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Euphoria Vid Diaries
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Fujisaki's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  sad
Topic: Fujisaki

*Fujisaki sits on Emma's bed*

Where are you, Emma-chan? I came home that night on the festival and you were gone. Most of your things were gone as well. It's been eight weeks and I haven't heard from you. You haven't returned my calls or e-mails. Tell me what's going on! I have to know!


Listen, I'm not mad. I'm just worried about you. This isn't like you to up and disappear on me or anyone without warning. Is something wrong? I told Tohma about your disappearance and he just brushed it. Now, I'm really suspicious.

*Pause and fidget*

At least call me. I really do miss you. At least let me know that you're okay.

*Turns off the camera*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 8:18 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 April 2011 4:20 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Ando's Vid Diary #4
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: "How You Like Me Now" by the Heavy
Topic: Ando

*Ando sits on his bed with puffed up cheeks*

She's at it again. Kat's picked up another shithead boyfriend. This time his name is Blake. He's an American. I did some digging on his background.

*Pulls out some papers he had just printed out. Puts on some fake glasses*

The guy is an ex-marine. Dishonorably discharged. Multiple arrests for drunk and disorderly conduct, DWIs, possession of illegal drugs, possession with intent to sell, assult, assult and battery, assult with a deadly weapon, criminal mischief, theft, agravited assult, and assulting an officer.

*Slams down the papers and takes off the glasses*

Nice one, honey!


I'm not the only one that sees this is a bad idea. Grandma, grandpa, and my uncles are trying to break them up. But will Kat listen? No!

*Flops back onto his bed*

She doesn't care as long as the sex is so good. Slut!

*Sighs aloud*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 11:29 PM EDT
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Sunday, 3 October 2010
Shawn's Vid Diary #3
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: "Gets Me Through" by Ozzy Osbourne
Topic: Shawn

*Shawn is leaned up against his kitchen wall, smoking another blunt*

Hey Nicole, how's it been in Tokyo? Life's good in Okinawa. I just had to get away from there. Between mum, the art club, and Cherry, I thought I was going to hang myself. But don't worry, I left a you a little something to remember me by. Too bad it'll arrive in the next nine months.

*Takes another puff*

Anyway, heard that Casper and Emma are gone. Best of luck to them. Shuich, how's your author boytoy? Hope it's all good. Simon getting better? The sooner, the better for us all. Hope everyone else is good. Don't know when I'll get back or if I will. 'Til then, peace!

*Takes another puff and shuts off camera*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 11:59 PM EDT
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Saturday, 2 October 2010
Casper's Vid #3
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: "Stone Free" by Jimi Hendrix
Topic: Casper

*Casper lies on a bed of white cotton sheets*

Hi Simon. I am so sorry that I did this. I needed to get away. It's not your fault. I'm having a hard time at the moment.

*Sniffles and swallows down her pain*

Lynn married a bad man. He tried... He tried to...

*Tries to fight back her dry tears*

This man tried to molest me when I was younger on the night dad died. Now, he's back again. Lynn married him and moved him into our house. He tried to molester me again. I tried to tell Lynn, but she won't believe me! He's got her under his spell! She's head over heels for that creep! I just couldn't take being in that house any longer. So I ran away to Nagasaki. Althrough, things are not really good here...

*Trembles a little bit*

My  current situation isn't any better. My aunt is a greedy, fat bitch. And my cousin... she's stupid and ugly. I treated up one hell for another.


But, what can I do? I don't know when I'll come back to Tokyo. Maybe Lynn will divorce over the summer. I hope... *Whispers* I have strong doubt about this one. Until then... I'll be in Nagasaki for the summer. Don't think it has anything to do with you. It's just problems with me. I still love you, Si.

*Blows a kiss into her camera*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 10:23 PM EDT
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Thursday, 30 September 2010
Peaches' Vid Diary #1
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: "Boys Wanna Be Her" by Peaches
Topic: Peaches

*Peaches sits at Jin's kitchen table in a summer dress*

Hiya! My name is Ono Peaches and I am Ozawa Jin's girlfriend! Okay, my boyfriend's been acting depressed over these past few weeks. So, I paid him a visit to find out why. Turns out, his baby sister, Arisu, had ran away from home. Why? Jin had banned her from seeing her boyfriend, Sid Wilson. Such a tradegy to see young forbidden love.

*Sigh and dramatic type of faint*

Jin still can't get over Sid driving Arisu to attempt suicide because he broke her heart. That was last year. Just move on already. They are much better now, Jini! They will be already.

*Pause for a breath*

Anyway, Jin began to see his error and started making vid diaries to try and bring his baby sister home. Here, let me play one for you.

*Plays the disc*

Pretty desperate, huh? When those failed, Jin made nice with Sid for a moment and persuaded him to get her home. Turns out, Sid knew where the baby sister was all along. So now, Arisu is home, safe and sound! Yay! Now, that leaves Jin with more important things to worry about, like me! Speaking of which...

*Turns to the doorway as she stands up*

Oh, Jini! Momma Peaches needs love!

*Leaves the room*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 12:01 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Nicole's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: "Run Like Hell" by Kittie
Topic: Nicole

*Nicole sits on her bed, glaring at the camera*

Hello, shite-head! Enjoying Okinawa? I hope you're not! You've screwed up my chance of going to Rome! I'm pregnant, no thanks to you! You just had to go and pin-prick the condoms, didn't you? Why?!? WHY?!?

*Tries to fight back her sick*

Oh god!

*Grabs a bucket and vomits in it*

See what you made me do?!? Mum and dad won't even let me abort the little brat! Mum says, "My parents wouldn't let me abort you when I was thirteen."

*Rolls her eyes*

Gee thanks, mum! The Murray mistake lives on! That's what happened to mum and dad, you know? Grandma made them get married because they couldn't have a child out of wedlock! Oh god, help me! If they put me through that... so help me!

*Forces herself to calm down*

The worst part is that you left me! Why is that I have to stay in Tokyo and you get to go to f*****g Okinawa! F**K YOU!!!! Have a nice life, loser!


Posted by planet/noiztza at 11:00 PM EDT
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Sunday, 26 September 2010
Jin's Vid Diary #3
Mood:  down
Now Playing: "Find My Baby" by Moby
Topic: Jin

*Jin sits on his back porch*

Arisu! It's been close to a month. Your finals are coming up. Don't you care? Momma is drinking more and more because you are gone. I miss hearing your voice. I miss your scars. I miss... I miss you!

*Sniffles and tries to pull himself together long enough for him to talk*

Peaches told me not to do this, but I can't keep quiet any longer. I just miss you at home. Look, I won't talk bad about Sid anymore. Heck, you can date him as much as you like. Just please. Please come home! Or at least call. I just want to know that you are alright. Just do that for me.

*Wipes a tear from his cheek and shuts off the camera*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 10:37 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Shawn's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: "Don't Wanna Stop" by Ozzy Osborune
Topic: Shawn

*Shawn sits on his bed, smoking a blunt*

She's not like her. Nicole is more of the type of girl I fancy. Fit, loud, rebellous, and smart. Cherry...

*Takes another puff*

I don't know about Cherry, mate. I don't know what I saw in her in the first place. Shite, I like her better when she is pissed and stoned. You know? Then, she's not such a bitch.

*Looks up at the ceiling*

Still, I can't leave Cherry. Why? I'll tell you lot exactly why! Her father owns the art gallery that my art hangs in. Yeah, I said that right. She and her family own my ass at the moment. If I dump Cherry, my art goes buh-bye out of the exhibit. So, yeah.

*Lies on his bed and takes about puff of the blunt*

So, what to do? Well, I have that fit Nicole Murray to save me. But, there is a problem now. She's going to Italy soon. Yep, I'm going to be stuck with Cherry for a whole year. I don't want that. So, I have to come up with a way to keep Nicole in Japan. Sure, I do want her to live out her dreams. I just want to keep her here a little bit longer.

*Sits up on his bed*

What?!? If you had to hang around Cherry, you would be trying to do the same thing! So, sue me!

*Puts out his blunt against his chains*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 6:37 PM EDT
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Monday, 20 September 2010
Jin's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: "Mercury" by Bloc Party
Topic: Jin

*Jin sits at the kitchen table looking worried*

*Bites his lip* Arisu, sweetie. It's been eight weeks. I know you are mad at me, but momma's starting to worry about you. She hasn't had a drink in weeks since you left. You haven't even been taking your medication since you left. Look, I'm sorry about what I said about Sid. But... he's just not good for you. You deserve so much more.

*Clenches his fists tightly*

He even drove you to commit suicide last year. Now, you're dating him? Why? It doesn't make sense! There are plently of guys that will treat you better!

*Sighs and shakes his head*

All I'm saying is come home and take your meds. Or at least call me to let me know that you're alright. If you do all of that,  I won't complain about Sid. Just please, talk to me.

*Jin lowers his head on the table and sighs*

Posted by planet/noiztza at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, 18 September 2010
Ando's Vid Diary #3
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: "Ride on Shooting Star" by the Pillows
Topic: Ando

*Ando sighs in heavy frustation*

No way I'm here!


There was Akiko. There was Sakura. And now, there's Ghost. *Shrug* And now, there's Ghost. Wow. You call algerbra or something. But damn, you should have seen me when this girl got freaky. *Sigh* Especially when she...

*Breathe and giggles*

Especially when she licked my macadiminas. But, but she was totally nuts! She was using me to get to Shuichi! What the fuck?!? Number one: He's... he's homosexual and number two: He's with Yuki!

*Slaps his knee and sighs*

And the true of the matter is, that... that life is no porno and... and a girl should not come between two close friends. I stop myself thinking of girls 24/7 and know practicing the act of tai-kon-do.

*Practices some moves while shouting. Falls off the bed*

*Jumps rope while playing music*

*Pant* Girls are bad! Girls are bad!


Girls are bad! *Cries* BAD!

*Quits and pants. Takes off headphones and walks over to the camera*

Thing is though, it doesn't work. *Pants* Still got a hard on.

*Walks away*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 11:18 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 September 2010 12:30 AM EDT
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