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U.S. Name: GROOVE   Jap. Name: SAME

Cartoon First Appearance: Episode #62: Revenge of Bruticus, Season 2, Sept. 1985

Marvel Comic First Appearance: Unknown

Dreamwave Comic First Appearance: Unknown

Toy Catalog Number: C-74


A quick comment:     Back to G-1: Review A-XIII      Teletran-1

After the disappointment with the Encore Bruticus reissue due to no die cast metal, poor quality, and tempographs, I went to Ebay and looked for the original Bruticus.  I got tired of waiting and still no decent original Bruticus, I ended up grabbing the original die cast metal Protectobots/ Defensor instead.  Back in the 80's, I used to have Streetwise and First Aid until I lost it.  It just vanished one day along with my other Transformers.   Now, I'm just excited by having the Protectobots/ Defensor again.  It cost me a fortune, $CCXXX, from Ebay and arrived to me on Aug. Xv, Mmix. 


R-0 Original Groove's motto and tech specifications:  

Affiliate: autobots | Subgroup: protectobots | Function: scout | Alt. Mode: motorcycle |

| STR 4 | INTL 9 | SPD 5 | ENDN 7 | RNK 6 | CRG 8 | FRPW 6 | SKL 8 |

Original G1 Groove's Motto:

"War is a problem, never a solution"


Original G1 Groove's Bio:

A full tank, clear skies, open road - that's all he wants out of life. Relaxed, easy going, happy wherever he is. Pacifist - difficult for him to accept his role as part of the Protectobot team. Speed: 140 mph, range: 800 miles. Uses twin vaporators, which shoot mists of oxidizing, freezing and corrosive liquids; and photon pistol. Combines with fellow Protectobots to form "Defensor."


NOTE-1: This review page is meant to give you some ideas about the figure and for nostalgic or sentimental purposes.  I hold no responsibility for your action.  These images were mostly photographed and scanned by me.  If there's a section or image that owned by you and I didn't give you credit, please Email Me and I'll make the correction.  Have fun.

- Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale -

[Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight]

R-1 Groove in its Original condition:

grooveorig1.jpg (99676 bytes)1 - Groove in its brand new condition from the card.  

2 - Back of the card shows an instruction on how to transform him, apply the stickers, and all the contents that were included.


grooveorig2.jpg (36881 bytes)Besides "1" Groove, these are the Papers and Accessories that were part of the package:

"2" twin vaporators, "1" photon pistol, "1" sticker sheet, and "1" Protectobots/ Defensor instruction sheet.

NOTE-2: Groove was sold as an individual component or as Defensor gift set.  You are viewing the individual component release.


R-2 Pre-Applied Decals/ Stickers: 

There is only one Pre-Applied sticker that had been applied onto Groove.  That sticker is the Autobot Rub Sign logo located in the front of the motorcycle window shield.

Sticker Sheet:

DecalGroove.jpg (53360 bytes)There are 8 registered numbering of stickers on the sticker sheet.  But in reality it's actually 13 stickers since some of the decals/ stickers are grouped or paired together and labeled it as one.  These numberings do not include the Pre-applied stickers.  


R-3 Groove in Vehicle Mode:

grooveveh.jpg (54791 bytes)In vehicle mode, Groove is a Honda Goldwing GL 1200 police motorcycle whose measurement is approximately 3 6/16 x 1 1/2 x 1 2 (LxWxH in inch).  Without the decals, Groove colors are consisted of black, white, and chrome.  He features die cast metal and the rests are all plastic and this include the wheels as well.   Between the two modes, Groove displays best in his motorcycle form since it's well balance and highly details e.g. speedometer, silver headlight, chrome engine, etc.  Talk about balance, the motorcycle mode is very stable and does not swing or sway from one side to the other.  It stays upright very nicely.  At the side of the motorcycle by rear, there is a peg for the twin vaporators to be plugged on, see R-5.  Finally at the back, there is a hole reserved for Defensor's foot or hand.


R-4 Groove in Robot Mode:

grooverob.jpg (66227 bytes)Of the smaller Protectobots, Groove's robot has the least appealing to the eyes.  His legs has this huge wheel in the middle, the back is like a brick, and he looks like a dork.  Groove's transformation is also simple just like the rest of the smaller Protectobots.  Starting from vehicle mode, lift and rotate the front portion or wheel all the way to the back.  Flip the black seat in a 180 degree to become the feet.  Now move the arm out.  And that will complete his transformation.


R-5 Groove in Battle Mode:

groovedet.jpg (63548 bytes)To make Groove into an attack motorcycle, insert the twin vaporators onto the peg at the side of the motorcycle by the rear.  The twin vaporators can be fully rotated at a 360 degree.  In addition, the same weapons can be used in robot mode too for more fire power.  Both Groove and Blade has the ability to use these extra weapons in both robot and vehicle mode in contrast to Streetwise and First Aid.


R-6 Groove's Chest Sticker and Mysterious Sticker #3 - What's the hell?

groovedet3.jpg (92168 bytes)The instruction at the back of Groove cardboard (courtesy from did a terrible job as to where these stickers suppose to go and apply.  First problem occurs in the chest stickers.  There is no indication or orientation whether these stickers should be applied with the 2 red squares put in the up position or down position.  Mine, I put it on the down position (top left corner image) since the sticker corner cut aligned with the cut of the chest.  Some other fans put in the up position.  Now onto the mysterious sticker #3.  If you tried to do a search online under Groove looking for the sticker picture as to where it should apply correctly, then good luck.  From the unhelpful cardboard instruction, I couldn't really tell whether sticker #3 should be applied below the crotch (robot mode - far right image) or on the hands (robot mode - left image).  I saw some people put in on the hand.  Others message board posters and some reproduced transformers stickers such as suggested sticker #3 should be applied at the back of the motorcycle representing the brake light.  This brake light sticker concept really make sense and look good on the figure itself too (middle image - motorcycle mode).  I chose to apply sticker #3 in this fashion as well.


R-7 Die Cast Metal or Plastic Version?

groovedet2.jpg (49440 bytes)Groove, just like Streetwise, which ever version you get, it will still contain die cast metal.  The only change in Groove is the die cast color on his chest from gold to silver, left image (gold chest - no sticker, silver chest with applied stickers).  For more on variation, go to  Fred Variation website.  My Groove is silver and has a stamp print made in Japan.  I'm not sure about about the Macau version.

Metal Version

Plastic Version

1. Gold metal chest - Made in Japan. There is no plastic version of Groove.
2. Silver metal chest - Made in Japan There is no plastic version of Groove.
3. Silver metal chest - Made in Macau? There is no plastic version of Groove.


R-8 Additional Parts Review:

To read the additional review on the individual Protectobots or Defensor, click on the link below.  Otherwise, continue to R-9 on Groove topic.

Part 2 - Blades  |  Part 3 - Hotspot  |  Part 4 - First Aid  | Part 5 - Streetwise  | Part 6 - Defensor  |


R-9 Rémy's Groove action figure review:

Manufacturer - Hasbro/ Takara.

Line, Series/ Wave: Generation 1 Line, Series 3.

Year Issue: [1986]  

Made: [Japan]  

Scale: [N/A]

Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD]  - Not available for the time being.

Packaging Method: Mint In Sealed Card.  Contents were packed with the following procedure:

Inside the sealed bubble card are: "2" twin vaporators, "1" photon pistol, "1" sticker sheet, and "1" Protectobots/ Defensor instruction sheet.

Box/ Card Special Note: Front Card Appearance: Groove art.  Back Card Appearance: Instruction on how to transform Groove, how to apply the sticker, and all the contents that were included inside the sealed bubble card.

Box Point or Robot Point: [1/2]  - This number can be found on the back of the box next to the Tech & Spec. 

Approximately Toy Dimension In Inches: - Height Up To The Head 3 1/8  Maximum Height: 3 1/8  Width from shoulder to shoulder: 1 5/16  Maximum Width: 1 1/2 (lower leg to lower leg)  Dept: 2 1/8.

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print: - ©HASBRO 1986; ©TAKARA CO.LTD 1986; Japanese text,  JAPAN

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print Location: - Can be founded at the rear by the right side of the motorcycle.

Transformation Of Difficulty: [Easy]

Material Durability: [A]

Toy Materials: Die Cast Metal: The chest.  Chrome Parts: The side of arm on either side.  Rubber: None, plastic wheels.  Plastic: Main material.  Clear Plastic Window: None.

Stability: [-A] - Robot mode can stand on any flat surface...very stable.

Fun Toy: [A] - Definitely fun due to many accessories and part of the combiner team.

Negative Drawback - Just poorly design.

Articulations:  Head: Cannot be rotated. Shoulder:  Can only be swung at a 360 degree.  Arm/ Elbow: Cannot be bent.  Wrist/ Hand: Cannot be rotated.  Hand cannot be hidden.  Hip/ Waist: Cannot be rotated.  Leg: Cannot be bent  Knee: Can be bent at 180 degree.  Ankle/Feet: No movement.

Rub Sign Logo: [Yes] - The Autobot's rub sign is located at the window shield of the motorcycle.

Robot's Cartoon looks alike: [D]  - Doesn't really look much like his cartoon counterpart especially the leg.. 

Vehicle's Cartoon looks alike: [A] - Same as previous comment.

Special Notes: Here is 1 special note which I think you should know:

1 - Groove has a large chrome on either side of his arm, make sure your fingers are oil free.  Otherwise, the chrome would wear out.  

Overall Grade: [-B] - Although his robot mode isn't attractive, his cool motorcycle mode and his valuable asset to form Defensor, make this figure one of the collected item.

3.5x5 1/16sticker sheet size

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