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Jason "Cageman" Aldridge

Cage of Honor Middleweight Champion!




Our Friend Jason "Cageman" Aldridge" won the 200lb novice class at the April Grapplers Quest Tournament! He also fought in Dothan Alabama on May 26 at "CSE IV"! Jason gave an impressive performance before falling prey to a deep triangle choke. You can see Jason on the CSE II DVD, and CSE IV when it becomes available! Check back often for more information!

I first found Jason online at his myspace page. I found out there, that he would be fighting in an event that our group planned to attend in Dothan Alabama. We met with him right as he got out of the ring, and he agreed to meet with us after the fight! He hung out with us about an hour before we had to leave, and was kind enough to answer all my questions. We look forward to meeting with him again at the next show, and hopefully train with him if he has time!
Here is some more information on Jason!

Name: Jason CageMan Aldridge

Age: 27 Martial Status: Married to my Lovely Wife Lisa I met her at a fight she was a ring card girls lol

Normal weight and fight weight: 195lbs fight weight 185lbs

Location Born and Current Residence: Sikeston MO, Poplar Bluff Mo

What other jobs do you have or have you had in the past: U name it I done it just about right now I work at a stripclub called The Pony where I D.J. and assistant Manager.

What organizations and clubs do you currently fight with: I fight for any org that wants me lol I will fight anywhere I like to travel currently I have been fighting with Cage of Honor (where I am the Middleweight champ) I have also fought for the AFC, DFC, Ainofea, CSE.

What kind of contracts do they have with you: N/A still free lance lol

What others have you been with in the past: No Mercy Fight Team, The 702 Fight Team, And Team Evolution

Who are your sponsors: No one need some god that would help a lot even if it was just for gear that would be great

Do you have a webpage: www.myspace/jason5377
What styles do you train in: I like to be the best all around fighter I want to fight where you don't like to.

How did you get started in MMA: Was approached by a promoter after a fight outside of a night club

Why do you fight: I really love the sport and I happen to be decent at it so it works out good for me. lol

What type of weight and cardio workouts do you do: I work so much now its hard to get in the gym but I go every tues. and thur. at 1 p.m. for about 2 to 3 hours and go back at 7 p.m. for 3 hours

Tell us about your diet: wish there was one I have no discipline. I love the cheesey poofs lol

Tell us about cutting weight for a fight: it sucks lots of suana time. and there has to be a healthy diet its about a 3 week process

Tell us about the days leading up to a fight: not much changes its just another day for me now I use to get all worked up but now its just another day lol

Where can we see you fight online or on DVD: Pretty much any CSE event check my myspace page always posting my fights on there and the DVD of my first fight should be out soon CSE 2 [Editors note: The DVD is available now! Visit CSE's merchandise page to order your copy today!]

Tell us what your hobbies and interest are outside of MMA: Hobbies what are those lol I pretty much work, train, sleep, is the cycle I go thru. Pretty exciting

Anything else: Just want to say thanks to everyone that supports me. It means a lot to me. Look for me in the big leagues soon


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