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Euphoria Vid Diaries
Monday, 20 September 2010
Jin's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: "Mercury" by Bloc Party
Topic: Jin

*Jin sits at the kitchen table looking worried*

*Bites his lip* Arisu, sweetie. It's been eight weeks. I know you are mad at me, but momma's starting to worry about you. She hasn't had a drink in weeks since you left. You haven't even been taking your medication since you left. Look, I'm sorry about what I said about Sid. But... he's just not good for you. You deserve so much more.

*Clenches his fists tightly*

He even drove you to commit suicide last year. Now, you're dating him? Why? It doesn't make sense! There are plently of guys that will treat you better!

*Sighs and shakes his head*

All I'm saying is come home and take your meds. Or at least call me to let me know that you're alright. If you do all of that,  I won't complain about Sid. Just please, talk to me.

*Jin lowers his head on the table and sighs*

Posted by planet/noiztza at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, 18 September 2010
Ando's Vid Diary #3
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: "Ride on Shooting Star" by the Pillows
Topic: Ando

*Ando sighs in heavy frustation*

No way I'm here!


There was Akiko. There was Sakura. And now, there's Ghost. *Shrug* And now, there's Ghost. Wow. You call algerbra or something. But damn, you should have seen me when this girl got freaky. *Sigh* Especially when she...

*Breathe and giggles*

Especially when she licked my macadiminas. But, but she was totally nuts! She was using me to get to Shuichi! What the fuck?!? Number one: He's... he's homosexual and number two: He's with Yuki!

*Slaps his knee and sighs*

And the true of the matter is, that... that life is no porno and... and a girl should not come between two close friends. I stop myself thinking of girls 24/7 and know practicing the act of tai-kon-do.

*Practices some moves while shouting. Falls off the bed*

*Jumps rope while playing music*

*Pant* Girls are bad! Girls are bad!


Girls are bad! *Cries* BAD!

*Quits and pants. Takes off headphones and walks over to the camera*

Thing is though, it doesn't work. *Pants* Still got a hard on.

*Walks away*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 11:18 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 September 2010 12:30 AM EDT
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Thursday, 16 September 2010
Ghost's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: "Lightening Fields" by Sneaker Pimps
Topic: Ghost

*Ghost stands against her wall of Shindou Shuichi pictures, wearing a red sweater and dark-looking make-up*

Hello, my name is Ghost and this is my submission for the Pop World's Magazine's Fan Devotion Section for the crash prize of the Fan Devotion Poetry contest. "An Ode to Shudo." By me.

*Ghost holds up a picture of a heart*

This was me, a blackened heart. It stinks, smoulders, and dies. It burnt, roast cod left in a hot oven or cole.

*Changes picture to a bigger heart*

This was me more recently. Hapless, hate-filled hopelessness, laced with less and less sythiseness. I flew face first into Ando's pants and what dwells there?

*Changes picture to a penis*

My nirvana! My mecha! Excitable and free! The part that had I'd been born with, I could conquer Shuichi homosexually. But alas, I lack a cock.

*Changes picture to half of Ando on a sunflower*

I have but half of what I deserve. A man that loves me true. But this to me is not enough. There's a plan I must push there. If closest to Shuichi I cannot grain through force of will alone, I'll combine the two in one.

*Pulls out the other half of the picture, this time with half of Shuichi on a sunflower and puts them together*

And make a Shudo clone.

*She walks forward with the two halves and holds them close to the camera*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 11:20 PM EDT
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Sunday, 12 September 2010
Gabby's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Gabby

*Gabby is in her pink chair by the pool in a brightly-flowered bikini and sunglasses*

So if you just in short view into my chest area, okay Suki K.?

*The camera zooms in and Gabby lowers her shades*

Hey Simon!

*Winks and pulls off her shades*

I know you must have forgotten some numberous things since that awful accident. So, me and Suki K. have decided to make you a video so that you can remember the magic that is our relationship.

*Towel blows down behind her and she pushes it out of the way*

Babes, we used to have the sickest times together. Raving, popping pills together, and the sex was unreal! We were like the hottest couple ever, all the Tokyo peps were so jealous! I remember this one time we were like out and I was just having so much fun dancing.


Like this.

*Gets up and dances around a bit*

How sex did that just look? *Sighs* I am so hot right now! In both senses of the word. Anyway, so I was dancing and these rude boys came up to me and they were like grinding on me because they thought I was so hang. Babe, that means beautiful in ghetto language. I have like a whole new lango in HTG. Anyway, and so they were all like rauching on me. And I totally told them you were my man. They wouldn't leave me alone. So you were amazing and you came right up to them and in three seconds, they were gone.

*Smiles and sucks on her lollipop*

Simon, my love! I just wish you could remember how much fun we had together. Anyway, my darling boyfriend, have to sadly leave you. Call me.

*Breathes out*

Okay, Suki K., let's sunbathe, I have to the most amazing tan line before Simon starts shagging me again.

*Puts on her shades*

We can pretend we're in "The OC." Summer Roberts and Marissa!


Posted by planet/noiztza at 11:53 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 16 September 2010 11:22 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Emma's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: "Coffee and TV" by Blur

Hi Ken! I just thought I'd say hello. Because you have not replied to any of the e-mails I sent you. And I know it's the right address, because I checked the college records... If people would leave personal files lying around stall cupboard, then that is a security risk that needs to be addressed!


And anyway, I mean one padlock that's too easy for real proper acutal criminals to break.


Well, one padlock ... one lock on one chain. *Pauses and then returns* Well anyway, how's traveling? How's China? *Pulls out a drawing of the Great Wall of China with two Chinese farmers' wives on it* Eh? *Pulls out a doll of Ken-san and holds it up to the picture* Here you are... *In Chinese accent* Welcome, Ken! Would you like to see my panda? *Drops picture in disappointment, but holds up the doll* *Mumbles in normal voice* Aw, look at you. With the biker shorts on. *Watches on at the doll* You're probably not wearing anything underneath.

*Takes doll's shorts off and kisses it on the lips*

And you, you should be here! *Points to her crotch and stuffes the doll down her panties*

*Picks up the picture*

And you two, yeah, you should back the f**k up, Ching-lou... cunt-san! Yeah!

*Rips up the picture and throws it to the ground*

What's so good about China?!? We've got enough pandas in the zoo here! And I've just beer right here, eh? *Holds up a big bottle of Kobe beer*

*Plays around a bit and drops it on the floor*

*Looks around a bit and calms down*

Anyway, things are... things are really good here. And uh... you might not know this, but um... I've just about to have a mad party with loads of hot guys. *Points out to the hall* Right, yeah, they're just over there, beyond the... Look, look, not now, guys, I'm bu... *Holds up her hands* No, no, seriously, I'd love to bang you. *Points out again* But get... away! Away!

*Returns to camera*

Thing is Ken, um... I'm a romantic. Okay and you're just going to have to deal with it, because I don't want to give up! Alright, it's just... this is just... little things I miss! I miss... just... looking at you when you're putting your pants back on. Or... or... you telling me to go out through the garden in case someone sees.


I miss just... being able to touch your ba-- hair! And smelling you when you're all sweating and panting. And yeah, yeah, I like to go out and screw around, but I like screwing you more! So, so come back! Yeah, get one of those fat opera men to put you on the Dragon Express or a f*****g fishing boat or whatever, yeah, and just come back here, because they just can't be anything that good over there! It's miles away from where I am!


Posted by planet/noiztza at 10:30 PM EST
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Monday, 25 January 2010
Ando's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: "Star Wars Theme Song"
Topic: Ando

I am your father! *Dath Varder breath* It is six a.m. I am awake and hard as my enterance exams reason reason being... Mimiko! *Dath Varder breath*

*Turns to his Dath Varder glove and pretends to talk into it*

Data bring up the fine speimen file, Mimoko! File code, 38-29-35! *Hands mimic along with the numbers*

*Grins, but turns serious*

Stat one: Height, response: Just right! Stat two: Age, *Pause* It's legal! Stat three: Body, an arm, a leg, and two holes! Stat five: The kiss, a racking up my bucket! Stat six: Sexiness, I felt hotter than my mother's curry on the Death Star! *Trembles and breathes happiness* It was an amomly. It was an... an... an.. am... mom... *Breathes* It was different! Darth approach with caution. But my radar sensed no different, so I disengaged my fazers as we began to talk about things in general.

*Pants like crazy*

I was getting hard quicker than a voyager on warp speed five. *Pants* It was annisiated with a kiss! *Pause* Then clothes were taken off. It was inevitable that I was going to reach the final front terrior. *Pants harder* But as I prepared my battle cruisers, my thrusters blew out. *Looking crushed* The docking process was a failure, there was a man down, and not even the whole Death Star could save me.

*Really hurt and shakes his head*

And... And honestly, she... she took me by surprise. See... she made my heart beat in a way I never knew.

*Pause and reflects for a moment. Then returns to earth*

Love... a difficult kind of concept! Han Solo was the first, now Luke, but I vow to explore strange horny worlds! To seek out new girls hot and minging! And boldly go where no team has gone before!

*Raises arm in the arm for emphasis*

*Nods and makes the Star Terk sign*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 10:44 PM EST
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Saturday, 23 January 2010
Jack's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West
Topic: Jack

*Jack is feeding ducks in the pond*

*He turns to the camera*

Dear vid diary, this ode is devoted to Suguru.

*Walks closer to the camera*

When we last left off, my man was floating in the whimpsy of a certain youny man. I struck with the impression of innocence. His steps as elegant as a stag. He bears the voice a mythical angels. Like his charm was a sight for sorrow-- no! Was a personification of perfection-- no!

*Thinks for a moment*

It was more than this. More than emacalent, better than flawless, it was flipping ton-kaze-mad! And I did this test, see? And I go and I've got six percent chance of getting with Fujisaki for tester. Six! Can you believe that? Flipping six. EVEN THOUGH I HAD THAT MUCH OF CHANCE OF GETTING WITH HIM, MAN!!! Yo, yo, Fujisaki this for you, see? Okay, hold tight!

*Takes a breath*

That night, seems like a tale that stays in my head. Slowly I recited as I roll in my bed. Dreams may wander far and wide, but nothing compares to you, an angel by my side. Little do you know, you let me grow. I would give myself for you!


You get me bro? You are my sun but I'm not calling you void, that isn't fun. It must be theft the way you take my breath and I left in heat, in feelings, I let flood! You must understand me! You got me, blood? I meant to say flood! Pardon me, let in flood and I am sinking. Ah, look now you still not linkin'? It is hard to say what I feel as you can see! Is it for us to be or not to be? That the flippin' question, yeah?

*Sighs some*

Don't matter how much bread I got man, he don't want a slice, yo!

*Throws the bread in the water and goes back to feeding the duck and eatting the bread*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 9:12 PM EST
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Friday, 22 January 2010
Arisu's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: "Rakuen" by Do as Infinity
Topic: Arisu

*Live from Mongolia*

Hello Sindey, welcome to the road outside of my summer house. How are you? I miss you! Every morning since I have been in Ulan Bator, I get up at the same time, which is really, really nice. It's weird to have that kind of routine. And I'm getting things done! There's a piano in the house and I've been playing it every day. I can play with both hands, I'm getting really good. And I look out the window and it's really pretty, like so much space and nobody there.


Except, oh my god, all last week, every day there is an insane man running past and I can't figure him out. He's easily forty-five years old and he looks Chinese. Like I would imagine everyone in China looked like 1965. He has thick jet back hair and a big brushy mustache, and he dresses like he's here in the sixties. He runs in such a weird stiff way.

*Leans into the camera*

I think, he's a Mao billionare or his an escapist communist. I just want to know where he's going so badly. Since I've seen him, I've been noticing that, every here doesn't seem like the right time. Like, I walk past a news agents in the village and their window display can't have changed in fifteen years. The magazines have been bleached by the sun and the models on the covers don't have faces anymore.  And outside the bar, there are these two old men that just sit there all day, wearing thin cotton clothes, look bewildered. Like they are waiting for their bus back in the 1940's.


In the evenings, I can sit on the roof outside my bedroom and it's dark and I can really think. And I realized last night that you take in so much information the course of everyday. But, it's up to you how you interpurt it. You decide that it's lizards running the world. And in a day, you see two pictures of lizards, which you wouldn't have picked out before, but now they are super signifigant. Because you're switched on to lizards. And nothing else. Do you know how manys Sid there are stationed in Ulan Bator? Loads. They're everywhere.

*Pick up a glass jar of stones and looks at it. Turns back to the camera*

It's been this many days since I've seen you Sid.

*Adds another stone in the jar*

*Shuts off the camera*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 7:11 PM EST
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Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Casper's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals
Topic: Casper

*Casper sits in her room dressed in a bathrobe, looking at a picture of Simon. She looks in the mirror*

*She takes off her robe and gets all dressed up in black. Classic 60's black to be exact*

*Casper looks sad in the mirror and starts putting on cherry red lipstick. Starts out easy at first, but then she loses it and breaks down crying while smearing it all over her face*

*Casper cries on heavily*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 11:49 PM EST
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Monday, 18 January 2010
Darcy's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  down
Now Playing: "Velvet Divorce" by Sneaker Pimps
Topic: Darcy

*Darcy opens Simon's bedroom door with the camera in her hand. She walks inside. She looks at his textbox and a picture of Casper in her bikini. She looks at his bed. She picks up a note saying, "Ando's Birthday Party Tonight Man!!!" and set it down. She walks over to the bookcase. She looks at a picture of her and Simon together*

To be absent, away, elsewhere. To no longer  be existent in somebody's life.

*She turns the picture away*

Only to live on in memory, if your essense remains.

*Pulls out a picture strip of Simon and Casper out of a book. She flips it over. "Me and You. Second date. CX" is written on the back. Darcy puts it back on the book. She walks over to the dresser and opens the drawer. She pulls out a bottle of sake and closes the drawer. She turns the camera on herself and sits on the bed. Darcy looks at the camera. She opens the sake and takes a drink. She closes the bottle and pulls out a black duffle bag. Darcy begins packing Simon's clothes in it*

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pal of water. Jack fell down and broke his camera. And Jill didn't come tumbling after.

*She picks up Simon's green swearshirt and puts it on. She sniffs his sleeve a bit. Darcy tucks her knees into the shirt and huddles up into a ball. She looks at the camera and shuts her eyes*

If you close your eyes, you see darkness. But if you keep them closed for long enough and concentrate hard, you'll see light.

*Tries to do so before opening her eyes and looking at the camera*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 4:39 PM EST
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