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The Campfire

Remember telling stories around the campfire with a flashlight under your chin? This is my short story realm, and hopefully some of them will creep you out as much as they did when you were a kid:

Betsy's Witch
The Black Duchess
Exposure 24
Isabelle's Beast
Lacopia Love
The Magick Mirror
The Magic Painting
The Portal
The Ring
Route 491
A Vision, A Blessing
White, Chocolate, or Nightmare?


Annabelle, written and © copyrighted by Gelana Roseman, The Cold Spot, May 25, 2004. All Rights Reserved.


A Vision, A Blessing

Lauren and Nina had been best friends since meeting in gradeschool. The similarities between the two were numerous, ranging everywhere from the same taste in music to their birthdays only four days part.

In physical appearance, they complimented each other nicely, looking nothing alike. While Lauren was the fair-skinned, blue-eyed blonde variety, Nina's roots were anchored deep in Hispanic genes. She bore straight, ebony hair and big brown eyes.

Nina always considered herself the less pretty half of the pair, and as years passed, she had far fewer boyfriends than Lauren. In spite of the many interested in her, Lauren remained a bachelorette. Sometimes, Nina wondered if she remained unmarried for the benefit of their friendship, but she never complained.

In college, they pledged and were accepted by the same sorority. They majored in business together, and both got hired at Hinkley Associates upon graduation. It only stood to reason that they rent an apartment together, which they did.

Lauren continued dating, not serious about anyone. Nearly every weekend she left Nina in her bathrobe in front of the television with a big bowl of popcorn.

One evening, Lauren went on a double-date with friends of her current boyfriend. The girls hit it off immediately. Plans were made for Carmen to visit their apartment so Lauren could introduce her two friends.

Just as Lauren suspected, Nina and Carmen got along wonderfully. The three women forged a strong friendship and spent more time with each other.


Eventually, Carmen commented on Nina's hermit-like behavior. Like Lauren, Carmen had a date nearly every weekend. "It's just too bad. She shouldn't spend every weekend night alone."

"I think she lacks self-confidence," Lauren confided to their new friend. "She's kind of shy; worried about meeting people."

"I've got the perfect solution," Carmen exclaimed. Toby, her boyfriend, had a friend in the same boat. "We'll go on a triple date. Then, she'll feel more comfortable with us near her."

Nina hesitated at the suggestion but finally agreed. Disappointing her friends wasn't an option.


The big night arrived and Lauren helped Nina filter appropriate outfits from her closet for over an hour. Once she chose, Nina readied herself first, then waited in their living room for Lauren to shower, anxious butterflies dancing in her stomach.

The TV flicked on, showing yet another movie of a speeding car. Nina figured she'd sat on the remote control and dug in the couch cushions to find it. When she didn't feel it, she crossed to the television to shut it off the old-fashioned way.

Upon glancing at the set, she saw an actress that resembled Carmen so closely, she could have been a twin. As she stared, another actress that looked like Lauren, and then a clone of Nina herself. Startled, she watched as the scene unfolded.

The girls, and the three men in the car were having a great time. They laughed and cajoled as the driver, a dark-haired man, occasionally swigged on a beer.

After a few seconds, their car approached a railroad crossing, and an on-coming train. The arms and lights at the crossing weren't working to warn the inebriated driver and he didn't notice the whistle of the train over the loud music in the car. As he crossed, the train collided with the side of the car, sending the car careening, and it's occupants flying. Then, the set clicked off, again by itself.

Nina stared at the dark screen, horrified. That was where Lauren found her when she exited the bathroom seconds later, towel-drying her hair.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Something was just on," Nina answered numbly. "Did you see it?"

"See what?"

Nina realized how crazy she'd sound if she told her friend that she just watched how they would all die later that night. "Nothing," she mumbled. "I just don't feel well."

Lauren's mouth dropped. "You're not going, are you?" she demanded.

Nina shook her head. "No, I'm staying home."

"I can't believe this! Carmen and I went out of our way to set you up on this date, and now you're backing out!" Lauren flopped down into the recliner and glared at Nina, fuming.

Nina lowered her eyes. She felt awful. She knew it was completely unbelievable, but much worse to have her best friend angry, so she told her what she saw on the screen.

Lauren patiently listend to the whole thing, then stood, hands on her hips. "It's one thing to bail out; it's quite another when you start lying to me about it." She paced a few steps and stopped. "You're my best friend. And I know how upset Carmen is going to be, so I'll call her and tell her I'm sick and you're staying home to take care of me, so she won't be angry over that ridiculous story."

Nina nodded, grateful Lauren wasn't going either. She secretly wondered if Lauren believed some tiny fragment of what she'd heard and got scared.

The girls popped a bowl of popcorn and watched a movie, neither really interested in it. Lauren tried to hide it, but she still fumed over what she felt a betrayal.

Towards the end of the movie, a newswoman was broadcast. "I'm here on the scene of a brutal catastrophe for four young adults. I've been told that faulty equipment and too much fun led to this tragedy behind me." The scene shifted to car wreckage, and a sheet-covered body next to it. Smouldering flames still burned nearby. "At this point, all the police have said of the identities of these unfortunate individuals is that the female has been positively identified as Carmen Vargas, local hair beautician. We'll have more details on News at 10."

Lauren crossed to Nina and hugged her best friend tightly. "Thank you," she mumbled.


Copyright © 2004 and beyond, Gelana Roseman, The Cold Spot, All Rights Reserved.
Background set is my own creation, Copyright © 2004 and beyond, Gelana Roseman, Xanadu Creations, All Rights Reserved.