Figure 2.10. This figure has 3 parts. There is a wave graph on the left, a circuit in the middle and a wave graph on the right. The wave on the left Is the input to the circuit and the one on the right is the output which would result from the input. The circuit is as follows. There are two input terminals on the left. The top terminal connects to one end of a capacitor labeled C. The other end of the capacitor connects to one end of a resistor labeled R. The other end of the resistor connects to the bottom line of the circuit. The junction of the resistor and capacitor connects to the top output terminal. The lower input terminal connects to the bottom line as does the lower output terminal. The wave on the left is a sine wave which is far above zero indicating an eh c plus DC source. On the right the sine wave is identical in amplitude and frequency to the one on the left. The average value of the small sine wave on the right is zero. It is equally above and below the zero volt line on the graph. End verbal description.
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