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The Grey-faced Buzzard (Butastur indicus) is 41 - 46 cm (16 - 18 in.). Bill
grey with yellow cere. Iris and legs yellow. It has long wings with wingtips
reaching tail tip when perched. Grey ear coverts separated from white throat
with dark mesial stripe. Upperparts brown. Breast and belly rufous-brown
with whitish barrings.The juvenile shows white supercilium browner head and
underparts white with narrow brown streaks which is true in this case.

It breeds in far eastern Russia, northern China, Korea and Japan wintering
in South-East Asia and Indonesian Archipelago to New Guinea. It is a passage
migrant and winter visitor at low elevations south to Singapore. It is found
in open country and lightly wooded area. It is usually solitary hunting from
tree perches but migrates in large flocks.