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Euphoria Vid Diaries
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Nick's Vid Diary #5
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: My screaming
Topic: Nick

*Face close in camera*

Five whole weeks. five whole f*****g weeks!

*Groans loudly*

Everyday, she talks too damn much. I can't make her stop. I just want to be alone.

*Buries his face*

I don't know how much more of this I can take! But, I have no choice at the moment! I have nowhere else to go! I still have no money. Still looking for a job.

*Lifts his head*

So, I'm pretty much leeching off of Ace here.



*Drops head again*

I'm so f****d. How the hell did it turn out like this?!? Damn it! DAMN IT!

 Cassie in the Background:
Is there a problem, Nick?

No! Nothing is wrong! Everything's fine!

Cassie in the Background:

*Nick groans aloud*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 12:54 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 May 2012 12:55 AM EDT
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Sunday, 6 May 2012
Nick's Vid Diary #4
Mood:  down
Now Playing: "Uprising" by Muse
Topic: Nick

*Sits at his kitchen table*

My life sucks right now. A bank in England lost all of the money that my parents invested in before they died. So Effy, myself, and good number of people in England are now penniless. Effy will be fine, but what about me? Nothing. I've got jack squat!

 *Sits back and grits his teeth*

I'll have to find work now. Plus, I have to give up my apartment. I had no where else to live. Then, Ace came up with the idea. "Move in with me!" she said.

*Nervous laugh* 

Yeah. I can't really refuse.


Hey! I didn't have any other choice in the matter! Okay there is Effy, but I'm not doing that.  F**k no! Between her and Ace, I am screwed! Yeah!

*Sits back*

So yes. I am in Hell right now. What's going to happen now?

 *Pause as he frowns and lays his chin on the table, looking in close to the camera lense*

Oh boy...


Posted by planet/noiztza at 12:13 AM EDT
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Monday, 23 May 2011
Nick's Vid Diary #3
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: "Come Baby Come" by K7
Topic: Nick

*Nick sits on the back porch*

Well, I did it. I got the stupid ear surgey. I can fully hear again.

*Rolls his eyes*

All to shut Ace up. I liked being deaf. I didn't have to talk to anybody then. Gee, cheers Cassie! Way to ruin everything!


Still, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I could easedrop on people now. Hey, that could lead to more blackmail material!


What of Ace? *Shrugs* I might as well keep her around. She isn't going to listen to me when I tell her to go away. So, I'm letting her stay. And besides...

*Leans in really close to the camera*

*Whispers* I have actually come to enjoy f*****g her.

*Sits back*

Yeah, she maybe be annoying and clingly, but she's a great shag in bed. Tell her that and I will kill you! Any questions? No? Good. Now piss off!

*Shuts off the camera*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 8:30 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Nick's Vid Diary
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: "Rock You Like a Hurricane" by Scorpin
Topic: Nick

*Nick sits on his bed, smoking*

I have a little problem. Not with Ace. Oh, she is a problem, but that's not really important. No, this problem traces all the way back to my great-granddad. He lost his hearing at twenty-six. Mum lost hers before she got married and had Effy and I. Now, I'm starting to go deaf.

*Pauses and puffs out some smoke*

Don't feel sorry for me. It's actually good. I won't have to talk to anybody anymore and they won't talk to me.

*Grins, but then frowns*

But then, Ace will want to talk to me. And pretty soon she'll beg me to see a doctor to have it fixed.

*Sighs as he flicks out his ashes*

What is it with birds and losing their virginities? Just because a bloke sleeps with them does not mean they are looking for a relationship.

*Takes another puff*

Birds have this weird idea in their heads that if a bloke take their virginity, they are the "one" for them.

*Shakes his head*

So stupid. But, I degress.

*Flicks off more ashes from his cigarette*

So, what am I going to do about Ace? Not tell her, just like everyone else, about my disability. Just like that. Oh, don't look at me like that! You know how I am, right? So don't act all shocked. It's just how I am.

*Snubs out his cigarette*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 12:27 AM EDT
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Thursday, 7 January 2010
Nick's Vid Diary #1
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: "Bang a Gong (Get it On)" by T. Rex
Topic: Nick

Hey suckers! I'm Nick Trent and I've got a little treat to show ya!

*Picture of Nick when he was a baby with his father*

This man in the picture is my dad. His name was Nigel Patrick Trent. He is my hero. Mr. Trent was a photo journalist. He flew up in planes to get the stories. Sometimes, he took me up in the planes. Great times! But alas, Nigel went with mum to the big news plane in the sky six years ago.

*Moment of silence*

To honor him, I show you Nigel's photos and then I will show you mine. So, here goes!

*Nigel album begins. Pictures of war, nature, wildlife, ocean, poverty, crime, and history*

Impressive, huh? No pop culture crap here! Mr. Trent took his job dead serious. Respectful man, he was. I plan to be just like him one day. I'm already on my way! Look and see for youselves!

*Nick's album begins. Pictures of accidents, fights, Cambodia, his friends, pranks, nature, and the city*

Sweet, huh? Not as good as Nigel's! But, I'm working on! Now, I'm going to take more pictures for my collection. I'm going to make my dad proud! See ya!

*Nick leaves and shuts off the camera*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 8:45 PM EST
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