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The Buffet

The somber chime has a large crest buffet sculptor; a priest has three views in the air. Now this In general village center; the buffet is overflowing, its common vine is a float in the verse of its damns. Vinson is in this perfume of engagements;

The deodorants of Janis is in the chest of the village, The trout lingers in the chest that
follows the villagers to                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5
Our femmes into the chiffons that detail the flowers of details in the fish of our grandmother
With some pint of these griffons;

--The crest of the queen torrents our medallions, this munches on the chest of blanks of our blonds in the portraits, the flowers search for these perfumes of fruits.
Don’t let them perform the mile.                                                                                                                                                                                                  10

O buffet of the vixen tramps, this says the center of the histories, this has been the
Contest, to its bruises. This Quan souvenir points to the lament noir.