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Various services/information offered by Derek Palmer Music

Music Services

  • Orchestral Film Scoring: Music Cues for Films, Games, Media and Advertising
  • Sound Design: Custom Made Sound Elements for Use In Trailers, Advertising and other Media
  • Hybrid Scoring: Scoring Consisting of Traditional Orchestral Elements Mixed With Synthetic Elements
  • Electronic Music Production: Various electronic music tracks ranging from Dance to Trance to Progressive and Dub-Step
  • Remixing: Remixing in various genres including Trance, Progressive and Even Orchestral
  • Mastering: Final mastering of selected audio tracks (NOTE: NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH MIXING)

    Mixing and Mastering Services

    • Mixing: Track Audio Level Adjustments, Panning Adjustments and Various Other Mixing Elements
    • Effects Touch Up: Touch Up of Effects and Modifications
    • Mastering Effects: Editing and Modification Using Mastering Effects (Limiters, Maximizers, Reverbs, Compressors and Dynamics Controlers)
    • Over All Mastering: Final Mastering Modifications and Format Exports and Renders

    Custom Music Services

    Custom Music is client based and strictly recorded, edited and arranged using clients needs. Music can be from any genre needed and any length specified. Due to the nature of custom music, more time is needed to properly write and arrange as well as choosing custom license terms. When writing custom music, clients decide anything, but not limited to the following; Genre, Style, Length, Edits, Instrumental Usage, Amount of Cues, Music Usage (to help determing a proper license agreement/contract).

    All in all, custom music is basically anything a client desires it to be. Be it orchestral, electronic, hybrid or any mixture of those. Contact for a quote on pricing and license types.