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H3 is the story of the 1981 hungerstrike in which seven Provisional IRA prisoners and three INLA prisoners took on the might of the British with the only weapon that they had available to themselves, their bodies. Directed by Les Blair. Screenplay by Lawrence McKeown and Brian Campbell.





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H3 Reviews





Paradise Now: The story places two close friends, Palestinians Said and Khaled, recruited by an militant group to carry out an attack in Tel-Aviv. However, things go wrong and both friends must separate at the border. One of them, maintaining in his purpose of carrying on the attack to the end, and the other will have his doubts about it.


In Nablas on the West Bank, Said and Khaled, who have volunteered to be suicide bombers, receive word it will be tomorrow - the cell's first operation in two years. They're shaven and shorn, in black suits to pose as settlers in Tel Aviv for a wedding.


Something goes wrong at the crossing, they're separated, and the action is postponed, long enough for renewed questioning of what they're about to do. Suha, the well-educated and well-traveled daughter of a martyr, challenges the action. She likes Said and has her own ideas. "Under the occupation, we're already dead," is Khaled's analysis. Fate and God's will seem to drive Said. We must be moral, argues Suha. Can minds change?


Paradise Now



Official Movie Website





"Venezuela Bolivariana: People and Struggle of the Fourth World War", by Marcelo Andrade and the Calle Y Media Collective. 76 min., 2004, Spanish with English subtitles.

This documentary examines the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela and its links to the world-wide movement against capitalist globalization. The film shows the evolution of the popular movement in Venezuela from the "Caracazo" riots of 1989 to the massive actions that brought revolutionary president Hugo Chavez back to power, 48 hours after a U.S.-led military coup in 2002.

The main theme is how the Bolivarian Revolution, thanks to its incredible grassroots and networking power, is a revolution that transcends the national frontiers of Venezuela and contributes with concrete alternatives to the fight against neoliberal capitalism.

Venezuela Bolivariana



 Movie Review




World in Action was a long running weekly television documentary dealing with the issues of the day.

In this episode from 1981 the program deals with the republican hungerstrike of that year from a British viewpoint and castigates what they term the propaganda machine of the Republican prisoners and their supporters on the outside. Includes interesting footage of the funeral and wake of INLA Volunteer Patsy O'Hara.

World in Action - The Propaganda War (1981)





McLibel is the story of two ordinary people who humiliated McDonald's in the biggest corporate PR disaster in history. McDonald's loved using the UK libel laws to suppress criticism. Major media organisations like the BBC and The Guardian crumbled and apologised. But then they sued gardener Helen Steel and postman Dave Morris. In the longest trial in English legal history, the "McLibel Two" represented themselves against McDonald's £10 million legal team. Every aspect of the corporation's business was cross-examined: from junk food and McJobs, to animal cruelty, environmental damage and advertising to children.


Outside the courtroom, Dave brought up his young son alone and Helen supported herself working nights in a bar. McDonald's tried every trick in the book against them. Legal manoeuvres. A visit from Ronald McDonald. Top executives flying to London for secret settlement negotiations. Even spies. Seven years later, in February 2005, the marathon legal battle finally concluded at the European Court of Human Rights. And the result took everyone by surprise - especially the British Government.


McLibel is not just about hamburgers. It is about the importance of freedom of speech now that multinational corporations are more powerful than countries. Filmed over ten years by no-budget Director Franny Armstrong, McLibel is the David and Goliath story of two people who refused to say sorry. And in doing so, changed the world.




Wikipedia on McLibel

Official Site




Malcolm Little, the son of an African American Baptist preacher, Earl Little, was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on 19th May, 1925. Malcolm's mother, Louise Little, was born in the West Indies. Her mother was black but her father was a white man.

Earl Little was a member of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and a supporter of Marcus Garvey. This got him into trouble with the Ku Klux Klan and after the family were threatened they moved to Lansing, Michigan. Little continued to make speeches in favour of UNIA and in 1929 the family house was burned down by members of the Black Legion.

In 1931 Little was found dead by a streetcar railway track. Although no one was convicted of the crime it was generally believed that Little had been murdered by the Black Legionnaires. Malcolm's mother never recovered from her husband's death and in 1937 was sent to the State Mental Hospital at Kalamazoo, where she stayed for the next twenty-six years.

Little moved to Boston to live with his sister. He worked as a waiter in Harlem and after becoming addicted to cocaine, turned to crime. In 1946 he was convicted of burglary and sentenced to ten years imprisonment. While in prison he was converted to the
Black Muslim faith.

After his release from prison in 1952 he moved to Chicago where he met
Elijah Muhammad, leader of the Nation of Islam sect. He changed his name to X, a custom among Muhammad's followers who considered their family names to have originated with white slaveholders.

Malcolm soon became a leading figure in the
Nation of Islam. He went on several speaking tours and helped establish several new mosques. He was eventually assigned to be minister of the mosque in New York's Harlem area. Founder and editor of Muhammad Speaks, Malcolm rejected integration and racial equality and instead advocated black power.

Malcolm was suspended from the movement by
Elijah Muhammad after he made a series of extremist speeches. This included his comments that the assassination of John F. Kennedy was a "case of chickens coming home to roost".

In March 1964 Malcolm left the
Nation of Islam and established his own religious organization, the Organization of Afro-American Unity. After a pilgrimage to Mecca, Malcolm rejected his former separatist beliefs and advocated world brotherhood. Malcolm now blamed racism on Western culture and urged African Americans to join with sympathetic whites to bring to an end.

Malcolm X was shot dead at a party meeting in Harlem on 21st February, 1965. Three
Black Muslims were later convicted of the murder. The Autobiography of Malcolm X, based on interviews he had given to the journalist, Alex Haley, was published in 1965.

Malcolm X Documentary


Brother Malcolm

Malcolm X Official Site






HOWARD ZINN - YOU CAN'T BE NEUTRAL ON A MOVING TRAIN documents the life and times of the historian, activist and author of the best selling classic A People's History of the United States.


Featuring rare archival materials, interviews with Howard Zinn as well as colleagues and friends including Noam Chomsky, Marian Wright Edelman, Daniel Ellsberg, Tom Hayden and Alice Walker, YOU CAN'T BE NEUTRAL captures the essence of this activist and thinker who has been a catalyst for progressive change for more than 60 years. As Noam Chomsky has said of him, "it is no exaggeration to say he has changed the consciousness of a generation."


Howard Zinn - You can't be neutral on a moving train.






There are years when nothing happens and then days that change the course of History. From September 2002 to May 2003 we met with intellectuals, journalists, university professors, writers, historians, political analysts, international observers, human rights organizations, civil rights fighters, religious leaders, peace and anti war activists, asking questions to understand these years in which we are living and try to put together the many pieces of a complicated puzzle. The picture that comes alive is – to paraphrase James Baldwin – “longer, larger, more various, more beautiful, and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it”.


2000 Presidential Elections and September 11, 2001. Afghanistan, Iraq, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. The first Gulf War and the UN sanctions against Iraq. Saddam Hussein and the inspections. The axis of evil, the coalition of the willing and collateral damages. News, media, concentrations of power and censorship. The Middle East and the old and new colonialism. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, civil liberties and human rights. United Nations, International Criminal Court and the Old Europe. War, peace and patriotism. The anti war movement, oil, blood and the voices of dissent. Is it possible to find interconnecting links?

XXI The Series





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Multimedia: Audio CDs

James Connolly in Word and Song - Audio CD



Speeches from Malcolm X - Audio CD



Flight of Earls - Something Inside So Strong -

Audio CD




Howard Zinn - Stories Hollywood Never Tells - Audio CD





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All our pins are Iron stamped, soft enamel with plating, using epoxy and butterfly clutch on backside.

Design by Greg Collins - IRSCNA




height 25mm

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thickness 1.2mm

Design by Greg Collins - IRSCNA


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Memories of 1981 - The story of the 1981 hunger strike as told by friends, relatives and comrades of the prisoners





Socialism Made Easy or Workshop Talks as it is otherwise known was written by James Connolly in order to give people an easy understanding of socialism and how it can be of benefit to society.



An essay written by Republican Socialist POW Thomas Ta Power which critically examines the relationship between the INLA and the IRSP. This document is essential reading for anyone interested in the IRSP.
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