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Personell Profiles

Dr. Samuel Beckett

Sam Beckett was born on August 8, 1953 in Elk Ridge, Indiana. He grew up on his family's dairy farm with his older brother, Tom, his younger sister, Katie, and two cats, Donder and Blitzen.
By the age of 2, Sam could read, do advanced calculus in his head by age 5, and he went to MIT by the age of 17.
He has 6 doctorates including quantum physics, medicine, music, and ancient languages. Sam speaks 7 modern languages, including Japanese, French, German and Spanish, and he can read Egyption hieroglyphics. He has an imeasurable IQ, and he won the Nobel Prize for his work with holograms in quantum physics, causing "Time" magazine to call him "the next Einstien."
Sam played piano at Carnigie Hall at age 19, and he also plays guitar. His favourite song is "Imagine" by John Lennon, and he's a very good dancer.
Sam posseses a photographic memory, is educated in many forms of martial arts, and has been afraid of heights since he was 9. Finally, Sam likes microwave popcorn, light beer, and does a pretty good Elvis impersonation when he's drunk.

Scott Bakula

Scott Stewart Bakula was born on October 9, 1954 in St. Louis, Missouri to Stewart and Sally Bakula. He has 2 younger siblings; brother, Brad, and sister, Linda.
Scott went to Kirkwood Highschool in St. Louis, and graduated in 1973. He then went to the University of Kansas for pre-law and theater studies. Soon after he left for New York for a career in musical theater, and finally left for L.A in 1986.
After a few made-for-TV movies and whatnot, Scott finally landed the role of Dr. Sam Beckett on Quantum Leap in 1989. (Yay!!) After Quantum Leap was cancelled in 1993, (bastards) Scott had roles in various movies including, "A Passion to Kill", "Netforce", "Papa's Angels", and "American Beauty", but his main priority was to spend more time with his four children; Chelsey and Cody from his first marriage, and Wil and Owen with his second wife, Chelsea Field.
Now, of course we can all see Scott every week as Captain Jonathan Archer on Enterprise, a role not a lot of people thought he would be suited for, but if you've ever seen even just one episode, I'm sure you'd agree that they couldn't have picked anyone better.

Rear Admiral Albert Calavicci

Al Calavicci was born on June 15, 1934, and unfortunatly his early childhood wasn't very ideal. His mother, who was part Russian, ran off with an encyclopedia salesman, and his father was a construction worker. When his father was sent to the Middle East, Al was sent to an orphanage, and his sister, Trudy was sent to an institution.
Al kept running away, once to join the circus, and another time he spent several months travelling with a famous pool wizard. While he was in the orpahnage he had a pet cochroach named Kevin, and he was a Golden Gloves Champ. (Al, not Kevin!! ;>)
In 1953, when Al was 19, he left the orphanage and went to get his sister, but found out that she'd died of pneumonia when she was 16.
After that, Al went to Annapolis and joined the Navy to become a piolet. It was then that he started smoking cigars, and earned the nickname, "Bingo".
In 1968, during the Vietnam War, Al was a POW in Hanoi until 1973. During this time, Al's first wife, Beth, lost faith, had him declared dead, and married some yucky lawyer. Al came home to an empty house after spending 5 years in a tiger cage.
Al continued his Naval career, and achieved the rank of Rear Admiral. Despite the prestige and respect that rank demands, Al was a violent drunk for many years. Sam's influence many years later helped to sober him up.
Al likes cars, and trips to Vegas, but his true love is women!! He's been married 5 times. Beth was wife #1, #2 was an un-named Hungarian, Ruthie was #3, #4 was Sharon, who wore pink babydolls, and #5 was Maxine, who wore nothing, but flavored her toes with mint leaves. Al is now with Tina, a Pulse Communications Tech at the Project.
In all, Al is a very flashy dresser, loves women, smokes a lot of fine cigars, and has a serious aversion too dead bodies.

Dean Stockwell

Dean Stockwell was born on March 5, 1936 in Hollywood California to Harry Stockwell, (the voice of Prince Charming in Disney's 1931 film, "Snow White") and Nina Olivette, and is the younger brother of Guy Stockwell, a fellow actor, who unfortunatly died this past year.
Dean began performing as a child, and at the age of 7, appeared on Broadway in "The Innocent Voyange". When he was 16, he left Hollywood and travelled across the country doing odd jobs. When he reached New York, he bagan acting again, and appeared in 1959's "Compulsion", the story of a murderous homosexual, and 1962's "Long Journey Into Night"; both of which earned him awards at the Cannes Film Festival. After that, he dropped out of acting again.
Later on throughout the 70's and 80's, Dean had roles in numerous movies and tv shows, until in 1989, he landed the role we all know and love him best for; Rear Admiral Albert Calavicci on "Quantum Leap". (A role he got due to his Oscar nomination for 1989's "Married To The Mob".)
Since the cancelation of "Quantum Leap" in 1993, Dean has appeared in over 30 movies and tv shows, but that seems to be the only information I can find on him. I've looked everywhere, and there is no personal information on him at all. Is he married?? Does he have children?? What's he up to these days??
If there's anyone out there who can tell me where to find this info, please email me and let me know so I can make the biography of this super-talented, and still super-sexy man complete.


The String Theory
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Bring Sam Home
The Retrieval Theory
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Imaging Chamber
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The Quantum Leap Drinking Game