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Live Streaming Audio

Home Interne connection: 1Mbps Line
College or University:  Shared internet connection

KZSU Radio
KZSU Radio is a radio station based in Sanford University in America. The radio station hosts live music from students and covers any major sport activity that the university hosts.
Home Playback quality:  Windows media player took a while to buffer; this is probably due to the location of the server and the destination of the receiving PC. Sounds are a little bitty but still recognizable and clear to hear.
University playback:  No issues with loading up, this are probably due to bandwidth of internet connection. Sound again still sounds a little bitty but this is probably down to poor recording software on the universities behalf.

BBC hosts world news via audio or visual. The BBC website is fundamentally for the UK market, other countries may access this but connection speeds and buffering may differ from country to country.
Home Playback Quality: No issues with loading up or buffering, this is due to location of the host server. Sound is very clear with no distortion.

MLB hosts the major league baseball for the USA, the site provides up to date running commentary for all major baseball games. The site offers facilities to view existing commentary from games up to a week ago.
Home Playback: No distortion or issue loading up, probably due to quality of site. Very clear sound quality.
University: No issues again slightly quicker loading time, but still very clear on quality of sound.

Streaming audio is dependent upon the location of the source code, as long as this source code is on a reachable address playback quality should be relatively quite good. Servers which relay streaming audio from one continent to the other is dependent upon traffic which is heavily down to time of use. Generally playback quality relates to recording quality from the source, simply if the sound is recorded poorly then it will playback poorly.