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I chose to study the area of Boulder, Colorado, specifically looking at areas closer to the mountains. I made a confidential survey about driving, animals, and accidents, and got some friendly enough people to fill it out. The following is a link to select questions from my survey so that YOU can help me gather more data. I have also provided some general census information to help someone who is not from Boulder understand the location better.

Click here so YOU can take my survey online!!!


Lyons to the North and Golden to the South are two towns I chose to compare Boulder to because of their adjacent location. Obviously Boulder is a much larger community in terms of population (94,510).

There are also many more private vehicles traveling around Boulder, although there definately is a use of alternative transportation.

Survey and Statistics
Potential Solutions
Helpful Links
Information shared on this website is for educational purposes only. This website was created for the Computers in Planning course of the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado.