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Welcome to the newly opened Archangel Inc. This page is dedicated to the arts...of all forms, from digital 3d renderings to random thoughts scribbled on a sheet of paper. 

Newest Wallpapers

Rings of Symbol

Peace at Last


6 Nov 2002

19 June 2002

26 May 2002

21 May 2002.2

21 May 2002

20 May 2002

28 Apr. 2002

27 Apr. 2002

26 Apr. 2002

17 Apr. 2002

10 Apr. 2002:

8 Apr. 2002:

6 Apr. 2002:
Ok, i did it again, sorry. Hopefully i will be able to update more often. I have a new background as well.

Well, sorry I haven't updated in awhile...I have been pretty busy with my new forum I helped create. Well I have delivered some new wallpapers.

Got bored, and put up a satellite photo page.

Just added Journal feature. (can be found under writings)

Added Guestbook today (actually last night). And a cool pic done by Will. Lets see what else happened today? Oh yeah, I have been royally screwed again...i have guard duty this upcoming 4 day weekend....sucks.

Well I haven't updated in awhile...sorry about that, I haven't had the best of days recently. But hey, lucky for ya'll, depression brings out the best art in me...As you can see i created several new backgrounds to fit my various moods.

Added the drawings, funny, and digital art pages.

Added my wreck page with pictures. Also edited the Easy Access Menu and added some links to it.

Added some more webcam pics of Emily and Jessica.

Ok, I am going to attempt to load part of my page at the library today. Alot of stuff is going to look rough, I hope you can understand with what I have to deal with.

Ughhh, still no phone line, I'm almost finished with the page though.

Easy Access Menu finished. I also asked the guy at the library today if i could bring my computer in and hook it up to the network....he wouldn't let me. Dammit, I need a phone line in my room! I'm going to the beach now.

New page finally started.