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The Brayman's
from Hedgesville, West Virginia

Comments from the Brayman's(Shiloh's Owners)
A Dreamcatcher X Delilah pup

Hi, My name is Maureen Brayman and originally I had wanted a Newfoundland Dog. The prices of the Newfoundland's can be mind blowing, and decided to find a dog that would be large like a "newfie", didn't drool quite as much as a newfie but was as sweet and gentle as a newfie. I had gone to the AKC web site and stumbled across the Great Pyrenees. I couldn't believe that we hadn't thought of this breed prior. We currently own a 162 lb German Shepherd Dog, so we are used to big dogs. Well, I went breeder searching, and I happened on Tim and Rhonda Barrett's site. I instantly wanted a pup. I emailed Tim and let him know a little about us, our lives and the need for a little ray of sunshine. I found myself soon talking to Tim and instantly knew he was the breeder for us. Let me tell you, Tim answered all my questions as far as what the breed is like and my biggest question, do they like water. You see, we live in Delaware, but we are a Michigan family, and love spending time at the lake or at the ocean. A dog that likes water was a must.

I sent my money to Tim for my deposit within the week and anxiously awaited the birth of a pup that would have been into the October/November time frame. Oh, to have to wait that long! Tim called not long after and asked if I would like to be moved up to another litter as Delilah had come into season early and he was hoping she would have puppies sometime in July. I couldn't say no. Soon Tim called and said that the litter was on the ground.

Those next six weeks seemed an eternity. Soon we all made the 9 hour trip to North Carolina. Our shepherd even made the trip! We left on a Friday and waited till Tim called us to pick up our pup on Saturday. First Tim introduced us to all the adult dogs, what a great bunch they are, so friendly and sweet. Then came the big moment. We met our pup. She was so sweet and beautiful, I knew at that moment she would become Shiloh.

Shiloh has been with us for 5 days now and we love her to death. She is so sweet. She walked the perimeter of our yard the day after we got home. She is courageous and fearless already. And any noise she hears she is investigating what it is. She IS the ray of sunshine that was missing in our lives. And Keo and her get along great. Even though Keo looks like a bull moose compared to her right now, she doesn't hesitate to nip his ankles and herd him to the door when I call them to come in.

The Great Pyrenees are an exceptional breed. Just like Tim and Rhonda Barrett are exceptional people. I had read in another testimonial that she got the sense of " belonging" when she came to Tim and Rhonda's, she was 100% right. You don't want to leave. It feels like you've met a long lost family member. I have already recommended Tim and Rhonda to many people here in Delaware. Shiloh's first trip to the vet, everyone wanted to know where we got her. I think I will start carrying the web site address in my pocket! Once again, I will say that Tim Barrett, knows and loves this breed. The pure devotion he shows for this breed is mind numbing. The devotion he gives the new owners of his pups is just as mind numbing if not more. Thank you Tim and Rhonda, from the bottom of our hearts for Shiloh. When we are ready for another Pyrenees we will be calling again. I will update you with new pictures of Shiloh as she grows and we will keep in contact with you every step of the way. Thank you again for a beautiful, beautiful pup!

Maureen,Duane and Cody Brayman, Keo too!


Shiloh at 10 weeks old...

Shiloh at three months being held by
her Daddy Duane. Soon she will be holding

Shiloh at three months old with Keo
Telling Santa what she wants for Christmas.

Shiloh at six months old
playing in the snow.

Shiloh at nine months old

Shiloh at nine months old