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The following is a list of secondary sources that may be of use for further research.


Bowart, W. H. (1978). Operation Mind Control: Our Secret Governments's War Against Its Own People. New

York: Dell.

Marks, John (1979). The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. New York: Times Books.

Lee, Martin; Shlain, Bruce (1985). Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and

Beyond. New York: Grove Press.

Thomas, Gordon (1989). Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse.

New York: Bantam.

Camper, Frank (1997). The Mk/Ultra Secret. Savannah, GA: Christopher Scott Publishing.



Richards, Bill. "Book Disputes CIA Chief on Mind-Control Efforts". The Washington Post 29 January 1979, A2.

"The CIA's Attempt At Mind Control: Bad Trips?". The Washington Post 15 February 1979, C2.

Mooar, Brian. "Tests Contradict U.S. Story of Man's Suicide; Family Suspects CIA Killed Researcher". The

Washington Post 12 July 1994, B1.

Mooar, Brian. " New Study Yields Little on Death of Biochemist Drugged by CIA". The Washington Post 29

November 1994, B3.

Jenkins, Mark. "Mk Ultra". The Washington Post 25 September 1998, N15.

Barnes, Bart. "CIA Official Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies". The Washington Post 11 March 1999, B5.

"Brainwash victims win cash claims" New York Times 17 October 2004.