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The Carter's
from Lemoore California

Comments from the Carter's(Bears Owners)
A Sleeping Bear X Delilah Pup

Tim, I wanted to write you to thank you for Bear. He is 6 months old now, and still a pup at heart. He is a handful at times but we love him. Like I had told you before we had trouble finding a dog that fit with us due to us being home a lot and wanting a calm mellow dog. Bear is more than perfect. I appreciate all the trouble that you and your wife went to to ship him clear over to California. We love him to death. He has been the easiest dog to train for sitting, staying and going potty. We have had only a handful of potty accidents since we got him, which is a wonderful thing! My 2 year old constantly plays with him and my 10 month old loves to crawl all over him, and Bear loves it all. He is very talkative and tries to have "conversations" with my husband. We weighed him today and he is 6 1/2 months old and weighs 87 lbs. He makes us laugh, because when we tell him to sit he will walk over to the couch and put his hind legs and bottom up on the couch with his front feet on the floor. He definetly thinks he is human. He might as well be, he is a large part of our family. I hope to in the next year or so buy a female that has different mother and father. I would love to breed him. Everyone should own such a great dog. I thank you for helping us get him. We love him to death. I'm including a few pictures for you so that you can see him before and after. Thank you again Tim.
Tara and Bryan Carter

More comments from the Carter's
(Bears Owners)

I have wrote before commenting on our dog Bear; but I want to write more and tell everyone how much we adore Bear. Bear has been the one dog that has come into our family and has become a part of our lives. Bear has become such a part of our family that my husband and I changed our military orders from going overseas so that we could keep him. He is an amazing dog, and any family that choses a Great Pyrenees is truly choosing a wonderful addition to the family. He is gentle, and sweet. Pyrenees love children and he is great with our children. I am proud he is part of our family. Buying a dog from Tim has been a great decision on our part. Tim worked with us and kept in touch, even now 9 months after we bought Bear; Tim calls just to check up on Bear. It has been nice to know that Tim truly cares about his animals. In all, if you are looking for a truly wonderful dog a Great Pyrenees would be perfect. If you are looking to have an easy buying experience, Tim is truly your man.

DOB-12/29/03, Bear at
eight weeks old.

Bear, named after his Daddy,
at 6 months old and 87 lbs.

Bear, at 14 months old.
Sleeping Bear X Delilah pup.