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                   ~TIps And Tricks~

~MSN 6 zoomin~                                                                                                  
In a conversation window, type Ctrl and scroll with your mouse scroller, now you will zoom in or out !
  ~Remove MSN today popup~
When you use MSN messenger 5.0 , everytime you sign in msn today will popup. To avoid this click tools on the main Messenger window then click options, then click on the general tab, then untick the box display msn today when Messenger sign's in. Done :-)
  ~Remove windows messenger~

Start > Run and then type:

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

then press ok, and then it will uninstall Windows Messenger
~ Get someones IP~                                                                                                        
First you must send a large file (500 KB is enough). While sending open MS Dos prompt. When you opened this type: netstat , now you will see some IP's. Now search for the IP what is not your own IP. The only IP left is your victims IP.
~Large Font~
Hold down alt and type 3692 in an instant messenger window. Then you will see a strange character and behind that type your message and press enter. Now you have a large font!
~Blank nickname~
If you want a black nickname just go to the screen where you can change your nickname, remove your old nickname and press this: hold down alt and then type the following numbers (use the right side of the keyboard) 0160
  ~Change IM warning~
click start press run and type regedit. Press enter and now you are in the registry of your computer. Now press ctrl + F. Now you get a search box. Type: IMWarning and press search. Now you can change the IMwarning to "MSNtools.net, the best msntools site ever" or something else you want.
  MSN plus! info                                                                                                              
~color codes~

White = (!FC0)
Brown = (!FC1)
Navy = (!FC2)
Green = (!FC3)
Red = (!FC4)
Maroon = (!FC5)
Purple = (!FC6)
Olive = (!FC7)
Yellow = (!FC8)
Lime = (!FC9)
Teal = (!FC10)
Aqua = (!FC11)
Blue = (!FC12)
Pink = (!FC13)
Gray = (!FC14)
Silver = (!FC15)
  ~MSN plus! shortcuts~                                                                                            

CurrentTime = (!T)
CurrentDate = (!D)
MyName = (!NP)
MyEmail = (!MP)
ContactNames = (!N)
ContactEmail = (!M)
CurrentIp = (!IP)

BoldText = (!FB)
ItalicText = (!FI)
UnderlinedText = (!FU)
TextColour = (!FC)
TextBackgroundColour = (!FG)
ResetFormat = (!FR)

Online = /online
Busy = /busy
Be Right Back = /brb
Away = /away
On the Phone = /onphone
Out to Lunch = /lunch
Appear Offline = /appearoffline
Sign Out = /signout
  ~Codes for in a IM window~                                                                                     
Add a contact = /addcontact
Block = /block
Unblock = /unblock
View Profile = /profile
Invite = /invite
Page = /page
Phone = /phone
VoiceChat = /voice
VideoChat = /video
Send Message = /msg
Send E-mail = /sendmail
Send File = /sendfile
Action Message = /me
No emoticon Message = /noicon
Block Group = /blockgroup
Unblock Group = /unblockgroup
Check E-mails = /emails
Lock Msngr = /lock
Close Window = /close
~The sounds~                                                                                                              
/skiss <--- a kissing sound
/sbrb <--- i'll be back !
/sevillaugh <---Just an evil laugh
/shello <---Howdy do!
/sdoh <---Doh!
  ~When you don't want text by the sounds just copy these things:~
# <<---- Howdy Ho
\" <<---- Muahahahaha
% <<---- *kiss*
$ <<--- Doh!
! <<--- Ill be back
  ~MSN plus! sounds~                                                                                                     

You need the newest version of MSN plus! for this!

type in a conversation window:

/skiss <--- a kissing sound
/sbrb <--- i'll be back !
/sevillaugh <---Just an evil laugh
/shello <---Howdy do!
/sdoh <---Doh!
/sright <--- Right!
/scomeon <--- Come on!
/snoexcuse <--- no excuse!
  If you don't want to change the text, then just copy these commands...
/smad --->> Are You Mad??
/somg --->> O My God!
/sbye --->> Bye!
/sevil --->> Evil March
/sboring --->> You're Boring
  ~When you don't want text by the sounds just copy these things~:                    
# <<---- Howdy Ho
\" <<---- Muahahahaha
% <<---- *kiss*
$ <<--- Doh!
! <<--- Ill be back
L <--- Right!
* <--- Come on!
@ <--- no excuse!    
..............................................................................................................................................................                     ÓBy Jahanzeb Khan Nartopa(Hazro)Attock          
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