycle, a time we, as in Earth, have been given to progress and prepare for our advancement, or graduation, to the Ascension.

The theory is that the pyramids were buildt in 10,500 B.C. (this date is under great debate as the actual date of construction), which is also the time of our Solar Breath.  This same source claims that the pyramids' internal airshafts aligned with their celestial counterparts and gives rise to the Stargate Theory, which involves precision alignment of constellations to scan backwards to a specific point of the same alignment.  In essence, time travel.

While all this sounds like science fiction, so did computers at one time, so who knows?  At this point, it seems rather far-fetched, to say the least.

However, constellations do play an integral part of the pyramids and Sphinx of Giza.  Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock first introduced the observation that the three pyramids were in the same alignment as the three stars of Orion's Belt.  It is through this observation that we may actually see substantial evidence to pinpoint the date of construction to 10,500 B.C.

Using the widely accepted date of 2500 B.C. and computer generated star charts, Orion's Belt would not have aligned with the pyramids.  Due to the precession of the equinoxes, the stars change, so when computer simulations were used to wind back the skies, the stars of Orion's Belt were in alignment with the positioning in Giza in 10,500 B.C!

Furthermore, this was the Age of the Lion (Leo constellation), and the vernal point (where the sun rose) was directly in front of the Sphinx, long held to have body of a lion!  It is entirely possible that the position is directing us to a specific point in time.

In 1998, Hancock pointed our attention to the Cambodian site of Angkor Wat, stating that additionally, these temples were in the position of the constellation Draco, in 10,500 B.C.  This allegation has been widely rebutted from historians, astrologists, astronomers, and numerous others.

Is it so bizarre the Egyptians would map out stars with the pyramids?  Ancient people the world over used the sun to tell time.  Sailors used the sun and stars for their directional value.

Consider this -- the earth has a grand cycle of precession of the equinoxes which repeats approximately every 26,000 years.  Ancient people tracked the twelve constellations of the zodiac which are equal to lengths of roughly 2,165 years.  How can we be sure?  The Bible, a wealth of historical facts, tells us in a very subtle way that possibly only astology buffs or a mathematician may notice.

The story of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments tells the tale.  Upon returning, he scorned the people for making a golden calf.  Of course they were -- they were in the Age of Taurus (the bull).  Aries the Ram was in ascension and amazingly enough, this was also a time when the sacrifice of lambs cleansed sins.  We can see from this history that the people paid attention to the constellations.

Orion is the key to the 26,000 years cycle of the equinoxes.  Of all the stars in the sky, it's among the easiest to spot.  Orion moves up for 13,000 years and back down for the last 13,000 years.  We are, right now, at Orion's approximate highpoint (which also gives credence to the countdown idea, if one believes that 10,500 B.C. marks some sort of starting point).

Yet another thought -- were the creators purposefully drawing our attention to Orion?  Orion's Belt is easily the most recognizable part of the constellation -- but consider the sword Orion carries.  The central "star" of the sword isn't a star at all.  The Great Orion Nebula is a large glowing cloud of material.  One of the most studied in the sky, it's widely believed to be a huge star formation approximately 1630 light years away.

The nebula is actually the glow of many newborn stars shining on the surrounding gaseous cloud.  Millions of years from now, planets -- maybe even some like Earth -- will be born there, according to scientists.  Returning to the theory of a helping hand from off-world visitors for a moment, this is one reason some believe the aliens idea, and that our attention is being drawn to Orion for a purpose.

Perhaps there's no reason other than pride.  The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Celts all had gods they followed.  Their beliefs are still with us today in holidays, days of the week, months of the year -- do some research on the word Thursday, for example.  You'll see how it's derived from the Norse god, Thor.

With this in mine -- that pieces of ancient gods have been passed down -- and that we recognize Orion as a hunter, maybe the Egyptians simply wished to honor him.  Their warrior and hunter god was Anhur.  Furthermore, he was the personification of royal warriors (royalty/pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids), and his consort was the lion goddess.  He was honored as a protector of Re (also known as Amun-Re or Re-Atum), who the Egyptians believed created all of humankind from his tears.  So, it wouldn't be so strange to accept that they chose to honor the hunter placed in the night sky.

Additionally, just as the constellation Orion was used to measure the equinoxes, the Sirius star was used to track the year.  It's helical path is 365.25 days, so at the rising of the star, it corresponded to New Year's Day in ancient Egypt.

Based on the fact that the Sirius Star is also known as the Dog Star, author Robert Temple tried to make the connection that the Sphinx does not have the body of a lion, but rather that of a dog, to honor Anubis.

Anubis is the jackal-headed god of the dead and his theory is that the Sphinx doesn't only honor him, but that he's guarding the dead in the pyramid temples.

Backing up a bit, during studies of a West African tribe called the Dogon, whose religion centers on the Sirius star, and has for eons, he discovered that they also believed in Sirius' companion star -- but it's invisible to the naked eye.  In fact, this too-tiny-to-see companion star remained undiscovered until 1842, and wasn't photographed until the 1970's.  So, how could the Dogon know of it?

This led to the connection, according to Temple, that the knowledge was gained from contact with off-world visitors.  he believes the contact took place in Egypt, hence the Sphinx with the body of the dog (the Dog Star), and that they then are responsible for the human race and that the Giza structures are our indicators.

However, upon some research, it should be pointed out that the Egyptians didn't nickname Sirius the Dog Star, so the sphinx-dog correlation doesn't hold together.  Sirius was associated with Isis, not Anubis; and it was the Greeks who much later christened it the Dog Star, becaus it's in the constellation Canis Major (the Great Dog).

Arguments can be made for and against all the ideas presented here as an explanation of the mysteries of the pyramids, and their date of creation.  Whether it has anything to do with aliens or not, there's obviously a connection to Orion, the constellations, and the Egyptian gods.



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The Pyramids of Giza article to the left was written and © 2005 and beyond, by Gelana Roseman, All Rights Reserved. Do not post any portion of this article as written in any printed document, nor website, without my permission. Thank you.





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Background set is my own creation, Copyright © 2004 and beyond, Gelana Roseman, Xanadu Creations, All Rights Reserved.