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Last Updated :   Monday January 22, 2007


  Dunn Mills  
We provide quality grinding services for corn.    

Corn flour


Corn meal




Cracked corn



Old Fashion Handmade Soap




When was the last time you had
FRESH whole grain Cornbread !!!

Come visit and watch how the cornmeal is made.

Smiles are mandatory.


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keywords: mill dead live stone weevil hopper flat belt corn meal flour history show gristmiller miller production process burr babbit sifter shaker casting old iron farm equipment

keywords: dead stone, live stone, grits, corn flour, hopper, cracked corn, griss, grise, gres, grest, ground corn, soap, lye, handmade, lye soap, old fashion, old fashioned, eczema, exzema, soboria, psoriasis, homemade, cure, fishing, bait, laundry

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