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Ah...France! Centuries-old enemy of the English LOL!! There always seems to be some rivalry or friction between the two countries, though much is probably centred around the political world and stirred up by the media! Historically, though, we had two "superpowers" so close to each other, and over the course of many centuries that's bound to cause a little trouble! It must be said, however, that France has a certain "je ne sais quoi" appeal - elegance and style in the big cities, a more earthy, rustic nature in the countryside that seems to attract a lot of Brits who buy second homes there (and are usually made very welcome by the locals).
I've not spent much time in France, and the only two stays of more than a day have been in Paris. The rest has been booze runs to Calais etc! I shall have to put this sorry state of affairs to rights one day!


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