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Seemolf DMC-FZ5, ( Xacti E6, Canon A70, Nikon FM-2 )

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This set of pictures shows, that there are only few limits for this type of camera. There are no serious problems with noise, because I always use ISO 80. But the very limited contrast range will force me to search for a different type of camera. I have now two years of practice with the FZ5, but I still don't know how to get perfect shots right out of the camera. There is much post processing involved. My previous camera - Canon A70 - needed less care. On the other hand shots taken with the FZ5 look quite "natural" - a perfect base for post processing

Standard settings: ISO80, spot metering, aperture or manual mode, fixed focus with macros.

..and my deleted gallery on can be still seen here. These were my early macros. I will try to reach a better level of quality this year. Sven


--thumbs directing to the categories--

These are my "old" macros:

..and some different impressions:

Some pictures taken with the xacti E6:

Any comments appreciated __ guest book or email!

Thanks for visiting my pages! Have a nice day - Sven

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All images are copyrighted by © 2005-2007 Seemolf  last update 4.mar.07 08:00