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Digital Library




Due to the constraints of digital space, the documents contained herein have been scanned and then converted to text format. We have done our best to maintain the layout and spacing of the original documents. Many of the documents archived here still contain information that is classified. In the original documents this information was blotted out with black ink. These deleted sections are denoted by the demarkation: [Classified]. All of these documents are available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act. Anyone that wishes to examine the documents in their original format may obtain them by request.

The documents are organized by subject according to their relevance to the MKULTRA project.


United States. Department of War. Letter from the Secretary of War to the Chairman of the Committee on Medical Research, National Academy of Sciences. 7 May 1942.


United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Sub-project No. 66. 29 August 1956.


United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Sub-project No. 47. 4 March 1955.



United States. Central Intelligence Agency.Memorandum on the "Destruction of Records on Drugs and Toxins" Prepared by the Inspector General for the Director of Central Intelligence. 20 October 1975.


United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Memorandum on the "Drug-related Death of Harold Blauer" Prepared by the Inspector General for the Legislative Counsel. 13 August 1975.


United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Memorandum on "Kennedy Committe Interest in IG Survey of OTS" Prepared by the Inspector General for the Director of Central Intelligence. 31 October 1975.


United States Senate. 95th Congress, 1st Session. Committe on Human Resources. Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research. 3 August 1977.

Statements of Admiral Stansfield Turner.

Statements of Philip Goldman & John Gittinger.


United States. General Accounting Office. Testimony before the Legislation and National Security Subcommitte, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives: Human Experimentation; An Overview on Cold War Era Programs. 28 September 1994.