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By Evan Bittle


Known as the Tetranni, the TCUA, and Tetracons, the Tetranni Conser-
vative Union of America
is an organization of American peoples united together to express and support their conservative views. The TCUA stands for a united tomorrow, free from liberal corruption and the discrimination against the working white man.

The problems with our current American society continuously mount, and an arrogant and ignorant people refuse to recognize it. Many accuse the government as becoming praetorian, when it is in fact the people who have degraded themselves. The evidence is everywhere around us.


We hold here but a taste of such evidence, immediately following with our established truths, the basis of our united ideology.

- We live in a society where a man who downloads music illegally off of the internet can potentially be charged with a larger fine and more jailtime than a man who rapes a child. We, the Tetranni, believe in a just and 'blind' judicial system.

- We live in a society where a white supremacist is marred as racist, while a black supremacist is glorified as a national hero. It is a message of discrimination, a proclamation of the supposedly down-trodden black man being superior to that of the white. We, the Tetranni, believe that all people, regardless of color, are equal.

- We live in a society where extreme feminist movements, whom claim to be struggling for equality, are actually suceeding in making women superior to men. They are doing nothing but teaching hatred toward men, teaching inequality in a world where they are already gaining more rights and privileges. We, the Tetranni, believe that all people, regardless of natural gender, are equal.

- We live in a society where love is based on physical attraction rather than true compatibility, where love is considered 'dead', or to have never existed. Simultaneously, these same people claim homosexuals should be allowed to marry because "they are in love". We, the Tetranni, believe in a society built on both traditional and modern conservative views.

- We live in a world of hypocrisy, where lies and truths are the same and cannot be separated from one another. Where a representative of the law can claim to remove judicial bias among their peers when in fact they are simply removing any others who hold views which threaten and oppose their own. We, the Tetranni, believe in a society free of liberal hypocrisy.



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