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Me, me me...

Hey guys, my name is Devin, but you probably already know that if you're reading this... and yup, that is my ugly face you're looking at.

I'll try not to talk to much about myself, because I'm pretty boring, but here's a quick intro for those who care:

Incase you've forgotten, I live in England now. I moved here when I was 14 from Minnesota, USA, (the greatest place on Earth.) and am now 16.

.In school, I'm currently studying for A-levels in Math, Physics, Geography and Tech, (which is a class where you build stuff; hammers, saws, that kinda crap).
For those of you who don't know, A-levels are somewhat like Highschool education, and are the last step before University. (Which I am planning on going to, just don't know where.)

My free time is mostly spent right here, sitting in my comfy chair, or laying on my bed with my laptop. When I'm not at school or doing homework, I spend my time watching movies, playing sports, chatting with friends, or just being down-right lazy. I used to play a bunch of sports back in the States, but not as many here. I'm still into basketball, soccer (football here), and running, but I don't play competitive anymore.

I doubt you want to hear any more about me, so here's a little about my family:
I live in a tiny house (tiny compared to my home in MN.) with my parents and two brothers, aged 12 and 19
My Dad's the money man, and works long hours with computers writing software. Day's usually start at 5:30am, finish at 6pm.
My Mom is currently taking online university courses, and is now beginning to take up teaching languages in her free time, Spanish and English.
My older brother is also into computers and computer software, but is currently a bum living in his room, and only braving the sunlight to grab some bagels for breakfast.
My younger bro is the social trooper, and is often out hangin' with his mates. But when he's not, he spends his free time parked in front of the TV, watching friends, scrubs, and God knows what else.

That's all I'm going to write here. If you want to know anything further, or just want to say hi to us miserable bunch, visit the Contact page and drop us an email.