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USNA PARENT CLUB of Northeastern PA



Lt Commander McAndrew has new board put on by General Tommy Franks in a recent ceremony in Baharain.  Click on the photos below to enlarge them.

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Rob Fumanti '96 is currently pursuing a career with Lockheed Martin in northeast PA.


Rich Rusnok ' 98 announced his approaching marriage.  He continues as a Marine Pilot stationed in North Carolina.


Shaun McAndrew '93 is currently stationed in Bahrain and on her way to Hawaii.   Pat and Sandy will be visiting her and her husband Chris over the Christmas holiday.


Joe Guido '92 who had left the Navy after his initial tour, is now back in.  His aunt Lorraine Turant informed the Beat that he missed military life and was finally motivated by September 11 to get back to ship driving.


Josette Fedor '01 is currently completed navigators school in Pensacola, received her wings and is stationed in Seattle, Washington.  Mother Rosellawill be visiting her for Thanksgiving.  Mom will fly!!!.


Thomas O'Donnell, 00 continues to pound the Navy and Triathlon trail  Not only is this young man a dedicated sailor but an outstanding socialite and citizen.  Our best to Thomas and his wife