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A New Distribution


Created by
Raoul Selsick


This page can be used to give statistically the time one would have to wait to see a certain event again.

It is based on the Poisson-Exponential-Geometric distributions. It is also very simple and deserves to be in the ranks of the other great distributions such as the Poisson Binomial Geometric and Exponential.

It should be of great interest to anyone using statistics.

This distribution answers the questions ;

1.If I had to wait Tg to see one event how long should I have to wait (=Tx) to be p% sure of seeing it again.

2.I had to go through Tg samples to find one with a special property how many more samples (=Tx) do I have to go through to be p% sure of finding this property again.

It can also be used in the opposite way.

3.I waited Tg for an event to occur. If I only wait Tx I can be p% sure that the event will not occur.

4.I went through Tg samples until 1 defective sample was found.If I have only Tx I will be p% sure that there are no defects.

50% sure 90% sure
Time until first event x 1 x 9
Number of samples until sample desired x 1 x 9

Some Exemples

A rep who got a giant contract after tg days could find out how much time he must wait to get another.Quality control could have an accurate tool to use in cases not dreamed of before.Stock brockers could more accurately determine the chances of the next 20% jump in stock prices. The army could determine when the next big terrorist will be captured.
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