Figure 2.13. The horizontal axis is labeled Frequency in hertz. The scale is from 1 to 1 M which stands for 1 million. The distance between 1 and 10 is one sixth of the entire horizontal graph. The distance between 10 and 100 is also one sixth of the horizontal. Each decade covers one sixth of the horizontal distance. There are intermediate marks between 1 and 10 that are approximately one third of the distance between 1 and 10. These marks are at 2 and 5. There are similar intermediate marks at 20 and 50, also at 200 and 500 and so on. The vertical scale is attenuation ratio, A sub R, which goes from 0 to 1. The data line starts at 1 hertz and A sub R = 1. It remains at 1 until about 100 Hz. The curve data are given in the order, frequency, A sub R. 200, 0.95. 500, 0.85. 1000, 0.7. 2000, 0.45. 5000, 0.2. 10000, 0.1. 20000, 0.05. 50000, 0.02. 100000, 0.005. Above 100000, 0. End verbal description.
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