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Tuesday, 19 February 2008
"C" is for Camping Show

We spent the long weekend in Springfield, MA, working at the Springfield RV, Camping & Outdoor Show.  We found our perfect camper. 







IT has the most perfect bathroom.  For me, that means that when one enters the bathroom and closes the door, one may then comfortably sit on the toilet and have ample "elbow room".  We test this by sitting down and flapping our "wings", as if doing the "Chicken Dance".  If elbows do not come in contact with walls or other interior fixtures, the bathroom is said to have passed the "Flap Test".  Bonus points are awarded if knee flapping also results in no contact.

 The other feature that makes this camper perfect is the fact that it has enough beds for all of us, and there's no converting of the kitchen table or some such in order to have enough sleeping space.  And the kitchen table itself has sufficient seating for my big butt and the rest of the family all at the same time. 

The only tiny problem is that we can't tow it.  It's only a few thousand pounds too heavy for our truck...sigh...



Anyhoosie, we had a blast checking out all sorts of campers and equipment, as well as scouting out some new places to camp.  I got in some sock knitting during the down times.  The organizers of the show put out a spread on Sunday night for all of the vendors and workers that was beyond incredible.  All in all, it was a good time had by all!

On another note, I'm considering going to SPA 2008 in Freeport, Maine this coming weekend.  I've got a hotel reservation, and the original plan was for the family to go and have fun at L.L. Bean while I go about enjoying the fibery fun.  However, hubby isn't so keen on it now, having just spent this weekend away.  If he doesn't go, then I can't take the kids - they'll be bored, and I'll be otherwise engaged.  I could still go by myself, but I'll be by myself.  Now, the thought of some alone time doesn't really rub me the wrong way, but this SPA thing really sounds like the sort of thing I'd enjoy more if I shared it with someone(s).  So, I have questions:  Anyone been before?  Should I still go by myself, if it turns out the family isn't going?  Any advice, one way or the other? 

Thanks in advance for your assistance.  Smile

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 11:46 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 21 February 2008 1:10 AM EST
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