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The World of Pat Walsh

Welcome to Pat Walsh's World

Welcome to my personal website.  Within these next couple of pages, you will find out everything there is to know about me.  To start, I am a 19 year old sophomore at James Madison University.  I am majoring in Business Management, and I spent one year playing on the JMU Men's Varsity soccer team.  Having hung up the soccer boots in favor of a stronger focus on school, I still manage to find some time to play in the intramural league on the Highschool Hasbeens.  It is a team composed of me and a couple of my friends who played high school soccer, but don't want the demands of playing varsity.
On this website, you will find a couple different things, including a page all about me, a page describing all the things JMU has to offer, and also a tribute to my intramural soccer team, the Highschool Hasbeens.


Welcome to My World


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