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Jett's Page of stuff.

University of North Carlolina at Chapel Hill
UNC Chapel Hill

Click for Chapel Hill Extended Forecast
*****click for Chapel Hill Forecast*****

Click for Carthage Extended Forecast
*****click for Carthage Forecast*****

*****(click refresh on your browser to view current info.)*****

Sandhills Flower Gardens
North Carolina
Botanical Gardens
My brother's and my puppies.
UNC Chapel Hill Arboretum.
Pics of Flowers on the UNC Campus.
Vacation '99
A few pics from my '99 summer vacation.
M. C. Escher images
Some of my favorite Escher works.

Please take time to View/Sign my guestbook!


Larry R's Quad Page
A site that my boyfriend has created about ATV's (All Terrain Vehicles).

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*images in background are copywrited by the artists