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Blunt Ban
Friday, 9 March 2007
Okay Okay, Drugs are bad
Well I do agree something does need to be done about those statistics. They are shocking especially for just in our area. However I am a tobacco smoke and I feel I shouldn't have to suffer because of it. Maybe there could be possible amendments to the bill. It is a good effort but tobacco smokers such as myself should not have to feel the repercussions. Perhaps they could change the bill so they will only sell tobacco products on a certain day. Similar to the law that says alcohol cannot be sold on Sunday, but the exact opposite.

-Desperate For Changes

Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 11:01 PM EDT
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Sunday, 4 March 2007
I can't believe some of the views I'm reading here. I am not a drug dealer. I'm a store owner just trying to make a living. This bill does not clearly state what is and isn't illegal and I could be fined for selling something "illegal" and not even know it. These fines are ridiculous! There are up to $2000!!! Can you believe that? I can even be fined before the bill was established. How does that make sense? I run a 7-11 convenient store and we train our customers "to detect suspicious behavior." I feel I am doing everything in my power to stop drug use and still make a living. I don't believe in this bill and I don't believe in drug use. I shouldn't be punished for it.


Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 10:59 PM EDT
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Sunday, 25 February 2007
Completely for The Ban
I like this new ban. It clearly is going to be cutting down on the marijuana consumption in Philadelphia. Honestly, who is buying $.69 cigars at 7-Eleven to smoke for the taste or the joy of smoking a cigar? Plus, these people who are buying these cigars can still buy them, but now just in six packs. The tobacco and marijuana consumers in the area really have no right to be complaining. The marijuana users are doing something illegal and I just don’t believe people actually buy these cigars to smoke. As far as the business owners are concerned the wording of the ban should be revised. It is extremely vague and so the businesses are at risk, but the businesses should not be concerned with the basic idea of the ban. If they are making a large or even substantial amount of money off of illegal drug users than they are just as bad as a drug dealer. The ban is a great step for the reduction of marijuana use in the area, but the ban needs to be reviewed further. Anyone who stands against the ban in full opposition clearly is a marijuana user.

-John Smith, age 29

Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 11:31 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 20 February 2007
I'm losing business!
"Sick and Tired" said that if this helps reduce drug users, why is it so terrible? Well I did nothing and am being negatively affected. If this bill won't even work, which I believe it won't, then why should I be affected? The surrounding cities are not influenced by this ineffective bill, so essentially I'll be losing business to stores surrounding the area. I am not able to move either. I will be putting forth too much money for a move and there may be a chance of the surrounding cities to adopt this bill, and there what will happen? I don't see the purpose of this bill.

-Philly Store Owner

Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 11:27 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Are you kidding?
Mood:  don't ask
The common drug user buys rolling paper at local convenient stores like 7-11 because it is easier. If this becomes illegal, it won't change the fact that they are using drugs. They will just find another way around it. Just look at this picture that shows an apple being altered to be used for drugs.

There are so many flaws in this bill. If this apple could be used as drug paraphernalia will it be illegal too? Apparently anything that can aide drug use is illegal. In that case, EVERYTHING is illegal. This is so ridiculous. It won't help stop drugs and it will make so that everything is illegal.

-NOT Naive in Philly!


Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 11:19 PM EDT
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Friday, 9 February 2007
Why am I being Affected?
Mood:  irritated
This is what I don't understand. I will smoke tobacco on occasion, but that is my problem. It isn't illegal, and it's not harming anyone. I've never smoked pot and I never will, so please someone tell me why I am being effected by other people's problems. I used to be able to pay $2.69 for a pack, now they're raising the prices. A single cigar also used to just cost $.69. Now cigar specialty stores can only sell "in small quantities cigars for which the retail price is at least three dollars ($3) per cigar." The prices are raised and I did nothing to be effected this way. It's not fair.

-Philly Tobacco Consumer


Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 11:25 PM EDT
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For This Bill
I was reading up on this Bill and the statistics that they are trying lower and I'm completely for this bill. I have heard about too many drug-related crimes and am saddened to see the young people using drugs. I know plenty of people will disagree with me and not support this bill, but I find that outrageous. This bill is attempting to solve the drug use problem in Philadelphia. If you truly believe that it won't make any changes to hardcore drug abusers, then what damage does it really do to turn away potential drugs users. If this bill can help in any way, I am completely for it. I do believe that now that this bill is in motion, it can prevent some of the use of drugs.

-Signed Sick and Tired of Drugs in Philly

Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 10:37 PM EDT
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Saturday, 3 February 2007
Law Breakers
This blunt ban is meaningless to the residents of Philadelphia who are determined to continue feeling their tobacco and drug habits. They aren't going to stop using simply because a silly law has been passed. They'll still get their products, and the only difference will be is that it will now be in an illegal manner.

The truth of the matter is that the likelihood of them opting to buy more expensive products is very low. For Philadelphia, this means that the overcrowded prisons will become even more overcrowded and that the stressed city budget will incur even more debt because more police officers will have to be hired to enforce the new law as well as existing ones.

Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 10:36 PM EDT
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Friday, 26 January 2007
Blunt Ban?!?!
Mood:  quizzical
This newly instituted blunt ban is ridiculous! This is just another example of city government flexing its muscle and exercising control over local businesses.

How can it possibly be my responsibility to monitor what users who buy my product do with it? I'm a capitalist, not a social advocate! Subjecting me to this is like prohibiting the sale of anything that can be used in a harmful manner, which is essentially anything. Why doesn't government prohibit the sale of alcohol which is as much of a drug as tobacco?!

-Frustrated in Philly

Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 7 March 2007 7:49 PM EST
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Wednesday, 24 January 2007
For or Against? Why?
Everyone let me know how you feel about this Bill, whether you are for it, or against it. I want to hear everyone's opinion.

Posted by planet/bluntban at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 11:27 PM EDT
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