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Quantum Leap FAQ

This FAQ is maintained by Ziggy

The FAQ's


  • 1.Who controls the Leaps??
  • 2.When Sam looks at himself, what does he see??
  • 3.Can Sam die during a Leap??
  • 4.Why could Sam see when he Leaped into a blind man?? Would he be able to hear as a deaf person?? In other words, is it Sam's mind that's Leaping, or his body??
  • 5.What does the Leapee remember about his experience after he returns??
  • 6.Can Sam hear the Imaging Chamber door, or the handlink??
  • 7.Can anyone see Sam as himself, rather than the Leapee?? Can anyone other than Sam see Al??
  • 8.Why can't Sam Leap back beyond his own lifetime??
  • 9.What would happen if Sam failed to do what he was there to do??
  • 10.Has Sam ever Leaped outside the U.S??
  • 11.Why couldn't Sam Leap into the future?? (post 1990's)
  • 12.Who are the "Evil Leapers"??
  • 13.How much time passes between Leaps??
  • 14.Does time pass differently at Project Quantum Leap than it does for Sam??

    Al/Project Quantum Leap

  • 15.When is Al's "present"? Or rather, what year did Sam start Leaping??
  • 16.When Al looks at Sam, what does he see??
  • 17.Who is in the Waiting Room?? What does it look like??
  • 18.What is the Imaging Chamber??
  • 19.Can anyone else at the Project go into the Imaging Chamber and see Sam??
  • 20.How does Ziggy know so much about people's lives in the past??
  • 21.Who is this "Gooshie" that Al keeps talking to??
  • 22.If Al is a hologram, why does he cast shadows??
  • 23.Since Al is a hologram, we always see the neat effect of cars driving through him, ect, but how can he sit in a car, and travel within it??
  • 24.Why is Ziggy sometimes referred to as "he", and other times as "she"?
  • 25.How is the Head Programmer's name spelled?? What about Donna's last name??
  • 26.What happened to Alia and Zoey at the end of "Revenge"??
  • 27.In "Killin' Time", where did Stiles get the gun in the Imaging Chamber??
  • 28.Is "Stand Up" the Leap mentioned at the end of "The Leap Back"??
  • 29.Whatever happened to the handlink left in 1945 in "The Leap Back"?? What about Sam's taped confession in "Starlight, Starbright"??

    In Our World

  • 30.What are the inconsistancies I've noticed in "Quantum Leap"??
  • 31.What are "Leapheads"??
  • 32.So what's the story with the episode "The B**gim*n", and why do Leapers refuse to mention it by name??
  • 33.Is Scott Bakula really as nice as he seems??
  • 34.Does Scott Bakula do his own singing in the show??
  • 35.What are these abbriviations I keep seeing??
  • 36.What members of the "Quantum Leap" staff have been in the show??
  • 37.Wasn't the guy who played Al the bartender in the last episode the same actor who played Weird Ernie in the first episode??
  • 38.Are there "Quantum Leap" conventions??
  • 39. How can I write to the cast and crew of QL??
  • 40.How long did "Quantum Leap" origanally run??

    1. Who controls the Leaps??

    Nobody knows. Sam and Al know it's not Ziggy, or anyone else at the Project. In the piolet, Al told Sam that his Leaps were out of the Project's control, so they hypothesized that it was God who was controlling things.
    In the series finale, we get to see the supposed controller, but his exact nature, (and that of the entire episode) is still in heavy debate.

    2. When Sam looks at himself, what does he see??

    He sees himself, Sam Beckett-unless he looks in a mirror. Then he sees the Leapee

    3. Can Sam die during a Leap??

    Yes, he can. Remember it's Sam's body that's Leaping around in time. Anything that could kill him in his own time can kill him on a Leap

    4. Why could Sam see when he Leaped into a blind man?? Would he be able to hear as a deaf person?? In other words, is it Sam's mind that's Leaping or his body??

    Sam is physically Leaping in time. His entire body and soul trades places with the Leapee, although his aura surrounds the Leapee, and vice versa. Sam, not sharing a certain handicap, will not exhibit it.
    Think of it this way. If someone was hit by a car, broke their leg, hit the street, and Sam Leaped in, Sam would not have the broken leg. But if Sam Leaped in, and then was hit by a car, Sam would have the broken leg.
    The fact that it is Sam's body that's Leaping is supported in a number of episodes: "The Wrong Stuff", "Nowhere to Run", "Blind Faith", "Runaway", "Trilogy pt. 3", "Pool Hall Blues", "The Colour Of Truth", "Miss Deep South", and "Dr. Ruth".
    It's also stated that Sam and Al are linked through their measons and neurons, which are physical entities. If Sam didn't Leap physically, this link would be lost. Also, the fact that certain individuals-including himself-can see Sam indicates there is something beyond the Leapee's aura for them to see.

    5. What does the Leapee remember about his experience after he returns??

    No one knows. The only time we saw this occur was in the episode, "Double Indentity", where Sam Leaped to replace another body, and the origanal host returned. He appeared to have no memory of anything after being bounced out. It's been said that while back in the Waiting Room, the Leapee has a "swiss-cheesed" memory. Because of the ultra-modern hospital-like atmousphere of the Waiting Room, many Leapees believe they've been abducted by aliens. As the Leapees return, they pick up some of Sam's memories of what happened, but they believe it happened to them.
    The only other occurance of this that I've seen was in the QL novel, "Foreknowledge", where the Leapee returned to find herself in jail with no idea how she got there. Over time, through her dreams, she was able to remember being in the Waiting Room, and seeing Sam's reflection in the mirror. She eventually got out, and made it her mission to find Sam, and kill him for getting her put in jail. She did find him, but was obviously unsuccessful in killing him.

    6. Can Sam hear the Imaging Chamber door or the handlink??

    Yes, Sam can hear both the Imaging Chamber door and the handlink. In "Lee Harvey Oswald" pt.1, when Sam is startled by Al's sudden appearance in front of his gun, you can hear Al say, "I thought you would've heard the Imaging Chamber door."
    In "Play Ball", when Al insists he can't find any info on Chucky's father, the handlink throws a fit, which makes Sam suspicious.

    7. Can anyone see Sam as himself, rather tha the Leapee?? Can anyone other than Sam see Al??

    Small children, animals, the mentally absent, people near death, and pyschics can see both Sam and Al as they really are. Al once explained that children and animals can see things as they really are because they exsist in a natural alpha state. Also, if a person's brainwaves were in tune with Sam's, that person would be able to see and hear Al, too.

    8. Why can't Sam Leap beyond his own lifetime??

    This is all part of The String Theory. Once, Sam was able to Leap back before his birth due to lightning striking during a Leap out, and he and Al wound up trading places. Sam in the future, (at the Project), and Al in the past (1945). The simo-Leap caused an exchange of subatomic matter between Sam and Al, allowing Sam to Leap back into Al in the year 1945.
    As for the times when Sam Leaps before his own birth, ("Play It Again, Seymour", "The Americanization of Machiko"), Sam's lifetime isn't defined by the day he was born, but rather when he was concieved, since the dates of these paticular Leaps are within 9 months of his birth.
    The String Theory is streched in "The Leap Between the States", where the genetic similarities between Sam and the Leapee allowed him to Leap far before his birth.

    9. What would happen if Sam failed to do what he was there to do??

    One theory is that Sam would Leap into another person's life to attempt to fix what has to be put right, but it's been said that success isn't required for a Leap out. It's possible that this question can't firmly be answered because God/Fate/Time wouldn't Leap Sam into a situation he couldn't handle.

    10. Has Sam ever Leaped outside the U.S??

    Yes, he's Leaped outside the U.S 7 times:
    ~"The Leap Home pt.2-Vietnam": South Vietnam
    ~"Ghost Ship": over the Bermuda Triangle
    ~"The Curse of Ptah Hotep": Egypt
    ~"Lee Harvey Oswald pt.1&2": Japan and Moscow
    ~"Leaping of The Shrew": The Aegean Sea
    ~"Blood Moon": England

    11. Why can't Sam Leap into the future (post 1990's)??

    Although a future Leap would be possible, it wouldn't be practical. Whenever Sam Leaps, he often uses his knowledge of the future to solve problems-or his knowledge of the future enables him to see that a problem exsists at all. (Preventing something from happening that the origanal host didn't see coming the first time around).
    In a future Leap, Ziggy would be useless, Al would be able to do nothing more than lend moral support, or be an extra pair of eyes, and Sam would be just as clueless about the situation as the origanal host; probably more so.

    12. Who are the Evil Leapers??

    Alia and Zoey first appear in "Deliver Us From Evil", and then again in "Return", and "Revenge of The Evil Leaper". Their means of Leaping are noticibly paralell to that of PQL-Imaging Chamber, handlink, holding area, and a controlling computer called Lothos. They act as a counterpart to PQL though, as they do not have the same good intentions as Sam does.
    There has been some debate about PEQL, (Project Evil Quantum Leap) and it is some people's opinion that it's run by Satan himself.

    13. How much time passes between Leaps??

    Time between Leaps are instantanious for Sam, but back at the Project, the length seems to vary. We've heard as long as six days, but it really does seem to vary.

    14. Does time pass differently at Project Quantum Leap than it does for Sam??

    In doesn't seem so. An hour to Sam is no different than an hour at the Project.

    15. When is Al's present?? Or rather, what year did Sam start Leaping??

    From statements in one episode, we know building the the Project began in 1989, and the date of Sam's first Leap was determined to be 1995. Al's present seems to jump around a little because it was 1997 in the third series finale, and then 1999 in the fourth season opener.

    16. When Al looks at Sam, what does he see??

    At first, Al used to see the Leapee. In, "What Price, Gloria", Al was out of control at seeing Sam as the gorgeous Samantha. Al could recognize that it was Sam though, through their linked brainwave transmissions.
    This gets changed however so that Al sees Sam as Sam. A possible theory is that Gooshie had to reconfigure the Imaging Chamber to show Sam's image only after the whole "Gloria" thing.

    17. Who is in the Waiting Room?? What does it look like??

    The Leapee. To everyone at the Project, with the exception of Al, the Leapee looks like Sam. The Waiting Room itself is big, blue, and seemily empty except for one white table with a mirror. The Leapee is occupying Sam's aura, which is why when they look into the mirror, they see Sam's reflection.

    18. What is the Imaging Chamber??

    It's the only place Al can go to talk to and see Sam. Its construction allows a holographic image of Al to be generated into Sam's optic and otic neurons in the past, and for Sam and his surroundings to be projected onto Al's nuerons. It's a very large, and cavernous room, judging by how much walking Al can do, and the sound the door makes when it's opening and closing. It's large, and blue like the Waiting Room.

    19. Can anyone else go into the Imaging Chamber and see Sam??

    Only when Al is touching an object or person, will it be visible to Sam. In quite a few epiosdes, Al has brought something into the IC for Sam to see, other than his standard cigar and handlink. Skin to skin contact must be maintained in order for Sam to see another person (aside from Al) in the IC. (ie, Dr. Beeks in "Shock Theater".)

    20. How does Ziggy know so much about people's lives in the past??

    Ziggy is hooked up to every major database of the late 1990's. Just think about how much about you is stored on computers.

    21. Who is Gooshie??

    Gooshie is the Head Programmer for Ziggy. He's a little guy with bad breath. We've seen him in "The Leap Back", "Killin' Time", and "Mirror Image". He was played by the late Dennis Wolfberg.

    22. If Al is a hologram, why does he cast shadows??

    While Al may not cast any shadows, Dean sure does. It's physically impossible to eliminate them all. There are also times when not having a shadow would make Al look fake-like a pasted on fake effect instead of a real person.

    23. Since Al is a hologram, we always see the neat effect of cars driving through him, and such, but how can he sit in a car and travel with it??

    When Al appears to be riding in a car, he's actually placed his image in the car, and set it to track along with Sam.

    24. Why is Ziggy sometimes refered to as "he", and at other times, "she"??

    To put it very simply, Ziggy changed sex in "The Leap Back" because Don Bellisario thought it would be a good idea. The more creative answer however is that Sam didn't remember that Ziggy was female until he came back, and Al, not wanting spoil anything or confuse him, just went along with it.

    25. How is the Head Programmer's name spelled. What about Donna's last name??

    According to the QL novels, Dennis Wolfberg's character is spelled "Gooshie", and Donna's last name is spelled "Alessi".

    26. What happened to Zoey and Alia at the end of "Revenge"??

    There are no definate answers. Though it appears that Alia was shot, the bullet actually passes through space just after Alia Leaps out, while there is no one there. She is surrounded by the blue Leap effect, indicating that she is now "free" of Lothos. Whether she dies, continues to Leap or whatever is unknown.
    Zoey is definatly shot, but she isn't dead when she Leaps out.

    27. In "Killin' Time", where did Stiles get the gun in the Waiting Room??

    If you look carefully in the first scene with Stiles and Al in the WR, you can see the unconcious guard on the floor. Apparently, the scene with Stiles knocking out the guard and taking his gun was shot, but cut from the final production. The gun didn't Leap with Stiles.

    28. Is "Stand Up" the Leap mentioned at the end of "The Leap Back"??

    No. "Stand Up" took place long after "The Leap Back".

    29. What happened to the handlink left back in 1945 in "The Leap Back"?? What about Sam's taped confession in "Starlight, Starbright"??

    No one knows. It's thought though that someone used them to create Project Evil Quantum Leap

    30. What are the innconsistancies I've noticed in certain episodes??

    These are all probably just script errors.
    In "How the Tess Was Won", Sam doesn't have Doc's glasses, although his mirror image does.
    In "8 1/2 Months", Sam's mirror image has her hair back in a tail while she's eating radishes, yet Sam clearly doesn't have anything in his hair.
    In "Catch a Falling Star", and "Last Dance Before an Execution", Al is able to move up and down stairs even though there are no stairs for Al to climb in the IC.
    In "Nowhere to Run", when Sam gets up from his wheelchair, we can see the Leapee's reflection in the mirror, cut off at the knees. Sam's pants are full length, and should appear in the reflection, but they don't.

    31. What are "Leapheads"??

    There is no such thing as a "Leaphead". "Leaper" is the prefered term when talking about a QL fan. It's used by the fans themselves, and the QL cast and crew.

    32. So what's the story with the episode "The B**giem*n", and why do Leapers refuse to mention it by name??

    This episode first aried around Halloween 1990, and weird events are associated with it. This episode seems to have the highest occourance of VCR/cable/local station failure than any other. It's even hazerdous to mention this episode by name. One net.Leaper who went on and on about the name lost his job, and his internet access. This episode has been known to cause power failures and auto breakdowns, so it's best just to refere to it as the Halloween episode.

    33. Is Scott Bakula really as nice as he seems??

    Most definatly. A good example of the kind of man he is is an appearance at a QL screening for fans in LA back in 1991. He had already been working on the episode "Last Dance Before an Execution", an emotionally draining episode, when he, along with Dean Don, and Deborah Pratt, had to appear at the screening and answer questions. He was open, pleasent, joking with the fans, and even accepting small gifts and hugs. Afterward he was mobbed by zillions of mostly female fans who wanted autographs and pictures. He spoke to each person, and smiled for all the cameras. He really does seem so sweet, and I'm compleatly jelous of every single fan who has already met him!! ;>

    34. Does Scott Bakula do his own singing on the show??

    Oh, yeah. Scott is an excellent singer, (he got a 1988 Tony nomination for "Romance, Romance") pianist, ("Blind Faith") songwriter, (he wrote the lyrics for "Somewhere in the Night" from "Piano Man")dancer, and athlete. If you think Scott's doing it, and it doesn't looki like it could kill him, it's him.

    35. What are these abbriviations I keep seeing??

    GTF="God, Time or Fate"...the unknown force that's Leaping Sam around.
    PQL="Project Quantum Leap"
    IC="Imaging Chamber"
    WR="Waiting Room"
    There are also commom abbriviations for certain episodes.
    MI="Mirror Image"
    TLH="The Leap Home"
    LHO="Lee Harvey Oswald"
    TLB="The Leap Back"

    36. What members of the QL staff have appeared in the show??

    Deborah Pratt as Troian Giovanni Claridge in "A Portrait for Troian"
    Don Bellisario as Timothy Mintz/mirror in "A Portrait for Troian"
    Paul Brown as Julian Claridge in "A Portrait for Troian"
    Don Bellisario as a guy at the bar in "Mirror Image"
    Jean-Pierre Dorleac as the guy who says "butcher, baker..."in "Shock Theater"
    Rob Mendel as the hippie guy in "MIA"
    Chris Ruppenthal as Joshua Raye/mirror in "The B**giem*n"
    Harker Wade as Dylan Powell/mirror in "Temptation Eyes"
    James Whitmore Jr. as Clayton Fuller/mirror in "Trilogy pt.1", as the police captain in "Mirror Image", and as Bob Crockett in "8 1/2 Months"

    37. Wasn't the guy who played Al the bartender in "Mirror Image" the same guy who played Weird Ernie in "Genesis"??

    Yep. Bruce McGill played both parts. It's strange that his part in "Genesis" wasn't refered to in "Mirror Image" as it was with the other re-occouring characters.

    38. Are there Quantum Leap conventions??

    Yes, there are, but I don't have any details of any up-coming ones as of yet.

    39. How can I write to the cast and crew of QL??

    You can reach Don P. Bellisario at:

    Donald P. Bellisario
    Paramount Pictures
    5555 Melrose Ave.
    Los Angeles, CA 90038

    Scott can be reached at:

    Scott Bakula
    c/o Jay D. Schwartz & Associates
    800 South Robertson Blvd. Suite 4
    Los Angeles, CA 90035

    Dean can be found at:

    Dean Stockwell
    c/o United Talent Agency
    9560 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 500
    Beverly Hills, CA 90212

    40. How long did Quantum Leap run for??

    QL ran from March 26, 1989 to May 5, 1993 on NBC for five seasons and a total of 95 episodes.


    The String Theory
    About Me
    Bring Sam Home
    The Leap List
    The Retrieval Theory
    Song Lyrics
    The Imaging Chamber
    The Audio Chamber
    Personell Profiles
    The Quantum Leap Drinking Game