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Aiken Drum: AD90
"Bovine Spongiform Encephalitus... Mad Cow..."

1. What's The New Mary Jane?
2. Tireless Love
3. It's Sunday
4. Angels
5. In A Lay By (Late At Night)
6. I Don't Want To Be
A Pop-Star

7. The Fish
8. He Loves You
9. Mad Cow
10. City Life
11. Please Forgive Me
12. Not Tonight Josephine
13. Goodbye
14. Astley In An Acid Bath
EBCD03 1990

In the Autumn of 1989 the lads relocated to their squalid Bolingbroke Studios and created what was to become their most succesful album to date, with instant classics like What's The New Mary-Jane?, I Don't Want To Be A Pop-Star and Mad Cow.

They were joined, for this album and their next, by Claire Gibbs who wrote The Fish and City Life and provided many backing vocals.

Aiken Drum on this album are:
James A Bostock
John Cook
Claire Gibbs
& Simon Peacock

With special thanks to:
Wayne Burgess and Rob Croft, a.k.a. 'Twin Orsen Guitar Power'
for their lead guitars on track 5
'Manda Laycock for her acoustic guitar on track 13
and Rosie Meade and Gary Taylor for their voices on track 14

Equipment used to make this album:
Fostex X-15 4-track and Realistic 6 channel mixer
John's Yamaha DD10 and RX21 drum machines
Some cheap Casio and Yamaha keyboards (including a PSS-170)
Various Encore acoustic and electric guitars
Jim's 1974 wobbly-necked Epiphone red semi-acoustic
Bez's black Westone bass (before he sold it)
Simon's cheap Japanese bass
Claire's flute
two Shure Prologue mics
and a pink tambourine.

lyrics and stuff

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