Figure 2.4. Part eh is the schematic diagram of a series circuit. There is an AC voltage generator at the left. It is labeled V sub G. The top of the generator connects to a resistor labeled R. The other end of the resistor connects to one end of an inductor labeled L. The other end of the inductor connects back to the bottom of the generator. Part B is the phasor diagram for this circuit. It is quite similar to the phasor diagram above for the RC circuit except that instead of a line going straight down from the joining point, a line goes straight up from this point. There is an arrowhead on the top end of the line which is point up. This point is labeled V sub L. The diagonal line goes up to the right and the end of the line with the arrowhead is labeled V sub G. The angle theta is measured from V sub R to V sub G. A rectangle could be constructed on this diagram the same as the one above. End verbal description.
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