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Eric Crowe
Eric Crowe's Images and Tutorials
Flash Animation 1
Flash Animation 2
Flash Animation 3
Flash Animation 4
Flash Animation 5
Photoshop Image 1
Photoshop Image 2
Photoshop Image 3
Photoshop Image 4
Photoshop Image 5
Photoshop Image 6
Photoshop Image 7
Photoshop Image 8
Photoshop Image 9
Photoshop Image 10
Photoshop Image 11
Photoshop Image 12
Photoshop Image 13
Photoshop Image 14
Photoshop Image 15
Contact Me
Candy Pattern

Candy Pattern

The making of this picture in Photoshop takes a long time and many steps so I will not include all of them here. This image has an exciting kaleidoscope pattern and is good as a desktop tile.  The image could be used as an example for a kaleidoscope or toy company. This image is a good example of my creativity with bending lines.