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Have you ever wondered…
About how your life would be
If you wouldn’t have found that true love of yours?
Have you ever wondered…
What you would be doing right now
If that someone special wasn’t on your life?
Did you stop to think…
How love makes you do the stupidest things?
Did falling in love make you wanna run around
And scream I Love You?
I bet you never did stop to think of these things.
You just did what your heart desired. Your mind gone crazy
Leaving you breathless and oh so happy
You’re careless and not so sure
Being in love does weird things to you
Have you ever wondered…
About how your life would be
If you wouldn’t have found that true love of yours?

So you're probably wondering, what the hell is that all about, well you'd know if it was written for you,. But that you guys, is a poem I made up when I was at a state wrestling tournament and I happened to come up with it. But it's a published poem and you can find it on the web at just put in my name and you'll find it. It's also published in a book, and read by a pro on a cd, I just don't remember what it's called. I'll figure it out sooner or later. I'm thinking about revising the poem, but I dunno yet, we'll see.

Gaukedeh close up; taken 12.27.04

So let's see....not the best of pix, but hey, it's better than nothing. ha! OK, so my name is Gaukedeh for all who don't know. I'm 17 and I'm 1,000 miles from home in the gayest place in the world, Minnesota. And if you're wondering why I', here, ask my parents, cuz I really have no clue, and I don't think they know what the hell they're doing here either. But I'm a senior, Go Class of 2006! We Rock! Anyways, we haven't sold our house yet, so they wanna go back in the summer, yeah, ruin my senior and then go back, f*** that! But I can still graduate, if not, o well. I have, get this, 5 brother's and sister's; 2 brother's and 3 sisters. "What's your sign?" I'm a Leo and guess what I was born the year of the dragon. And hard to believe I wasn't born here, you'd be surprised to hear, because I have no accent and perfect English, nut I was born in Thailand. My birthday is August 21, 1088, but that's not important is it?

Yes Cheerleading! I tried out for the squad back in 2004 and made JV, the year was fabulous, lots of rocky times along with it. Why wouldn't there be any, put a bunch of girls on a team, add some competitions and long practices, and you've got cheer. I was fortunate enough to make it on varsity this year for the 05-06 squad, as a senior, yay! And get this, with no back handspring! Well not really, if I kept and keep working on it, I'd get it and in time for the state competition, but since my parents decided t to take everything way from me, there's nothing to do really, unless  I join an all-star team, but I dunno, it wouldn't be the same. A great thing though, I was able to be a captain for a full season while I was on JV. It was fun, at the same time hard. I have to say, our coaches have done such a fabulous job, Stacy and Laura, I love you ! the teams are kick a$$ this year an I have a feeling they'll do great at state and take it, bring home that trophy! *Check out more of my cheer pix on my pix page.*

This pic was taken towards the end of my JV year, but hey, it turned out okay, coulda been better.

This is the 2004-2005 Junior Varsity Squad, these are my girls! We rocked, made friends, and the rest is history. Not really, we learned pretty fast though. *Back row: Caitlyn Middle row: Eboni, Angie, Britni, and Meghan front row: Renee, Heather, ME, and Nallely* We got 2nd place at this competition which was up at Colorado State University. We got to see the co-ed squad and the all women's cheer squads perform some awesome stunts.

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Revised: 27 Feb 2006 16:31:17 -0600 .]

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